%# Returns the extension (the portion of file name in path after the period) %>
<% extname = File.extname(path) %>
<%# Returns components of the filename, + last component of the filename sans the extension %>
<% fullPath = File.dirname(path) + '/' + File.basename(path, extname)%>
<%# Returns components of the filename, + last component of the filename w/the extension %>
<% fullPathExtname = File.dirname(path) + '/' + File.basename(path)%>
<%# prepends path to fullPathExtname %>
<% mtime_path = 'views/' + fullPathExtname %>
<%# wrapps fullPathExtname for display in the view %>
<% file_path = '< File path: ' + fullPathExtname + ' ' + '>' %>
<%# ---------------------------------------------- %>