module AcuityData class Client include ::AcuityData::Constants attr_reader :auth_token, :base_path, :port def initialize(auth_token, base_path: BASE_PATH, port: BASE_PORT) @base_path = base_path @port = port @auth_token = auth_token end def self.compatible_api_version 'v1' end # This is the version of the API docs this client was built off-of def self.api_version 'v1 2024-03-19' end # Endpoints # /lookup/make # Retrieve make information def make send_request(http_method: :get, path: "lookup/make") end # /lookup/model/{make} # Retrieve model information for make def model(make, year = nil) if year send_request(http_method: :get, path: "lookup/model2/#{make}/#{year}") else send_request(http_method: :get, path: "lookup/model/#{make}") end end # /lookup/year/{make}/{model} # Retrieve year information for make and model def year(make, model = nil) if model send_request(http_method: :get, path: "lookup/year/#{make}/#{model}") else send_request(http_method: :get, path: "lookup/year2/#{make}") end end # /lookup/variant/{make}/{model}/{year} # Retrieve variant information for make, model and year def variant(make, model, year) send_request(http_method: :get, path: "lookup/variant/#{make}/#{model}/#{year}") end # /report/{make}/{model}/{variant}/{year}/{mileage} # Retrieve vehicle report using make, model, year, variant and mileage def report(make, model, variant, year, mileage) send_request(http_method: :get, path: "report/#{make}/#{model}/#{variant}/#{year}/#{mileage}") end private def send_request(http_method:, path:, body: {}, params: {}, headers: {}, port: @port, port_in_path: false) start_time = micro_second_time response = HTTParty.send( http_method.to_sym, construct_base_path(path, params, port, port_in_path), body: body, headers: headers.merge({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': "Basic #{@auth_token}" }), port: port, format: :json ) end_time = micro_second_time construct_response_object(response, path, start_time, end_time) end # Quick n dirty time parsing def parse_time(str_time) time_components = str_time.to_s.split(' ') # Have to leave out the timezone - #{time_components[2]} "#{time_components[0]}T#{time_components[1]}" end def construct_response_object(response, path, start_time, end_time) { 'body' => parse_body(response, path), 'code' => response.code, 'cookies' => response.headers.dig('set-cookie'), 'headers' => response.headers, 'metadata' => construct_metadata(response, start_time, end_time) } end def construct_metadata(response, start_time, end_time) total_time = end_time - start_time { 'start_time' => start_time, 'end_time' => end_time, 'total_time' => total_time } end def micro_second_time ( * 1_000_000).to_i end def construct_base_path(path, params, port, port_in_path) if port_in_path constructed_path = "#{base_path}:#{port}/#{path}" else constructed_path = "#{base_path}/#{path}" end if params == {} constructed_path.gsub(" ", "%20") else "#{constructed_path}?#{process_params(params)}".gsub(" ", "%20") end end def parse_body(response, path) JSON.parse(response.body) # Purposely not using HTTParty rescue JSON::ParserError => _e response.body rescue TypeError => _e nil end def process_params(params) { |key| "#{key}=#{params[key]}" }.join('&') end end end