require 'rubygems' require 'logger' require 'zookeeper' require 'forwardable' require 'thread' require 'monitor' require 'set' require 'time' require 'date' require 'zk/core_ext' require 'zk/logging' require 'zk/exceptions' require 'zk/extensions' require 'zk/event' require 'zk/stat' require 'zk/threadpool' require 'zk/event_handler_subscription' require 'zk/event_handler' require 'zk/message_queue' require 'zk/locker' require 'zk/election' require 'zk/mongoid' require 'zk/client' require 'zk/pool' require 'zk/find' module ZK silence_warnings do # @private ZK_ROOT = File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__).freeze # @private DEFAULT_SERVER = 'localhost:2181'.freeze end unless defined?(KILL_TOKEN) # @private KILL_TOKEN = end unless @logger @logger =$stderr).tap { |n| n.level = Logger::ERROR } end # The logger used by the ZK library. uses a Logger stderr with Logger::ERROR # level. The only thing that should ever be logged are exceptions that are # swallowed by background threads. # # You can change this logger by setting ZK#logger= to an object that # implements the stdllb Logger API. # def self.logger @logger end # Assign the Logger instance to be used by ZK def self.logger=(logger) @logger = logger end # Create a new ZK::Client instance. If no arguments are given, the default # config of `localhost:2181` will be used. Otherwise all args will be passed # to ZK::Client#new # # if a block is given, it will be yielded the client *before* the connection # is established, this is useful for registering connected-state handlers. # # Since 1.0, if you pass a chrooted host string, i.e. `localhost:2181/foo/bar/baz` this # method will create two connections. The first will be short lived, and will create the # chroot path, the second will be the chrooted one and returned to the user. This is # meant as a convenience to users who want to use chrooted connections. # # @note As it says in the ZooKeeper [documentation](, # if you are running a cluster: "The list of ZooKeeper servers used by the # client must match the list of ZooKeeper servers that each ZooKeeper # server has. Things can work, although not optimally, if the client list # is a subset of the real list of ZooKeeper servers, but not if the client # lists ZooKeeper servers not in the ZooKeeper cluster." # # @example Connection using defaults # # zk = # will connect to 'localhost:2181' # # @example Connection to a single server # # zk ='localhost:2181') # # @example Connection to a single server with a chroot (automatically created) # # zk ='localhost:2181/look/around/you') # # @example Connection to multiple servers (a cluster) # # zk ='server1:2181,server2:2181,server3:2181') # # @example Connection to multiple servers with a chroot (chroot will automatically be creatd) # # zk ='server1:2181,server2:2181,server3:2181/look/around/you') # # @example Connection to a single server, assert that chroot path exists, but do not create it # # zk ='localhost:2181/look/around/you', :chroot => :check) # # @example Connection to a single server, use a chrooted connection, do not check for validity, do not create # # zk ='localhost:2181/look/around/you', :chroot => :do_nothing) # # @example Connection to a single server, chroot path specified as an option # # zk ='localhost:2181', :chroot => '/look/around/you') # # @overload new(connection_str, opts={}, &block) # @param [String] connection_str A zookeeper host connection string, which # is a comma-separated list of zookeeper servers and an optional chroot # path. # # @option opts [:create,:check,:do_nothing,String] :chroot (:create) if a chrooted # `connection_str`, `:chroot` can have the following values: # # * `:create` (the default), then we will use a secondary (short-lived) # un-chrooted connection to ensure that the path exists before returning # the chrooted connection. # # * `:check`, we will not attempt to create the connection, but rather # will raise a {Exceptions::ChrootPathDoesNotExistError # ChrootPathDoesNotExistError} if the path doesn't exist. # # * `:do_nothing`, we do not create the path and furthermore we do not # perform the check (the `<= 0.9` behavior). # # * if a `String` is given, it is used as the chroot path, and we will follow # the same rules as if `:create` was given if `connection_str` also # contains a chroot path, we raise an `ArgumentError` # # * if you don't like this for some reason, you can always use # {ZK::Client::Threaded#initialize} directly. You probably # also hate happiness and laughter. # # @raise [ChrootPathDoesNotExistError] if a chroot path is specified, # `:chroot` is `:check`, and the path does not exist. # # @raise [ArgumentError] if both a chrooted `connection_str` is given *and* a # `String` value for the `:chroot` option is given # def*args, &block) opts = args.extract_options! chroot_opt = opts.fetch(:chroot, :create) args = [DEFAULT_SERVER] if args.empty? # the case if args.first.kind_of?(String) if new_cnx_str = do_chroot_setup(args.first, chroot_opt) args[0] = new_cnx_str end else raise ArgumentError, "cannot create a connection given args array: #{args}" end opts.delete(:chroot_opt) args << opts*args, &block) end # Like new, yields a connection to the given block and closes it when the # block returns def*args) cnx = new(*args) yield cnx ensure cnx.close! if cnx end # creates a new ZK::Pool::Bounded with the default options. def self.new_pool(host, opts={}), opts) end # @private def self.join(*paths) File.join(*paths) end private # @return [String] a possibly modified connection string (with chroot info # added) # def self.do_chroot_setup(cnx_str, chroot_opt=:create) # "it should set up the chroot for us," they says. # "it's confusing if it doesn't do that for us," they says. # sheesh, look at this... host, chroot_path = Client.split_chroot(cnx_str) case chroot_opt when :do_nothing return when String if chroot_path raise ArgumentError, "You cannot give a connection_str with a chroot path (#{cnx_str}) *and* specify a :chroot => #{chroot_opt} too!" else # ok, cnx_str didn't have a chroot path on it, but the user # specified :chroot => '/path'. we'll use that, then chroot_path = chroot_opt.dup chroot_opt = :create # oh, and return the correct string later cnx_str = "#{host}#{chroot_path}" end when :create, :check # no-op, valid options for later else raise ArgumentError, ":chroot must be one of :create, :check, :do_nothing, or a String, not: #{chroot_opt.inspect}" end return cnx_str unless chroot_path # if by this point, we don't have a chroot_path, then there isn't one to be had # make sure the given path is kosher Client.assert_valid_chroot_str!(chroot_path) open(host) do |zk| # do path stuff with the virgin connection unless zk.exists?(chroot_path) # someting must be done if chroot_opt == :create # here, let me... zk.mkdir_p(chroot_path) # ...get that for you else # careful with that axe raise, chroot_path) # ...eugene end end end cnx_str # the possibly-modified connection string (with chroot info) end end