# MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Denis Bourgeois & Dan Macumber # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. module TBD ## # Calculates construction Uo (including surface film resistances) to meet Ut. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] a model # @param lc [OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction] a layered construction # @param id [String] layered construction identifier # @param heatloss [Double] heat loss from major thermal bridging [W/K] # @param film [Double] target surface film resistance [m2.K/W] # @param ut [Double] target overall Ut for lc [W/m2.K] # # @return [Hash] uo: lc Uo [W/m2.K] to meet Ut, m: uprated lc layer # @return [Hash] uo: NilClass, m: NilClass (if invalid input) def uo(model = nil, lc = nil, id = "", hloss = 0.0, film = 0.0, ut = 0.0) mth = "TBD::#{__callee__}" res = { uo: nil, m: nil } cl1 = OpenStudio::Model::Model cl2 = OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction cl3 = Numeric return mismatch("model", model, cl1, mth, DBG, res) unless model.is_a?(cl1) return mismatch("id", id, String, mth, DBG, res) unless id.is_a?(String) return mismatch("lc", lc, cl2, mth, DBG, res) unless lc.is_a?(cl2) return mismatch("hloss", hloss, cl3, mth, DBG, res) unless hloss.is_a?(cl3) return mismatch("film", film, cl3, mth, DBG, res) unless film.is_a?(cl3) return mismatch("Ut", ut, cl3, mth, DBG, res) unless ut.is_a?(cl3) lyr = insulatingLayer(lc) lyr[:index] = nil unless lyr[:index].is_a?(Numeric) lyr[:index] = nil unless lyr[:index] >= 0 lyr[:index] = nil unless lyr[:index] < lc.layers.size return invalid("'#{id}' layer index", mth, 0, ERR, res) unless lyr[:index] return zero("'#{id}': heatloss", mth, WRN, res) unless hloss > TOL return zero("'#{id}': films", mth, WRN, res) unless film > TOL return zero("'#{id}': Ut", mth, WRN, res) unless ut > TOL return invalid("'#{id}': Ut", mth, 0, WRN, res) unless ut < 5.678 area = lc.getNetArea return zero("'#{id}': net area (m2)", mth, ERR, res) unless area > TOL # First, calculate initial layer RSi to initially meet Ut target. rt = 1 / ut # target construction Rt ro = rsi(lc, film) # current construction Ro new_r = lyr[:r] + (rt - ro) # new, un-derated layer RSi new_u = 1 / new_r # Then, uprate (if possible) to counter expected thermal bridging effects. u_psi = hloss / area # from psi & khi new_u -= u_psi # uprated layer USi to counter psi & khi new_r = 1 / new_u # uprated layer RSi to counter psi & khi return zero("'#{id}': new Rsi", mth, ERR, res) unless new_r > 0.001 loss = 0.0 # residual heatloss (not assigned) [W/K] if lyr[:type] == :massless m = lc.getLayer(lyr[:index]).to_MasslessOpaqueMaterial return invalid("'#{id}' massless layer?", mth, 0) if m.empty? m = m.get.clone(model).to_MasslessOpaqueMaterial.get m.setName("#{id} uprated") new_r = 0.001 unless new_r > 0.001 loss = (new_u - 1 / new_r) * area unless new_r > 0.001 m.setThermalResistance(new_r) else # type == :standard m = lc.getLayer(lyr[:index]).to_StandardOpaqueMaterial return invalid("'#{id}' standard layer?", mth, 0) if m.empty? m = m.get.clone(model).to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.get m.setName("#{id} uprated") k = m.thermalConductivity if new_r > 0.001 d = new_r * k unless d > 0.003 d = 0.003 k = d / new_r k = 3.0 unless k < 3.0 loss = (new_u - k / d) * area unless k < 3.0 end else # new_r < 0.001 m2.K/W d = 0.001 * k d = 0.003 unless d > 0.003 k = d / 0.001 unless d > 0.003 loss = (new_u - k / d) * area end ok = m.setThickness(d) return invalid("Can't uprate '#{id}': > 3m", mth, 0, ERR, res) unless ok m.setThermalConductivity(k) if ok end return invalid("", mth, 0, ERR, res) unless m lc.setLayer(lyr[:index], m) uo = 1 / rsi(lc, film) if loss > TOL h_loss = format "%.3f", loss return