require File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/spec_helper") class HighLevelSpec end describe "RR" do attr_reader :subject before(:each) do @subject = extend RR::Adapters::RRMethods end after(:each) do RR.reset end describe "mock" do it "mocks via inline call" do mock(subject).to_s {"a value"} subject.to_s.should == "a value" lambda {subject.to_s}.should raise_error(RR::Errors::TimesCalledError) end it "allows ordering" do mock(subject).to_s {"value 1"}.ordered mock(subject).to_s {"value 2"}.twice subject.to_s.should == "value 1" subject.to_s.should == "value 2" subject.to_s.should == "value 2" lambda {subject.to_s}.should raise_error(RR::Errors::TimesCalledError) end it 'allows terse chaining' do mock(subject).first(1) {mock( {mock( {4}}} subject.first(1).second(2).third(3).should == 4 mock(subject).first(1) {mock!.second(2) {mock!.third(3) {4}}} subject.first(1).second(2).third(3).should == 4 mock(subject).first(1) {mock!.second(2).mock!.third(3) {4}} subject.first(1).second(2).third(3).should == 4 mock(subject).first(1) {mock!.second(2).mock! {third(3) {4}}} subject.first(1).second(2).third(3).should == 4 mock(subject).first(1).mock!.second(2).mock!.third(3) {4} subject.first(1).second(2).third(3).should == 4 end it 'allows chaining with proxy' do find_return_value = def find_return_value.child :the_child end (class << subject; self; end).class_eval do define_method(:find) do |id| id == '1' ? find_return_value : raise(ArgumentError) end end mock.proxy(subject).find('1').mock.proxy!.child subject.find('1').child.should == :the_child end it 'allows branched chaining' do mock(subject).first do mock! do |expect| expect.branch1 {mock!.branch11 {11}} expect.branch2 {mock!.branch22 {22}} end end o = subject.first o.branch1.branch11.should == 11 o.branch2.branch22.should == 22 end it 'allows chained ordering' do mock(subject).to_s {"value 1"}.then.to_s {"value 2"}.twice.then.to_s {"value 3"}.once subject.to_s.should == "value 1" subject.to_s.should == "value 2" subject.to_s.should == "value 2" subject.to_s.should == "value 3" lambda {subject.to_s}.should raise_error(RR::Errors::TimesCalledError) end it "mocks via block with argument" do mock subject do |c| c.to_s {"a value"} c.to_sym {:crazy} end subject.to_s.should == "a value" subject.to_sym.should == :crazy end it "mocks via block without argument" do mock subject do to_s {"a value"} to_sym {:crazy} end subject.to_s.should == "a value" subject.to_sym.should == :crazy end it "has wildcard matchers" do mock(subject).foobar( is_a(String), anything, numeric, boolean, duck_type(:to_s), /abc/ ) {"value 1"}.twice subject.foobar( 'hello',, 99, false, "My String", "Tabcola" ).should == "value 1" lambda do subject.foobar(:failure) end.should raise_error( RR::Errors::DoubleNotFoundError ) end it "mocks methods without letters" do mock(subject) == 55 subject == 55 lambda do subject == 99 end.should raise_error(RR::Errors::DoubleNotFoundError) end end describe "proxy" do it "proxies via inline call" do expected_to_s_value = subject.to_s mock.proxy(subject).to_s subject.to_s.should == expected_to_s_value lambda {subject.to_s}.should raise_error end it "proxy allows ordering" do def subject.to_s(arg) "Original to_s with arg #{arg}" end mock.proxy(subject).to_s(:foo).ordered mock.proxy(subject).to_s(:bar).twice.ordered subject.to_s(:foo).should == "Original to_s with arg foo" subject.to_s(:bar).should == "Original to_s with arg bar" subject.to_s(:bar).should == "Original to_s with arg bar" lambda {subject.to_s(:bar)}.should raise_error(RR::Errors::TimesCalledError) end it "proxy allows ordering" do def subject.to_s(arg) "Original to_s with arg #{arg}" end mock.proxy(subject).to_s(:foo).ordered mock.proxy(subject).to_s(:bar).twice.ordered subject.to_s(:foo).should == "Original to_s with arg foo" subject.to_s(:bar).should == "Original to_s with arg bar" subject.to_s(:bar).should == "Original