require 'matrix' # Methods and variables for interacting with the gnuplot process. Most of # these methods are for sending data to a gnuplot process, not for reading from # it. Most of the methods are implemented as added methods to the built in # classes. module Gnuplot # Trivial implementation of the which command that uses the PATH environment # variable to attempt to find the given application. The application must # be executable and reside in one of the directories in the PATH environment # to be found. The first match that is found will be returned. # # bin [String] The name of the executable to search for. # # Return the full path to the first match or nil if no match is found. # def Gnuplot.which ( bin ) return bin if File::executable? bin path = ENV['PATH'] # || ENV['WHAT_EVER_WINDOWS_PATH_VAR_IS'] path.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |dir| candidate = File::join dir, bin.strip return candidate if File::executable? candidate end # This is an implementation that works when the which command is # available. # # IO.popen("which #{bin}") { |io| return io.readline.chomp } return nil end # Find the path to the gnuplot executable. The name of the executable can # be specified using the RB_GNUPLOT environment variable but will default to # the command 'gnuplot'. # # persist [bool] Add the persist flag to the gnuplot executable # # Return the path to the gnuplot executable or nil if one cannot be found. def Gnuplot.gnuplot( persist = true ) cmd = which( ENV['RB_GNUPLOT'] || 'gnuplot' ) #cmd = "gnuplot" cmd += " -background white" cmd += " -persist" if persist cmd end # Open a gnuplot process that exists in the current PATH. If the persist # flag is true then the -persist flag is added to the command line. The # path to the gnuplot executable is determined using the 'which' command. # # See the gnuplot documentation for information on the persist flag. # # <b>todo</b> Add a method to pass the gnuplot path to the function. def persist=true ) cmd = Gnuplot.gnuplot( persist ) or raise 'gnuplot not found'".gptemp#{}", 'w'){|f| yield f} #system "#{cmd} .gptemp#{}" #FileUtils.rm ".gptemp#{}" if $debug_gnuplot #raise "HEELOOE" yield(STDOUT) else IO::popen( cmd, "w") { |io| yield io } end end end class GraphKit GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_TERM=ENV['GRAPHKIT_TERM'] || "x11" GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_COLOURS = {0 => "#df0000", 1 => "#00df00", 2 => "#0000df", 3 => "#a000a0", 4 => "#0090a0", 5 => "#e59500", 6 => "#82c290", 7 => "#f76dba", 8 => "#c20f00", 9 => "#4f1099"} class GnuplotVariables < KitHash def apply(io) self.each do |var,val| ion << "#{var} = #{val}\n" if val end end end class GnuplotSetOptions < KitHash attr_accessor :multiplot_following alias :hash_key :key undef :key QUOTED = [ "title", "output", "xlabel", "ylabel", "zlabel", "x2label", "y2label", "z2label" ] GNUPLOT_SETS = %w[ dgrid3d angles arrow autoscale bars bmargin border boxwidth cbdata cbdtics cblabel cbmtics cbrange cbtics clabel clip cntrparam colorbox contour data datafile date_specifiers decimalsign dummy encoding fit fontpath format function grid hidden3d historysize isosamples key label lmargin loadpath locale log logscale macros mapping margin missing mouse mx2tics mxtics my2tics mytics mztics object nosurface offsets origin output palette parametric pm3d pointsize polar print rmargin rrange samples size style surface table term terminal termoption tics ticscale