invalid("Can't assign #{h_loss} W/K to '#{id}'", mth, 0, ERR, res) end res[:uo] = uo res[:m ] = m res end ## # Uprate insulation layer of construction, based on user-selected Ut (argh). # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] a model # @param s [Hash] preprocessed collection of TBD surfaces # @param argh [Hash] TBD arguments # # @return [Bool] true if successfully uprated def uprate(model = nil, s = {}, argh = {}) mth = "TBD::#{__callee__}" cl1 = OpenStudio::Model::Model cl2 = Hash a = false return mismatch("model", model, cl1, mth, DBG, a) unless model.is_a?(cl1) return mismatch("surfaces", s, cl2, mth, DBG, a) unless s.is_a?(cl2) return mismatch("argh", model, cl1, mth, DBG, a) unless argh.is_a?(cl2) argh[:uprate_walls ] = false unless argh.key?(:uprate_walls ) argh[:uprate_roofs ] = false unless argh.key?(:uprate_roofs ) argh[:uprate_floors] = false unless argh.key?(:uprate_floors) argh[:wall_ut ] = 5.678 unless argh.key?(:wall_ut ) argh[:roof_ut ] = 5.678 unless argh.key?(:roof_ut ) argh[:floor_ut ] = 5.678 unless argh.key?(:floor_ut ) argh[:wall_option ] = "" unless argh.key?(:wall_option ) argh[:roof_option ] = "" unless argh.key?(:roof_option ) argh[:floor_option ] = "" unless argh.key?(:floor_option ) groups = { wall: {}, roof: {}, floor: {} } groups[:wall ][:up] = argh[:uprate_walls ] groups[:roof ][:up] = argh[:uprate_roofs ] groups[:floor][:up] = argh[:uprate_floors] groups[:wall ][:ut] = argh[:wall_ut ] groups[:roof ][:ut] = argh[:roof_ut ] groups[:floor][:ut] = argh[:floor_ut ] groups[:wall ][:op] = argh[:wall_option ] groups[:roof ][:op] = argh[:roof_option ] groups[:floor][:op] = argh[:floor_option ] groups.each do |label, g| next unless g[:up] next unless g[:ut].is_a?(Numeric) next unless g[:ut] < 5.678 coll = {} area = 0 film = 100000000000000 lc = nil id = "" all = g[:op].downcase == "all wall constructions" || g[:op].downcase == "all roof constructions" || g[:op].downcase == "all floor constructions" if g[:op].empty? log(ERR, "Construction to uprate? (#{mth})") elsif all model.getSurfaces.each do |sss| next unless sss.surfaceType.downcase.include?(label.to_s) next unless sss.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase == "outdoors" next if sss.construction.empty? next if sss.construction.get.to_LayeredConstruction.empty? c = sss.construction.get.to_LayeredConstruction.get i = c.nameString # Reliable unless referenced by other surface types e.g. floor vs wall. if c.getNetArea > area area = c.getNetArea lc = c id = i end film = sss.filmResistance if sss.filmResistance < film nom = sss.nameString coll[i] = { area: c.getNetArea, lc: c, s: {} } unless coll.key?(i) coll[i][:s][nom] = { a: sss.netArea } unless coll[i][:s].key?(nom) end else id = g[:op] c = model.getConstructionByName(id) if c.empty? log(ERR, "Construction '#{id}'? (#{mth})") else c = c.get.to_LayeredConstruction if c.empty? log(ERR, "'#{id}' layered construction? (#{mth})") else lc = c.get area = lc.getNetArea coll[id] = { area: area, lc: lc, s: {} } model.getSurfaces.each do |sss| next unless sss.surfaceType.downcase.include?(label.to_s) next unless sss.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase == "outdoors" next if sss.construction.empty? next if sss.construction.get.to_LayeredConstruction.empty? lc = sss.construction.get.to_LayeredConstruction.get next unless id == lc.nameString nom = sss.nameString film = sss.filmResistance if sss.filmResistance < film ok = coll[id][:s].key?(nom) coll[id][:s][nom] = { a: sss.netArea } unless ok end end end end if coll.empty? log(ERR, "No #{label} construction to uprate - skipping (#{mth})") next elsif lc # valid layered construction - good to uprate! # Ensure lc is referenced by surface types == label. model.getSurfaces.each do |sss| next if sss.construction.empty? next if sss.construction.get.to_LayeredConstruction.empty? c = sss.construction.get.to_LayeredConstruction.get i = c.nameString next unless coll.key?