/*================================================================= Copyright (C) 2014 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =================================================================*/ #pragma hdrstop #include "workerTransactdImple.h" #include "workerMySQLImple.h" using namespace bzs::test::worker; using namespace boost; typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<workerBase> > workers; struct transactionSec { transactionSec() : value(0),timeOne(0) {} int workes; __int64 value; double timeOne; }; struct commandLineParam { int funcNumber; int maxWorkerNum; int workerNumStep; int loopCount; int avg_count; int stressMode; commandLineParam(_TCHAR* argv[]) { funcNumber = _ttol(argv[2]); maxWorkerNum = _ttol(argv[3]); workerNumStep = maxWorkerNum / 20; if (workerNumStep == 0) workerNumStep = 1; loopCount = _ttol(argv[4]); avg_count = _ttol(argv[5]); stressMode = (loopCount == -1) ? true : false; if (stressMode) loopCount = 10; } }; void showResult(const std::vector<transactionSec>& results, int total, int totalTransactionTime, int totalTransactions, bool stressMode) { std::tcout << _T("----------------------------------") << std::endl; std::tcout << _T("Clients \tTransactions/sec") << std::endl; std::tcout << _T("----------------------------------") << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < (int)results.size(); ++i) { if (!stressMode) std::tcout << results[i].workes << _T("\t") << results[i].value << _T("\t") << results[i].timeOne << std::endl; else std::tcout << results[i].workes << _T("\t") << results[i].value << std::endl; } if (!stressMode) { std::tcout << _T("----------------------------------") << std::endl; std::tcout << _T("total transaction time (sec) ") << totalTransactionTime / 1000000.0f << std::endl; std::tcout << _T("avarage transaction time (sec) ") << totalTransactionTime / 1000000.0f / totalTransactions << std::endl; std::tcout << _T("total testing time (sec) ") << total / 1000000.0f << std::endl; } std::tcout << _T("----------------------------------") << std::endl; } bool tableFixer(const connectParams& param) { database_ptr db = createDatabaseObject(); openDatabase(db, param); dbdef* def = db->dbDef(); short index = def->tableNumByName(_T("cache")); if (index == -1 && !createCacheTable(def)) return false; try{ dropTable(db, _T("cache")); } catch(...){} openTable(db, _T("cache")); return true; } void makeMysqlParam(bzs::test::worker::mysql::connectParam& param, const _TCHAR* host) { #ifdef _UNICODE char hostname[256]; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, host, -1, hostname, 256, NULL, NULL); #else const char* hostname = host; #endif param.hostname = hostname; param.username = "root"; param.passwd = ""; param.database = "querytest"; param.port = 0; } #define BENCH_TIMER_SECONDS 2.0f double executeWorkers(const commandLineParam& cmd, const connectParams param, const bzs::test::worker::mysql::connectParam& paramMysql, int wn) { double t = 0; for (int k = 0; k < cmd.avg_count; ++k) { g_bench_signal = cmd.stressMode ? BENCH_SIGNAL_GO : BENCH_SIGNAL_BLUE; workers workers; thread_group threads; boost::barrier sync(wn + 1); for (int i = 0; i < wn; ++i) { int id = i + (wn * 10000); boost::shared_ptr<workerBase> w; if (cmd.funcNumber < 10) w.reset(new transactd::worker(id, cmd.loopCount, cmd.funcNumber, param, sync)); else w.reset(new bzs::test::worker::mysql::worker( id, cmd.loopCount, cmd.funcNumber, paramMysql, sync)); workers.push_back(w); threads.create_thread(bind(&workerBase::execute, w.get())); } printf("*"); fflush(stdout); Sleep(1000); sync.wait(); // start all workers if (cmd.stressMode) { Sleep(500); g_bench_signal = BENCH_SIGNAL_GREEN; //Measurement interval Sleep((unsigned int)(BENCH_TIMER_SECONDS * 1000)); g_bench_signal = BENCH_SIGNAL_BREAK; } threads.join_all(); for (int i = 0; i < wn; ++i) { t += workers[i]->total(); //std::tcout << _T("Execute Workers = ") << wn << " " << workers[i]->total() << std::endl; } } return t; } int execute(const commandLineParam& cmd, const connectParams param, const bzs::test::worker::mysql::connectParam& paramMysql, std::vector<transactionSec>& results, double& totalTransactionTime) { int totalTransactions = 0; for (int wn = cmd.workerNumStep; wn <= cmd.maxWorkerNum; wn += cmd.workerNumStep) { double t = executeWorkers(cmd, param, paramMysql, wn); transactionSec ts; if (cmd.stressMode) { if (t) ts.value = (__int64)(t / BENCH_TIMER_SECONDS) * cmd.loopCount; } else { int n = wn * cmd.loopCount * cmd.avg_count; totalTransactionTime += t; totalTransactions += n; if (t) { ts.timeOne = t / n / 1000000.0f; ts.value = (__int64)((double)1000000.0f * wn * wn * cmd.avg_count * cmd.loopCount / t); } } ts.workes = wn; results.push_back(ts); } return totalTransactions; } void showUsage() { printf("\nusage: bench_scale [host] [function_number] [max_worker_num]" " [trnsactions] [avg_count]\n" "\n" "|----- [function_number] description -----|\n" "| 0: Read a record by unique id. |\n" "| 1: Insert a record by autoincrement. |\n" "| 2: Read 50 user records and join group name. |\n" "| +10 Test MySQL (10 11 12) |\n" "|----------------------------------------------|\n" "\n" "|----- [trnsactions] description -----|\n" "| 1 - n : N times roop a function |\n" "| -1 : Execute Infinite loop and the number|\n" "| of processings within regulation |\n" "| time is counted. |\n" "|----------------------------------------------|\n" "\n" "|----- [avg_count] description -----|\n" "| 1 - n : Count N times and results return |\n" "| those avarage. |\n" "|----------------------------------------------|\n" "exsample : bench_scale localhost 0 100 1 5 \n"); } #pragma argsused int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { try { if (argc < 6) { showUsage(); return 0; } bzs::test::worker::mysql::mysqlInit mysql; if (!mysql_thread_safe()) { std::tcout << _T("MySQL client is not thread safe.") << std::endl; return 1; } connectParams param(_T("tdap"), argv[1], _T("querytest"), _T("test")); param.setMode(0); bzs::test::worker::mysql::connectParam paramMysql( argv[1], _T("querytest"), _T("root")); commandLineParam cmd(argv); if (tableFixer(param)) { std::vector<transactionSec> results; results.reserve(cmd.maxWorkerNum); pooledDbManager::setMaxConnections(cmd.maxWorkerNum); double totalTransactionTime = 0; bzs::rtl::benchmarkMt bm; bm.start(); int totalTransactions = execute(cmd, param, paramMysql, results, totalTransactionTime); printf("\n"); showResult(results, bm.end(), (int)totalTransactionTime, totalTransactions, cmd.stressMode); pooledDbManager pdb; pdb.reset(0); //return 0; } //return 1; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { std::_tstring s = *bzs::rtl::getMsg(e); std::tcout << _T("[ERROR] ") << s << std::endl; } #ifdef _MSC_VER _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif return 1; }