ticslevel time_specifiers timefmt timestamp title tmargin trange urange view vrange x2data x2dtics x2label x2mtics x2range x2tics x2zeroaxis xdata xdtics xlabel xmtics xrange xtics xyplane xzeroaxis y2data y2dtics y2label y2mtics y2range y2tics y2zeroaxis ydata ydtics ylabel ymtics yrange ytics yzeroaxis zdata zdtics zero zeroaxis zlabel zmtics zrange ztics multiplot ].map{|s| s.to_sym} # p instance_methods.sort GNUPLOT_SETS.each do |opt| define_method(opt + "=".to_sym) do |str| check(["Class of #{str} supplied to #{opt}", str.class, [Array, String, FalseClass, NilClass]]) self[opt] = str end define_method(opt) do self[opt] end end def []=(opt, val) raise "#{opt} is not a valid gnuplot set option" unless GNUPLOT_SETS.include? opt super end def apply(io) io << "set term #{GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_TERM}\n" unless self[:term] or self.multiplot_following self.each do |var,val| next unless val next if self.multiplot_following and ["term", "output"].include? var.to_s next if var.to_s == "multiplot" apply_option(io, var, val) end apply_option(io, :multiplot, self[:multiplot]) if self[:multiplot] end def apply_option(io, var, val) if val == "unset" #eputs "Unsetting #{var}" io << "unset #{var}\n" return end if var.to_s == 'log_axis' var = 'log' end if val.kind_of? Array val.each do |vall| io << "set #{var} #{vall}\n" end elsif QUOTED.include? var.to_s and not val =~ /^\s*'.*'/ #ep "quoting #{var}: #{val}" io << "set #{var} '#{val}'\n" else io << "set #{var} #{val}\n" end end end class GnuplotPlotOptions < KitHash QUOTED = ["title"] GNUPLOT_SETS = %w[ function using axes title with ].map{|s| s.to_sym} #%w[ #acsplines axes bezier binary #csplines cumulative datafile errorbars #errorlines every example frequency #index iteration kdensity matrix #parametric ranges sbezier smooth #special-filenames style thru title #unique using with].map{|s| s.to_sym} # p instance_methods.sort GNUPLOT_SETS.each do |opt| define_method(opt + "=".to_sym) do |str| check(["Class of #{str} supplied to #{opt}", str.class, [Array, String, FalseClass, NilClass]]) self[opt] = str end define_method(opt) do self[opt] end end def []=(opt, val) raise "#{opt} is not a valid gnuplot set option" unless GNUPLOT_SETS.include? opt super end def apply(io) self[:function] ||= "'-'" GNUPLOT_SETS.each do |var| val = send(var) next unless val case var when :function io << " #{val} " when :title io << "#{var} '#{val}'" else if QUOTED.include? var.to_s and not val =~ Regexp.quoted_string io << "#{var} '#{val}' " else io << "#{var} #{val} " end end end end end def gnuplot_sets # gnuplot_options included for back. comp self[:gnuplot_sets] ||= @gnuplot_options || self[:gnuplot_sets] end alias :gp :gnuplot_sets def gnuplot_variables @gnuplot_variables ||= end alias :gv :gnuplot_variables # Modify the graphkit according to the options hash def apply_gnuplot_options(options) options = options.dup # No reason to modify the original hash logf :gnuplot processes = %x[ps | grep 'gnuplot'].scan(/^\s*\d+/).map{|match| match.to_i} if options[:outlier_tolerance] raise "Can only get rid of outliers for 1D or 2D data" if naxes > 2 data.each do |datakit| datakit.outlier_tolerance = options[:outlier_tolerance] # datakit.calculate_outliers datakit.exclude_outliers end options.delete(:outlier_tolerance) end = options[:live] options.delete(:live) if live if (self.view =~ /map/ or self.pm3d =~ /map/) and naxes < 4 self.cbrange ||= self.zrange