(i) unless sss.surfaceType.downcase.include?(label.to_s) log(ERR, "Uprating #{label.to_s}, not '#{sss.nameString}' (#{mth})") cloned = c.clone(model).to_LayeredConstruction.get cloned.setName("'#{i}' cloned") sss.setConstruction(cloned) ok = s.key?(sss.nameString) s[sss.nameString][:construction] = cloned if ok coll[i][:s].delete(sss.nameString) coll[i][:area] = c.getNetArea next end end lyr = insulatingLayer(lc) lyr[:index] = nil unless lyr[:index].is_a?(Numeric) lyr[:index] = nil unless lyr[:index] >= 0 lyr[:index] = nil unless lyr[:index] < lc.layers.size log(ERR, "Insulation index for '#{id}'? (#{mth})") unless lyr[:index] next unless lyr[:index] hloss = 0 # sum of applicable psi & khi effects [W/K] coll.each do |i, col| next unless col.key?(:s) next unless col.is_a?(Hash) col[:s].keys.each do |nom| next unless s.key?(nom) next unless s[nom].key?(:deratable ) next unless s[nom].key?(:construction) next unless s[nom].key?(:index ) next unless s[nom].key?(:ltype ) next unless s[nom].key?(:r ) next unless s[nom].key?(:type ) next unless s[nom][:deratable] type = s[nom][:type].to_s.downcase type = "roof" if type == "ceiling" next unless type.include?(label.to_s) # Tally applicable psi + khi. hloss += s[nom][:heatloss] if s[nom].key?(:heatloss) # Skip construction reassignment if already referencing right one. unless s[nom][:construction] == lc sss = model.getSurfaceByName(nom) next if sss.empty? sss = sss.get if sss.isConstructionDefaulted set = defaultConstructionSet(model, sss) constructions = set.defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions.get case sss.surfaceType.downcase when "roofceiling" constructions.setRoofCeilingConstruction(lc) when "floor" constructions.setFloorConstruction(lc) else constructions.setWallConstruction(lc) end else sss.setConstruction(lc) end s[nom][:construction] = lc # reset TBD attributes s[nom][:index ] = lyr[:index] s[nom][:ltype ] = lyr[:type ] s[nom][:r ] = lyr[:r ] # temporary end end end # Merge to ensure a single entry for coll Hash. coll.each do |i, col| next if i == id next unless coll.key?(id) coll[id][:area] += col[:area] col[:s].each do |nom, sss| coll[id][:s][nom] = sss unless coll[id][:s].key?(nom) end end coll.delete_if { |i, _| i != id } log(DBG, "Collection == 1? for '#{id}' (#{mth})") unless coll.size == 1 next unless coll.size == 1 res = uo(model, lc, id, hloss, film, g[:ut]) log(ERR, "Unable to uprate '#{id}' (#{mth})") unless res[:uo] && res[:m] next unless res[:uo] && res[:m] lyr = insulatingLayer(lc) # Loop through coll :s, and reset :r - likely modified by uo(). coll.values.first[:s].keys.each do |nom| next unless s.key?(nom) next unless s[nom].key?(:deratable ) next unless s[nom].key?(:construction) next unless s[nom].key?(:index ) next unless s[nom].key?(:ltype ) next unless s[nom].key?(:type ) next unless s[nom][:deratable ] next unless s[nom][:construction] == lc next unless s[nom][:index ] == lyr[:index] next unless s[nom][:ltype ] == lyr[:type] type = s[nom][:type].to_s.downcase type = "roof" if type == "ceiling" next unless type.include?(label.to_s) next unless s[nom].key?(:r) s[nom][:r] = lyr[:r] # final end argh[:wall_uo ] = res[:uo] if label == :wall argh[:roof_uo ] = res[:uo] if label == :roof argh[:floor_uo] = res[:uo] if label == :floor else log(ERR, "Nilled construction to uprate - (#{mth})") return false end end true end ## # Set reference values for points, edges & surfaces (& subsurfaces) to # compute Quebec energy code (Section 3.3) UA' comparison (2021). # # @param s [Hash] preprocessed collection of TBD surfaces # @param sets [TBD::PSI] a TBD model's PSI sets # @param spts [Bool] true if OpenStudio model has valid setpoints # # @return [Bool] true if successful in generating UA' reference values def qc33(s = {}, sets = nil, spts = true) mth = "TBD::#{__callee__}" cl1 = Hash cl2 = TBD::PSI return mismatch("surfaces", s, cl1, mth, DBG, false) unless s.is_a?