module MiteCmd class Application TIME_FORMAT = /^(\d+(\.\d+)?:?\+?)|(\d+:\d+\+?)|\+$/ FLIRTS = [ 'I like your hairstyle.', 'What a nice console you have.', 'My favorite color is red on black, monospaced.', "What a lovely operation system this #{`uname`} is.", 'What about dinner tonight?', 'Your keystrokes are tingling.' ] def initialize(arguments=[]) @arguments = arguments MiteCmd.load_configuration unless ['configure', 'help'].include?(arguments.first) end def run if @arguments.first == 'open' open_or_echo Mite.account_url elsif @arguments.first == 'help' open_or_echo '' elsif @arguments.first == 'configure' raise'mite configure needs two arguments, the account name and the apikey') if @arguments.size < 3 # lol boobs, err... an ice cone! write_configuration({:account => @arguments[1], :apikey => @arguments[2]}) tell("Couldn't set up bash completion. I'm terribly frustrated. Maybe 'mite help' helps out.") unless try_to_setup_bash_completion elsif @arguments.first == 'auto-complete' autocomplete = autocomplete.completion_table = if File.exist?(cache_file) Marshal.load else rebuild_completion_table end { |s| tell s } elsif @arguments.first == 'rebuild-cache' File.delete(cache_file) if File.exist? cache_file rebuild_completion_table tell 'The rebuilding of the cache has been done, Master. Your wish is my command.' elsif ['today', 'yesterday', 'this_week', 'last_week', 'this_month', 'last_month'].include? @arguments.first total_minutes = 0 total_revenue = Mite::TimeEntry.all(:params => {:at => @arguments.first, :user_id => 'current'}).each do |time_entry| total_minutes += time_entry.minutes tell time_entry.inspect tell ("%s:%.2d" % [total_minutes/60, total_minutes-total_minutes/60*60]).colorize(:lightred) + ", " + ("%.2f $" % (total_revenue/100)).colorize(:lightgreen) elsif ['stop', 'pause', 'lunch'].include? @arguments.first if current_tracker = (Mite::Tracker.current ? Mite::Tracker.current.stop : nil) tell current_tracker.time_entry.inspect end elsif @arguments.first == 'start' if time_entry = Mite::TimeEntry.first(:params => {:at => 'today'}) time_entry.start_tracker tell time_entry.inspect else tell "Oh my dear! I tried hard, but I could'nt find any time entry for today." end elsif (1..4).include?(@arguments.size) attributes = {} if time_string = { |a| a =~ TIME_FORMAT }.first attributes[:minutes] = parse_minutes(time_string) unless time_string == '+' start_tracker = (time_string =~ /\+$/) end if project = find_or_create_project(@arguments.first) attributes[:project_id] = end if @arguments[1] && service = find_or_create_service(@arguments[1]) attributes[:service_id] = end if note = parse_note(@arguments, time_string) attributes[:note] = note end time_entry = Mite::TimeEntry.create attributes time_entry.start_tracker if start_tracker tell time_entry.inspect elsif @arguments.size == 0 tell Mite::Tracker.current ? Mite::Tracker.current.inspect : flirt end end def say(what) puts what end alias_method :tell, :say def flirt FLIRTS[rand(FLIRTS.size)] end private def find_or_create_project(name) project = Mite::Project.first(:params => {:name => name}) return nil if name =~ TIME_FORMAT project ? project : Mite::Project.create(:name => name) end def find_or_create_service(name) service = Mite::Service.first(:params => {:name => name}) return nil if name =~ TIME_FORMAT service ? service : Mite::Service.create(:name => name) end def parse_note(args, time_string) if args[3] args[3] elsif time_string.nil? && args[2] args[2] elsif time_string && args[args.index(time_string)+1] args[args.index(time_string)+1] else nil end end def parse_minutes(string) string = string.sub(/\+$/, '') if string =~ /^\d+:\d+$/ string.split(':').first.to_i*60 + string.split(':').last.to_i elsif string =~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?:?$/ (string.to_f*60).to_i end end def rebuild_completion_table completion_table = { 0 =>, 1 =>, 2 => ['0:05', '0:05+', '0:15', '0:15+', '0:30', '0:30+', '1:00', '1:00+'].map(&:quote), 3 => }, 'w') { |f| Marshal.dump(completion_table, f) } completion_table end def cache_file File.expand_path('~/.mite.cache') end def open_or_echo(open_argument) exec "open '#{open_argument}' || echo '#{open_argument}'" end def write_configuration(config)'~/.mite.yml'), 'w') do |f| YAML.dump(config, f) end end def try_to_setup_bash_completion bash_code = "\n\n#{MiteCmd::BASH_COMPLETION}" ['~/.bash_completion', '~/.bash_profile', '~/.bash_login', '~/.bashrc'].each do |file| bash_config_file = File.expand_path file next unless File.exist?(bash_config_file) unless =~ /#{bash_code}/, 'a') do |f| f.puts bash_code end return true end end return false end end end