require 'fileutils' Given /^I have a rails application with license finder$/ do @user = @user.create_rails_app end Given /^I have an application with license finder$/ do @user = @user.create_nonrails_app end Given /^I have an application setup with rake and license finder$/ do @user = @user.create_nonrails_app @user.add_license_finder_to_rakefile @user.execute_command "rake license:init" end Given /^my application does not have a config directory$/ do FileUtils.rm_rf(@user.config_path) File.exists?(@user.config_path).should be_false end Then /^the config directory should exist$/ do File.exists?(@user.config_path).should be_true end Given /^my application's rake file requires license finder$/ do @user.add_license_finder_to_rakefile end Given /^my (?:rails )?app depends on a gem "(.*?)" licensed with "(.*?)"$/ do |gem_name, license| @user.add_dependency_to_app gem_name, :license => license end Given /^my (?:rails )?app depends on a gem "(.*?)" licensed with "(.*?)" in the "(.*?)" bundler groups$/ do |gem_name, license, bundler_groups| @user.add_dependency_to_app gem_name, :license => license, :bundler_groups => bundler_groups end Given /^I whitelist the "(.*?)" license$/ do |license| @user.configure_license_finder_whitelist [license] end Given /^I whitelist the following licenses: "([^"]*)"$/ do |licenses| @user.configure_license_finder_whitelist licenses.split(", ") end When /^I run "(.*?)"$/ do |command| @output = @user.execute_command command end When /^I update the settings for "([^"]*)" with the following content:$/ do |gem, text| @user.update_gem(gem, YAML.load(text)) end When /^I add the following content to "([^"]*)":$/ do |filename, text| @user.append_to_file(filename, @content = text) end When /^my application depends on a gem "([^"]*)" with:$/ do |gem_name, gem_info| info = gem_info.hashes.first @user.add_dependency_to_app(gem_name, :license => info["license"], :summary => info["summary"], :description => info["description"] ) end Then /^I should see "(.*?)" in its output$/ do |gem_name| @output.should include gem_name end Then /^I should not see "(.*?)" in its output$/ do |gem_name| @output.should_not include gem_name end Then /^license finder should generate a file "([^"]*)" with the following content:$/ do |filename, text|, filename)).should == text.gsub(/^\s+/, "") end Then /^license finder should generate a file "([^"]*)" containing:$/ do |filename, text|, filename)).should include(text.gsub(/^\s+/, "")) end Then /^I should see the following settings for "([^"]*)":$/ do |name, yaml| expected_settings = YAML.load(yaml) all_settings = YAML.load( actual_settings = all_settings.detect { |gem| gem['name'] == name } actual_settings.should include expected_settings end Then /^it should exit with status code (\d)$/ do |status| $?.exitstatus.should == status.to_i end module DSL class User def create_nonrails_app reset_projects! `cd #{projects_path} && bundle gem #{app_name}` add_gem_dependency('rake') add_gem_dependency('license_finder', :path => root_path) end def create_rails_app reset_projects! `bundle exec rails new #{app_path} --skip-bundle` add_gem_dependency('license_finder', :path => root_path) bundle_app end def add_license_finder_to_rakefile add_to_rakefile <<-RUBY require 'bundler/setup' require 'license_finder' LicenseFinder.load_rake_tasks RUBY end def update_gem(name, attrs) file_contents = YAML.load( index = file_contents.index { |gem| gem['name'] == name } file_contents[index].merge!(attrs), "w") do |f| f.puts file_contents.to_yaml end end def append_to_file(filename, text), filename), "a") do |f| f.puts text end end def add_dependency_to_app(gem_name, options={}) license = options.fetch(:license) summary = options.fetch(:summary, "") description = options.fetch(:description, "") bundler_groups = options.fetch(:bundler_groups, "").split(',').map(&:strip) gem_dir = File.join(projects_path, gem_name) FileUtils.mkdir(gem_dir), "#{gem_name}.gemspec"), 'w') do |file| file.write <<-GEMSPEC do |s| = "#{gem_name}" s.version = "0.0.0" = "Cucumber" s.summary = "#{summary}" s.license = "#{license}" s.description = "#{description}" end GEMSPEC end gem_options = {} gem_options[:path] = File.join(projects_path, gem_name) gem_options[:groups] = bundler_groups unless bundler_groups.empty? add_gem_dependency(gem_name, gem_options) bundle_app end def configure_license_finder_whitelist(whitelisted_licenses=[]), "license_finder.yml"), "w") do |f| f.write({'whitelist' => whitelisted_licenses}.to_yaml) end end def execute_command(command) Bundler.with_clean_env do @output = `cd #{app_path} && bundle exec #{command}` end @output end def app_path File.join(projects_path, app_name) end def config_path File.join(app_path, 'config') end def dependencies_file_path File.join(app_path, 'dependencies.yml') end private def bundle_app Bundler.with_clean_env do `bundle install --gemfile=#{File.join(app_path, "Gemfile")} --path=#{bundle_path}` end end def add_gem_dependency(name, options = {}) line = "gem #{name.inspect}" line << ", " + options.inspect unless options.empty? add_to_gemfile(line) end def add_to_gemfile(line) `echo #{line.inspect} >> #{File.join(app_path, "Gemfile")}` end def add_to_rakefile(line) `echo #{line.inspect} >> #{File.join(app_path, "Rakefile")}` end def app_name "my_app" end def sandbox_path File.join(root_path, "tmp") end def projects_path File.join(sandbox_path, "projects") end def bundle_path File.join(sandbox_path, "bundle") end def reset_projects! `rm -rf #{projects_path}` `mkdir -p #{projects_path}` end def root_path File.realpath(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..")) end end end