(cl1) return mismatch("sets", sets, cl1, mth, DBG, false) unless sets.is_a?(cl2) shorts = sets.shorthands("code (Quebec)") empty = shorts[:has].empty? || shorts[:val].empty? log(DBG, "Missing QC PSI set for 3.3 UA' tradeoff (#{mth})") if empty return false if empty ok = spts == true || spts == false log(DBG, "'setpoints' must be true/false for 3.3 UA' tradeoff") unless ok return false unless ok s.each do |id, surface| next unless surface.key?(:deratable) next unless surface[:deratable] next unless surface.key?(:type) heating = -50 if spts cooling = 50 if spts heating = 21 unless spts cooling = 24 unless spts heating = surface[:heating] if surface.key?(:heating) cooling = surface[:cooling] if surface.key?(:cooling) # Start with surface U-factors. ref = 1 / 5.46 ref = 1 / 3.60 if surface[:type] == :wall # Adjust for lower heating setpoint (assumes -25°C design conditions). ref *= 43 / (heating + 25) if heating < 18 && cooling > 40 surface[:ref] = ref # ... and store if surface.key?(:skylights) # loop through subsurfaces ref = 2.85 ref *= 43 / (heating + 25) if heating < 18 && cooling > 40 surface[:skylights].values.map { |skylight| skylight[:ref] = ref } end if surface.key?(:windows) ref = 2.0 ref *= 43 / (heating + 25) if heating < 18 && cooling > 40 surface[:windows].values.map { |window| window[:ref] = ref } end if surface.key?(:doors) surface[:doors].each do |i, door| ref = 0.9 ref = 2.0 if door.key?(:glazed) && door[:glazed] ref *= 43 / (heating + 25) if heating < 18 && cooling > 40 door[:ref] = ref end end # Loop through point thermal bridges. surface[:pts].map { |i, pt| pt[:ref] = 0.5 } if surface.key?(:pts) # Loop through linear thermal bridges. if surface.key?(:edges) surface[:edges].values.each do |edge| next unless edge.key?(:type) next unless edge.key?(:ratio) safe = sets.safe("code (Quebec)", edge[:type]) edge[:ref] = shorts[:val][safe] * edge[:ratio] if safe end end end true end ## # Generate UA' summary. # # @param date [Time] Time stamp # @param argh [Hash] TBD arguments # # @return [Hash] multilingual binned values for UA' summary def ua_summary(date = Time.now, argh = {}) mth = "TBD::#{__callee__}" ua = {} argh = {} unless argh.is_a?(Hash ) argh[:seed ] = "" unless argh.key?(:seed ) argh[:ua_ref ] = "" unless argh.key?(:ua_ref ) argh[:surfaces ] = nil unless argh.key?(:surfaces ) argh[:version ] = "" unless argh.key?(:version ) argh[:io ] = {} unless argh.key?(:io ) argh[:io][:description] = "" unless argh[:io].key?(:description) descr = argh[:io][:description] file = argh[:seed ] version = argh[:version ] s = argh[:surfaces ] return mismatch("TBD surfaces", s, Hash, mth, DBG, ua) unless s.is_a?(Hash) return empty("TBD Surfaces", mth, WRN, ua) if s.empty? ua[:descr ] = "" ua[:file ] = "" ua[:version] = "" ua[:model ] = "∑U•A + ∑PSI•L + ∑KHI•n" ua[:date ] = date ua[:descr ] = descr unless descr.nil? || descr.empty? ua[:file ] = file unless file.nil? || file.empty? ua[:version] = version unless version.nil? || version.empty? [:en, :fr].each { |lang| ua[lang] = {} } ua[:en][:notes] = "Automated assessment from the OpenStudio Measure, " \ "Thermal Bridging and Derating (TBD). Open source and MIT-licensed, " \ "TBD is provided as is (without warranty). Procedures are documented " \ "in the source code: https://github.com/rd2/tbd. " ua[:fr][:notes] = "Analyse automatisée à partir de la measure OpenStudio, "\ "'Thermal Bridging and Derating' (ou TBD). Distribuée librement " \ "(licence MIT), TBD est offerte telle quelle (sans garantie). " \ "L'approche est documentée au sein du code source : " \ "https://github.com/rd2/tbd." walls = { net: 0, gross: 0, subs: 0 } roofs = { net: 0, gross: 0, subs: 0 } floors = { net: 0, gross: 0, subs: 0 } areas = { walls: walls, roofs: roofs, floors: floors } has = {} val = {} psi = PSI.new unless argh[:ua_ref].empty? shorts = psi.shorthands(argh[:ua_ref]) empty = shorts[:has].empty? && shorts[:val].empty? has = shorts[:has] unless empty val = shorts[:val] unless empty log(ERR, "Invalid UA' reference set (#{mth})") if empty unless empty ua[:model] += " : Design vs '#{argh[:ua_ref]}'" case argh[:ua_ref] when "code (Quebec)" ua[:en][:objective] = "COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT" ua[:en][:details ] = [] ua[:en][:details ] << "Quebec Construction Code, Chapter I.1" ua[:en][:details ] << "NECB 2015, modified version (2020)" ua[:en][:details ] << "Division B, Section 3.3" ua[:en][:details ] << "Building Envelope Trade-off Path" ua[:en][:notes] << " Calculations comply with Section 3.3 " \ "requirements. Results are based on user input not subject to " \ "prior validation (see DESCRIPTION), and as such the assessment " \ "shall not be considered as a certification of compliance." ua[:fr][:objective] = "ANALYSE DE CONFORMITÉ" ua[:fr][:details ] = [] ua[:fr][:details ] << "Code de construction du Québec, Chapitre I.1" ua[:fr][:details ] << "CNÉB 2015, version modifiée (2020)" ua[:fr][:details ] << "Division B, Section 3.3" ua[:fr][:details ] << "Méthode des solutions de remplacement" ua[:fr][:notes] << " Les calculs sont conformes aux dispositions de "\ "la Section 3.3. Les résultats sont tributaires d'intrants " \ "fournis par l'utilisateur, sans validation préalable (voir " \ "DESCRIPTION). Ce document ne peut constituer une attestation de " \ "conformité." else ua[:en][:objective] = "UA'" ua[:fr][:objective] = "UA'" end end end # Set up 2x heating setpoint (HSTP) "blocks" (or bins): # bloc1: spaces/zones with HSTP >= 18°C # bloc2: spaces/zones with HSTP < 18°C # (ref: 2021 Quebec energy code 3.3. UA' trade-off methodology) # (... can be extended in the future to cover other standards) # # Determine UA' compliance separately for (i) bloc1 & (ii) bloc2. # # Each block's UA' = ∑ U•area + ∑ PSI•length + ∑ KHI•count blc = { walls: 0, roofs: 0, floors: 0, doors: 0, windows: 0, skylights: 0, rimjoists: 0, parapets: 0, trim: 0, corners: 0, balconies: 0, grade: 0, other: 0 } # includes party wall edges, expansion joints, etc. b1 = {} b2 = {} b1[:pro] = blc # proposed design b1[:ref] = blc.clone # reference b2[:pro] = blc.clone # proposed design b2[:ref] = blc.clone # reference # Loop through surfaces, subsurfaces and edges and populate bloc1 & bloc2. argh[:surfaces].each do |id, surface| next unless surface.key?(:deratable) next unless surface[:deratable] next unless surface.key?(:type) type = surface[:type] next unless type == :wall || type == :ceiling || type == :floor next unless surface.key?(:net) next unless surface[:net] > TOL next unless surface.key?(:u) next unless surface[:u] > TOL heating = 21.0 heating = surface[:heating] if surface.key?(:heating) bloc = b1 bloc = b2 if heating < 18 reference = surface.key?(:ref) if type == :wall areas[:walls][:net ] += surface[:net] bloc[:pro][:walls ] += surface[:net] * surface[:u ] bloc[:ref][:walls ] += surface[:net] * surface[:ref] if reference bloc[:ref][:walls ] += surface[:net] * surface[:u ] unless reference elsif type == :ceiling areas[:roofs][:net ] += surface[:net] bloc[:pro][:roofs ] += surface[:net] * surface[:u ] bloc[:ref][:roofs ] += surface[:net] * surface[:ref] if reference bloc[:ref][:roofs ] += surface[:net] * surface[:u ] unless reference else areas[:floors][:net] += surface[:net] bloc[:pro][:floors] += surface[:net] * surface[:u ] bloc[:ref][:floors] += surface[:net] * surface[:ref] if reference bloc[:ref][:floors] += surface[:net] * surface[:u ] unless reference end if surface.key?