require File.expand_path('spec_helper', File.dirname(__FILE__)) describe 'more_like_this' do before :each do connection.expected_handler = :mlt end it_should_behave_like "scoped query" it_should_behave_like "facetable query" it_should_behave_like "query with advanced manipulation" it_should_behave_like "query with connective scope" it_should_behave_like "query with dynamic field support" it_should_behave_like "sortable query" it_should_behave_like "query with text field scoping" it 'should query passed in object' do p = session.more_like_this(p) connection.should have_last_search_with(:q => "id:Post\\ #{}") end it 'should use more_like_this fields if no fields specified' do session.more_like_this( connection.searches.last[:"mlt.fl"].split(',').sort.should == %w(body_textsv tags_textv) end it 'should use more_like_this fields if specified' do session.more_like_this( do fields :body end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"mlt.fl" => "body_textsv") end it 'assigns boosts to fields when specified' do session.more_like_this( do fields :body, :tags => 8 end connection.searches.last[:"mlt.fl"].split(',').sort.should == %w(body_textsv tags_textv) connection.should have_last_search_with(:qf => "tags_textv^8") end it 'doesn\'t assign boosts to fields when not specified' do session.more_like_this( do fields :body end connection.should_not have_last_search_with(:qf) end it 'should raise ArgumentError if a field is not setup for more_like_this' do lambda do session.more_like_this( do fields :title end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'should accept options' do session.more_like_this( do minimum_term_frequency 1 minimum_document_frequency 2 minimum_word_length 3 maximum_word_length 4 maximum_query_terms 5 boost_by_relevance false end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"mlt.mintf" => 1) connection.should have_last_search_with(:"mlt.mindf" => 2) connection.should have_last_search_with(:"mlt.minwl" => 3) connection.should have_last_search_with(:"mlt.maxwl" => 4) connection.should have_last_search_with(:"mlt.maxqt" => 5) connection.should have_last_search_with(:"mlt.boost" => false) end it 'should accept short options' do session.more_like_this( do mintf 1 mindf 2 minwl 3 maxwl 4 maxqt 5 boost true end connection.should have_last_search_with(:"mlt.mintf" => 1) connection.should have_last_search_with(:"mlt.mindf" => 2) connection.should have_last_search_with(:"mlt.minwl" => 3) connection.should have_last_search_with(:"mlt.maxwl" => 4) connection.should have_last_search_with(:"mlt.maxqt" => 5) connection.should have_last_search_with(:"mlt.boost" => true) end it 'paginates using default per_page when page not provided' do session.more_like_this( connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 30) end it 'paginates using default per_page when page provided' do session.more_like_this( do paginate :page => 2 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 30, :start => 30) end it 'paginates using provided per_page' do session.more_like_this( do paginate :page => 4, :per_page => 15 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 15, :start => 45) end it 'defaults to page 1 if no :page argument given' do session.more_like_this( do paginate :per_page => 15 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 15, :start => 0) end it 'paginates from string argument' do session.more_like_this( do paginate :page => '3', :per_page => '15' end connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 15, :start => 30) end it "should send query to solr with adjusted parameters (keyword example)" do session.more_like_this( do adjust_solr_params do |params| params[:q] = 'new search' params[:some] = 'param' end end connection.should have_last_search_with(:q => 'new search') connection.should have_last_search_with(:some => 'param') end private def search(*args, &block) session.more_like_this(, *args, &block) end end