to_s with arg bar" lambda {subject.to_s(:bar)}.should raise_error(RR::Errors::TimesCalledError) end it "proxies via block with argument" do def subject.foobar_1(*args) :original_value_1 end def subject.foobar_2 :original_value_2 end mock.proxy subject do |c| c.foobar_1(1) c.foobar_2 end subject.foobar_1(1).should == :original_value_1 lambda {subject.foobar_1(:blah)}.should raise_error subject.foobar_2.should == :original_value_2 lambda {subject.foobar_2(:blah)}.should raise_error end it "proxies via block without argument" do def subject.foobar_1(*args) :original_value_1 end def subject.foobar_2 :original_value_2 end mock.proxy subject do foobar_1(1) foobar_2 end subject.foobar_1(1).should == :original_value_1 lambda {subject.foobar_1(:blah)}.should raise_error subject.foobar_2.should == :original_value_2 lambda {subject.foobar_2(:blah)}.should raise_error end end describe "stub" do it "stubs via inline call" do stub(subject).to_s {"a value"} subject.to_s.should == "a value" end it "allows ordering" do stub(subject).to_s {"value 1"}.once.ordered stub(subject).to_s {"value 2"}.once.ordered subject.to_s.should == "value 1" subject.to_s.should == "value 2" end it "stubs via block with argument" do stub subject do |d| d.to_s {"a value"} d.to_sym {:crazy} end subject.to_s.should == "a value" subject.to_sym.should == :crazy end it "stubs via block without argument" do stub subject do to_s {"a value"} to_sym {:crazy} end subject.to_s.should == "a value" subject.to_sym.should == :crazy end it "stubs instance_of" do stub.instance_of(HighLevelSpec) do |o| o.to_s {"High Level Spec"} end == "High Level Spec" end it "stubs methods without letters" do stub(subject).__send__(:==) {:equality} (subject == 55).should == :equality end end describe "RR recorded_calls" do it "should verify method calls after the fact" do stub(subject).pig_rabbit subject.pig_rabbit("bacon", "bunny meat") #subject.should have_received.pig_rabitt("bacon", "bunny meat") verify_invocation of_spy(subject).pig_rabbit("bacon", "bunny meat") end it "should verify method calls after the fact" do stub(subject).pig_rabbit lambda do verify_invocation of_spy(subject).pig_rabbit("bacon", "bunny meat") end.should raise_error(RR::Errors::SpyVerificationError) end end class StrongTestObject def method_with_no_arguments end def method_with_one_argument(string) end def method_with_two_arguments(string, integer) end def method_with_three_arguments_including_varargs(string, integer, *args) end def method_with_varargs(*args) end end describe "strong" do context "when the method does not exist" do it "raises an exception" do lambda do strong.stub( end.should raise_error(RR::Errors::SubjectDoesNotImplementMethodError) end end context "when the method exists with no arguments" do it "does not raise an exception" do strong.stub( end end context "when the method has a different arity" do it "raises an exception" do lambda do strong.stub( end.should raise_error(RR::Errors::SubjectHasDifferentArityError) end end context "when the method has accepts a variable number of arguments" do it "does not raise an exception" do strong.stub( end end context "when the method does not provide the required parameters before varargs" do it "raises an exception" do lambda do strong.stub( end.should raise_error(RR::Errors::SubjectHasDifferentArityError) end end context "when the minimum number of parameters are provided" do it "does not raise an exception" do strong.stub("one", 2) end end context "when using instance_of and the method does not exist" do it "raises an exception" do lambda do strong.stub.instance_of(StrongTestObject).something end.should raise_error(RR::Errors::SubjectDoesNotImplementMethodError) end end context "when using instance_of and the method does exist" do it "does not raise an exception" do strong.stub.instance_of(StrongTestObject).method_with_no_arguments end end end describe "spies" do end end