(:doors) surface[:doors].values.each do |door| next unless door.key?(:gross) next unless door[:gross] > TOL next unless door.key?(:u) next unless door[:u] > TOL areas[:walls][:subs ] += door[:gross] if type == :wall areas[:roofs][:subs ] += door[:gross] if type == :ceiling areas[:floors][:subs] += door[:gross] if type == :floor bloc[:pro][:doors ] += door[:gross] * door[:u] ok = door.key?(:ref) bloc[:ref][:doors ] += door[:gross] * door[:ref] if ok bloc[:ref][:doors ] += door[:gross] * door[:u ] unless ok end end if surface.key?(:windows) surface[:windows].values.each do |window| next unless window.key?(:gross) next unless window[:gross] > TOL next unless window.key?(:u) next unless window[:u] > TOL areas[:walls][:subs ] += window[:gross] if type == :wall areas[:roofs][:subs ] += window[:gross] if type == :ceiling areas[:floors][:subs] += window[:gross] if type == :floor bloc[:pro][:windows] += window[:gross] * window[:u] ok = window.key?(:ref) bloc[:ref][:windows ] += window[:gross] * window[:ref] if ok bloc[:ref][:windows ] += window[:gross] * window[:u ] unless ok end end if surface.key?(:skylights) surface[:skylights].values.each do |sky| next unless sky.key?(:gross) next unless sky[:gross] > TOL next unless sky.key?(:u) next unless sky[:u] > TOL areas[:walls][:subs ] += sky[:gross] if type == :wall areas[:roofs][:subs ] += sky[:gross] if type == :ceiling areas[:floors][:subs ] += sky[:gross] if type == :floor bloc[:pro][:skylights] += sky[:gross] * sky[:u] ok = sky.key?(:ref) bloc[:ref][:skylights] += sky[:gross] * sky[:ref] if ok bloc[:ref][:skylights] += sky[:gross] * sky[:u ] unless ok end end if surface.key?(:edges) surface[:edges].values.each do |edge| next unless edge.key?(:type) next unless edge.key?(:length) next unless edge[:length] > TOL next unless edge.key?(:psi) loss = edge[:length] * edge[:psi] type = edge[:type].to_s case type when /rimjoist/i bloc[:pro][:rimjoists] += loss when /parapet/i bloc[:pro][:parapets ] += loss when /fenestration/i bloc[:pro][:trim ] += loss when /head/i bloc[:pro][:trim ] += loss when /sill/i bloc[:pro][:trim ] += loss when /jamb/i bloc[:pro][:trim ] += loss when /corner/i bloc[:pro][:corners ] += loss when /grade/i bloc[:pro][:grade ] += loss else bloc[:pro][:other ] += loss end next if val.empty? next if argh[:ua_ref].empty? safer = psi.safe(argh[:ua_ref], edge[:type]) ok = edge.key?(:ref) loss = edge[:length] * edge[:ref] if ok loss = edge[:length] * val[safer] * edge[:ratio] unless ok case safer.to_s when /rimjoist/i bloc[:ref][:rimjoists] += loss when /parapet/i bloc[:ref][:parapets ] += loss when /fenestration/i bloc[:ref][:trim ] += loss when /head/i bloc[:ref][:trim ] += loss when /sill/i bloc[:ref][:trim ] += loss when /jamb/i bloc[:ref][:trim ] += loss when /corner/i bloc[:ref][:corners ] += loss when /grade/i bloc[:ref][:grade ] += loss else bloc[:ref][:other ] += loss end end end if surface.key?(:pts) surface[:pts].values.each do |pts| next unless pts.key?(:val) next unless pts.key?(:n) bloc[:pro][:other] += pts[:val] * pts[:n] next unless pts.key?