# # Author:: Edmund Haselwanter () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2011 Edmund Haselwanter # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "zabbix_pusher/version" require "active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb" require 'nokogiri' require 'yajl/json_gem' require 'zabbix' require "socket" require "zabbix_pusher/jmx" module ZabbixPusher def self.root @root ="#{File.expand_path('../..',__FILE__)}" end class Pusher def initialize(templates, options = {} ) options[:zabbix_server_name] = 'localhost' unless options[:zabbix_server_name] options[:zabbix_server_port] = '10051' unless options[:zabbix_server_port] options[:sender_hostname] = Socket.gethostname unless options[:sender_hostname] @options = options @templates = template_files(templates) @items = template_items(@templates) end def template_files(templates) template_files = [] template_files = Dir.glob(File.join(templates,'*.xml')) if !templates.is_a?(Array) && File.directory?(templates) template_files = templates.map{ |template| template if File.exist?(template) }.compact if templates.is_a?(Array) template_files = [templates] if !templates.is_a?(Array) && File.exist?(templates) && !File.directory?(templates) template_files end def template_items(templates) parsed_items = Hash.new templates.each do |template| template_items = Nokogiri::XML(File.open(template)) items = template_items.xpath('//item').map {|item| item.attributes['key'].text}.compact items.each do |item| parts = item.match(/([^\[]+)\[([^\]]+)/) key = parts[1] attributes = parts[2] (parsed_items[key.to_sym]) ? parsed_items[key.to_sym] << attributes : parsed_items[key.to_sym] = [attributes] end end parsed_items end def send(items = :all) return if @items.nil? pushers = ( items == :all) ? (@items.keys.map{ |key| "ZabbixPusher::#{key.to_s.camelize}".constantize}) : ["ZabbixPusher::#{items.camelize}".constantize] processed_items = Hash.new pushers.map do |pusher| pusher_key = pusher.to_s.demodulize.underscore.to_sym processed_items.update pusher.new(@items[pusher_key],@options[pusher_key]).send(:processed_items) end zbx = Zabbix::Sender::Buffer.new :host => @options[:zabbix_server_name], :port => @options[:zabbix_server_port] processed_items.each do |key,value| zbx.append key, value, :host => @options[:sender_hostname] end zbx.flush processed_items end end end