options[:cbrange] ||= options[:zrange] if options[:zrange] end if options[:eval] eval(options[:eval]) options.delete(:eval) end options.each do |k,v| # ep option, val if option == :xrange # ep k, v set(k, v) end end def apply_graphkit_standard_options_to_gnuplot [:label, :range].each do |property| (AXES - [:f]).each do |axis| option = axis + property val = self.send(option) if val if property == :range val = "[#{val[0]}:#{val[1]}]" end gp.set(option, val) end end end [:title].each do |option| val = send(option) gp.set(option, val) if val end end private :apply_graphkit_standard_options_to_gnuplot def gnuplot(options={}) apply_gnuplot_options(options) apply_graphkit_standard_options_to_gnuplot check_integrity if options[:io] send_gnuplot_commands(io) else do |io| send_gnuplot_commands(io) (STDIN.gets) if live end end end def send_gnuplot_commands(io) = gnuplot_sets.apply(io) gnuplot_variables.apply(io) case naxes when 1,2 io << "plot " when 3,4 io << "splot " end imax = data.size - 1 data.each_with_index do |dk,i| next if i>0 and compress_datakits dk.gnuplot_plot_options.with ||= dk.with #b.c. dk.gnuplot_plot_options.title ||= dk.title #b.c. dk.gnuplot_plot_options.apply(io) #p 'imax', imax, i, i == imax next if compress_datakits io << ", " unless i == imax end io << "\n" data.each_with_index do |dk,i| dk.gnuplot(io) unless compress_datakits and i<imax io << "e\n\n" else io << "\n\n" end end end def close logf :close begin #require 'sys/proctable' #p{ |pe| pe.ppid == pid } Process.kill('TERM', pid) if pid rescue => err puts err, pid end = nil end class DataKit def gnuplot_plot_options self[:gnuplot_plot_options] ||= end alias :gp :gnuplot_plot_options class TensorArray def initialize(arr) @arr=arr end def [](*args) args.reverse.inject(@arr) do |arr,idx| arr[idx] end end end def gnuplot(io) axs = self.axes.values_at(*AXES).compact #ep 'axs', axs dl = data_length = axs[-1].shape.product dat ={|ax|} sh = shapes cml_sh = do |sh| cml = 1{|dim| cml *= dim; cml}.reverse end dat = do |d| d.kind_of?(Array) ? : d end if self.errors raise "Errors can only be plotted for 1D or 2D data" unless ranks == [1] or ranks == [1,1] edat = self.errors.values_at(:x, :xmin, :xmax, :y, :ymin, :ymax).compact #ep 'edat', edat end case ranks when [1], [1,1], [1,1,1], [1,1,1,1] dl.times do |n| dat.each{|d| io << d[n] << " "} io << " " <<{|e| e[n].to_s}.join(" ") if self.errors io << "\n" end when [1,1,2] sh[-1][0].times do |i| sh[-1][1].times do |j| next unless dat[2][i,j] d = [dat[0][i], dat[1][j], dat[2][i,j]] d.each{|dt| io << dt << " "} io << "\n" end io << "\n" unless sh[-1][1] == 1 end when [2,2,2] sh[-1][0].times do |i| sh[-1][1].times do |j| next unless dat[2][i,j] d = [dat[0][i,j], dat[1][i,j], dat[2][i,j]] d.each{|dt| io << dt << " "} io << "\n" end io << "\n" unless sh[-1][1] == 1 end when [1,1,2,2] sh[-1][0].times do |i| sh[-1][1].times do |j| next unless dat[3][i,j] d = [dat[0][i], dat[1][j], dat[2][i,j], dat[3][i,j]] d.each{|dt| io << dt << " "} io << "\n" end io << "\n" unless sh[-1][1] == 1 end when [1,1,1,3] sh[-1][0].times do |i| sh[-1][1].times do |j| sh[-1][2].times do |k| next unless dat[3][i,j,k] d = [dat[0][i], dat[1][j], dat[2][k], dat[3][i,j,k]] d.each{|dt| io << dt << " "} io << "\n" end io << "\n" unless sh[-1][2] == 1 end io << "\n" unless sh[-1][1] == 1 end when [2,2,2,2] sh[-1][0].times do |i| sh[-1][1].times do |j| next unless dat[3][i,j] d = [dat[0][i,j], dat[1][i,j], dat[2][i,j], dat[3][i,j]] d.each{|dt| io << dt << " "} io << "\n" end io << "\n" unless sh[-1][1] == 1 end when [3,3,3,3] #pp dat #pp dat #pp sh sh[-1][0].times do |i| sh[-1][1].times do |j| sh[-1][2].times do |k| next unless dat[3][i,j,k] #p [i,j,k] #d = [dat[0][i,j,k], dat[1][i,j,k], dat[2][i,j,k], dat[3][i,j,k]] io << "#{dat[0][i,j,k]} #{dat[1][i,j,k]} #{dat[2][i,j,k]} #{dat[3][i,j,k]} \n" #d.each{|dt| io << dt << " "} #io << "\n" end io << "\n" unless sh[-1][2] == 1 end io << "\n" unless sh[-1][1] == 1 end end end end module Writer def gnuplot_write(file_name, options={}) #logf :gnuplot_write old_gp_term = gp.term old_gp_output = gp.output if file_name gp.output = file_name unless gp.term or options[:terminal] case File.extname(file_name) when '.pdf' gp.term = 'pdf size 20cm,15cm' when '.ps' gp.term = 'post color' when '.eps' unless options[:latex] gp.term = %[post eps color enhanced size #{options[:size] or "3.5in,2.33in"}] else gp.term ||= "epslatex color dashed size #{options[:size] or "3.5in,#{options[:height] or "2.0in"}"} colortext standalone 8" (gp.term += " header '#{options[:preamble].inspect.gsub(/\\\n/, "\\\\\\n")}'"; options.delete(:preamble)) if options[:preamble] end when '.jpg' gp.term = "jpeg size #{options[:size] or "3.5in,2.33in"}" when '.png' gp.term = "png size #{options[:size] or "640,480"}" when '.gif' gp.term = "gif size #{options[:size] or "640,480"}" end end end gp.output = file_name.sub(/\.eps/, '.tex') if options[:latex] options.delete(:size) gnuplot(options) if options[:latex] name = file_name.sub(/\.eps$/, '') raise "No file output by gnuplot" unless FileTest.exist? name + '.tex' raise 'latex failed' unless system "latex #{name}.tex --interaction nonstopmode --halt-on-error -q" raise 'dvips failed' unless system "dvips #{name}.dvi" FileUtils.rm "#{name}.eps" if FileTest.exist? "#{name}.eps" raise 'ps2eps failed' unless system "ps2eps #{name}.ps" end # ep file_name gp.term = old_gp_term gp.output = old_gp_output return File.basename(file_name, File.extname(file_name)) end end include Writer def self.latex_multiplot(name, options={}) name = name.sub(/\.eps$/, '') figure_preamble = options[:preamble] || <<EOF \\documentclass[graphicx,reprint,twocolumn]{revtex4} %\documentclass[aip,reprint]{revtex4-1} \\usepackage{graphics,bm,overpic,color} \\usepackage[tight]{subfigure} \\pagestyle{empty} \\begin{document} \\begin{figure} EOF figure_postamble = options[:postamble] || <<EOF \\end{figure} \\end{document} EOF text = <<EOF #{figure_preamble} #{yield} #{figure_postamble} EOF"#{name}.tex", 'w'){|f| f.puts text} raise 'latex failed' unless system "latex #{name}.tex" raise 'dvips failed' unless system "dvips #{name}.dvi" FileUtils.rm "#{name}.eps" if FileTest.exist? "#{name}.eps" raise 'ps2eps failed' unless system "ps2eps #{name}.ps" end class MultiKit include Writer def gnuplot_sets # gnuplot_options included for back. comp @gnuplot_sets ||= @gnuplot_sets end alias :gp :gnuplot_sets def method_missing(meth, *args) if args[-1].kind_of? Hash options = args.pop else options = {} end raise "Nothing to plot: size = 0" if size==0 #self[0].gp.multiplot = options[:multiplot] || "layout #{size},1" gp.multiplot ||= options[:multiplot] || "layout #{size},1" for i in 0...self.size self[i].gp.multiplot_following = true end do |io| @gnuplot_sets.apply(io) options[:io] = io each do |gk| #p gk.to_s gk gk.send(meth, *args, options) end options.delete(:io) end for i in 0...self.size self[i].multiplot_following = false end end end end