(:ref) bloc[:ref][:other] += pts[:ref] * pts[:n] end end end [:en, :fr].each do |lang| blc = [:b1, :b2] blc.each do |b| bloc = b1 bloc = b2 if b == :b2 pro_sum = bloc[:pro].values.reduce(:+) ref_sum = bloc[:ref].values.reduce(:+) if pro_sum > TOL || ref_sum > TOL ratio = nil ratio = (100.0 * (pro_sum - ref_sum) / ref_sum).abs if ref_sum > TOL str = format("%.1f W/K (vs %.1f W/K)", pro_sum, ref_sum) str += format(" +%.1f%%", ratio) if ratio && pro_sum > ref_sum # ** str += format(" -%.1f%%", ratio) if ratio && pro_sum < ref_sum ua[lang][b] = {} if b == :b1 ua[:en][b][:summary] = "heated : #{str}" if lang == :en ua[:fr][b][:summary] = "chauffé : #{str}" if lang == :fr else ua[:en][b][:summary] = "semi-heated : #{str}" if lang == :en ua[:fr][b][:summary] = "semi-chauffé : #{str}" if lang == :fr end # ** https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/13761 (Ruby > 2.2.5) # str += format(" +%.1f%", ratio) if ratio && pro_sum > ref_sum ... now: # str += format(" +%.1f%%", ratio) if ratio && pro_sum > ref_sum bloc[:pro].each do |k, v| rf = bloc[:ref][k] next if v < TOL && rf < TOL ratio = nil ratio = (100.0 * (v - rf) / rf).abs if rf > TOL str = format("%.1f W/K (vs %.1f W/K)", v, rf) str += format(" +%.1f%%", ratio) if ratio && v > rf str += format(" -%.1f%%", ratio) if ratio && v < rf case k when :walls ua[:en][b][k] = "walls : #{str}" if lang == :en ua[:fr][b][k] = "murs : #{str}" if lang == :fr when :roofs ua[:en][b][k] = "roofs : #{str}" if lang == :en ua[:fr][b][k] = "toits : #{str}" if lang == :fr when :floors ua[:en][b][k] = "floors : #{str}" if lang == :en ua[:fr][b][k] = "planchers : #{str}" if lang == :fr when :doors ua[:en][b][k] = "doors : #{str}" if lang == :en ua[:fr][b][k] = "portes : #{str}" if lang == :fr when :windows ua[:en][b][k] = "windows : #{str}" if lang == :en ua[:fr][b][k] = "fenêtres : #{str}" if lang == :fr when :skylights ua[:en][b][k] = "skylights : #{str}" if lang == :en ua[:fr][b][k] = "lanterneaux : #{str}" if lang == :fr when :rimjoists ua[:en][b][k] = "rimjoists : #{str}" if lang == :en ua[:fr][b][k] = "rives : #{str}" if lang == :fr when :parapets ua[:en][b][k] = "parapets : #{str}" if lang == :en ua[:fr][b][k] = "parapets : #{str}" if lang == :fr when :trim ua[:en][b][k] = "trim : #{str}" if lang == :en ua[:fr][b][k] = "chassis : #{str}" if lang == :fr when :corners ua[:en][b][k] = "corners : #{str}" if lang == :en ua[:fr][b][k] = "coins : #{str}" if lang == :fr when :balconies ua[:en][b][k] = "balconies : #{str}" if lang == :en ua[:fr][b][k] = "balcons : #{str}" if lang == :fr when :grade ua[:en][b][k] = "grade : #{str}" if lang == :en ua[:fr][b][k] = "tracé : #{str}" if lang == :fr else ua[:en][b][k] = "other : #{str}" if lang == :en ua[:fr][b][k] = "autres : #{str}" if lang == :fr end end # Deterministic sorting ua[lang][b][:summary] = ua[lang][b].delete(:summary) ok = ua[lang][b].key?(:walls) ua[lang][b][:walls] = ua[lang][b].delete(:walls) if ok ok = ua[lang][b].key?(:roofs) ua[lang][b][:roofs] = ua[lang][b].delete(:roofs) if ok ok = ua[lang][b].key?(:floors) ua[lang][b][:floors] = ua[lang][b].delete(:floors) if ok ok = ua[lang][b].key?(:doors) ua[lang][b][:doors] = ua[lang][b].delete(:doors) if ok ok = ua[lang][b].key?(:windows) ua[lang][b][:windows] = ua[lang][b].delete(:windows) if ok ok = ua[lang][b].key?(:skylights) ua[lang][b][:skylights] = ua[lang][b].delete(:skylights) if ok ok = ua[lang][b].key?(:rimjoists) ua[lang][b][:rimjoists] = ua[lang][b].delete(:rimjoists) if ok ok = ua[lang][b].key?(:parapets) ua[lang][b][:parapets] = ua[lang][b].delete(:parapets) if ok ok = ua[lang][b].key?(:trim) ua[lang][b][:trim] = ua[lang][b].delete(:trim) if ok ok = ua[lang][b].key?(:corners) ua[lang][b][:corners] = ua[lang][b].delete(:corners) if ok ok = ua[lang][b].key?(:balconies) ua[lang][b][:balconies] = ua[lang][b].delete(:balconies) if ok ok = ua[lang][b].key?(:grade) ua[lang][b][:grade] = ua[lang][b].delete(:grade) if ok ok = ua[lang][b].key?(:other) ua[lang][b][:other] = ua[lang][b].delete(:other) if ok end end end # Areas (m2). areas[:walls ][:gross] = areas[:walls ][:net] + areas[:walls ][:subs] areas[:roofs ][:gross] = areas[:roofs ][:net] + areas[:roofs ][:subs] areas[:floors][:gross] = areas[:floors][:net] + areas[:floors][:subs] ua[:en][:areas] = {} ua[:fr][:areas] = {} str = format("walls : %.1f m2 (net)", areas[:walls][:net]) str += format(", %.1f m2 (gross)", areas[:walls][:gross]) ua[:en][:areas][:walls] = str unless areas[:walls][:gross] < TOL str = format("roofs : %.1f m2 (net)", areas[:roofs][:net]) str += format(", %.1f m2 (gross)", areas[:roofs][:gross]) ua[:en][:areas][:roofs] = str unless areas[:roofs][:gross] < TOL str = format("floors : %.1f m2 (net)", areas[:floors][:net]) str += format(", %.1f m2 (gross)", areas[:floors][:gross]) ua[:en][:areas][:floors] = str unless areas[:floors][:gross] < TOL str = format("murs : %.1f m2 (net)", areas[:walls][:net]) str += format(", %.1f m2 (brut)", areas[:walls][:gross]) ua[:fr][:areas][:walls] = str unless areas[:walls][:gross] < TOL str = format("toits : %.1f m2 (net)", areas[:roofs][:net]) str += format(", %.1f m2 (brut)", areas[:roofs][:gross]) ua[:fr][:areas][:roofs] = str unless areas[:roofs][:gross] < TOL str = format("planchers : %.1f m2 (net)", areas[:floors][:net]) str += format(", %.1f m2 (brut)", areas[:floors][:gross]) ua[:fr][:areas][:floors] = str unless areas[:floors][:gross] < TOL ua end ## # Generate MD-formatted file. # # @param ua [Hash] preprocessed collection of UA-related strings # @param lang [String] preferred language ("en" vs "fr") # # @return [Array] MD-formatted strings (empty if invalid inputs) def ua_md(ua = {}, lang = :en) mth = "TBD::#{__callee__}" report = [] return mismatch("ua", ua, Hash, mth, DBG, report) unless ua.is_a?(Hash) return empty("ua", mth, DBG, report) if ua.empty? return hashkey("", ua, lang, mth, DBG, report) unless ua.key?(lang) if ua[lang].key?(:objective) report << "# #{ua[lang][:objective]} " report << " " end if ua[lang].key?(:details) ua[lang][:details].each { |d| report << "#{d} " } report << " " end if ua.key?(:model) report << "##### SUMMARY " if lang == :en report << "##### SOMMAIRE " if lang == :fr report << " " report << "#{ua[:model]} " report << " " end if ua[lang].key?(:b1) && ua[lang][:b1].key?(:summary) last = ua[lang][:b1].keys.to_a.last report << "* #{ua[lang][:b1][:summary]}" ua[lang][:b1].each do |k, v| next if k == :summary report << " * #{v}" unless k == last report << " * #{v} " if k == last report << " " if k == last end report << " " end if ua[lang].key?(:b2) && ua[lang][:b2].key?(:summary) last = ua[lang][:b2].keys.to_a.last report << "* #{ua[lang][:b2][:summary]}" ua[lang][:b2].each do |k, v| next if k == :summary report << " * #{v}" unless k == last report << " * #{v} " if k == last report << " " if k == last end report << " " end if ua.key?(:date) report << "##### DESCRIPTION " report << " " report << "* project : #{ua[:descr]}" if ua.key?(:descr) && lang == :en report << "* projet : #{ua[:descr]}" if ua.key?(:descr) && lang == :fr model = "" model = "* model : #{ua[:file]}" if ua.key?(:file) && lang == :en model = "* modèle : #{ua[:file]}" if ua.key?(:file) && lang == :fr model += " (v#{ua[:version]})" if ua.key?(:version) report << model unless model.empty? report << "* TBD : v3.1.1" report << "* date : #{ua[:date]}" if lang == :en report << "* status : #{msg(status)}" unless status.zero? report << "* status : success !" if status.zero? elsif lang == :fr report << "* statut : #{msg(status)}" unless status.zero? report << "* statut : succès !" if status.zero? end report << " " end if ua[lang].key?(:areas) report << "##### AREAS " if lang == :en report << "##### AIRES " if lang == :fr report << " " ok = ua[lang][:areas].key?(:walls) report << "* #{ua[lang][:areas][:walls]}" if ok ok = ua[lang][:areas].key?(:roofs) report << "* #{ua[lang][:areas][:roofs]}" if ok ok = ua[lang][:areas].key?(:floors) report << "* #{ua[lang][:areas][:floors]}" if ok report << " " end if ua[lang].key?(:notes) report << "##### NOTES " report << " " report << "#{ua[lang][:notes]} " report << " " end report end end