class CommitGraph constructor: () -> @initializeControls() load: (@branch_name) -> @initializeD3() @getGraphData() @getHistData() @loadUI() initializeD3: -> # set up SVG for D3 @width = @height = $("#commits-display").width() tcolors = d3.scale.category10() @body ="body") @svg ="#commits-display") .append("svg") .attr("width", @width) .attr("height", @height) @force = d3.layout.force().on("tick", @tick).charge((d) -> #(if d._children then -d.size / 100 else -40) -400 ).linkDistance((d) -> # (if then 50 else 25) 30 ).size([@height, @width]) @mouseover = false @drag_in_progress = false getGraphData: -> vis = @ $.get "/commit_diff_stats.json", {ref: @branch_name}, (data) -> vis.initializeGraphData(data) getHistData: -> vis = @ $.get "/commits.json", {ref: @branch_name}, (history_data) -> vis.initHistoryGraph(history_data) loadUI: -> Visualisation.hideBranchesGraph() Visualisation.showCommitsGraph() Visualisation.hideBranchesSidebar(Visualisation.showCommitsToolbar) $("#branch_name").text("Commits for " + @branch_name) $("#commit_sha").text('') $("#commit_author").text('') $("#commit_message").text('') if @branch_name.length > 30 $("#branch_name").css("font-size": "18px") if @branch_name.length > 48 $("#branch_name").css("font-size": "15px") initializeControls: -> vis = @ $("#clear_history_filters").click (event) -> event.preventDefault() vis.clear_filter() $("#back-to-branches-btn").click (event) -> event.preventDefault() vis.svg.remove() vis.history_svg.remove() Visualisation.hideCommitsGraph() Visualisation.showBranchesGraph() Visualisation.hideCommitsToolbar(Visualisation.showBranchesSidebar) initializeGraphData: (diff_stats) -> @diff_stats = diff_stats diff_tree = Visualisation.convertDiffStatsToTree(diff_stats) @diff_tree = diff_tree #fix the root node @diff_tree.fixed = true @diff_tree.root = true @diff_tree.x = @width / 2 @diff_tree.y = window.innerHeight / 2 = @branch_name @link = @svg.append('svg:g').selectAll('path') @node = @svg.append('svg:g').selectAll('g') @update() update: () => @nodes = @flatten(@diff_tree) @links = d3.layout.tree().links(@nodes) @total = @nodes.length || 1 @root = @nodes[@nodes.length-1] @total_size = @root.add + @root.del # remove existing text (will readd it afterwards to be sure it's on top) # @svg.selectAll("text").remove() # Restart the force layout @force.gravity(0.1) .nodes(@nodes) .links(@links) # Update the links @link =, (d) -> #link by id not name ) # Enter any new links @link.enter().append("svg:path").attr("class", "link").attr("x1", (d) -> d.source.x ).attr("y1", (d) -> d.source.y ).attr("x2", (d) -> ).attr "y2", (d) -> vis = @ # Exit any old links. @link.exit().remove() # Update the nodes @node =, (d) -> #nodes are known by id ) @node.selectAll("circle") .classed("collapsed", (d) -> (if d._children then 1 else 0) ).classed("fixed", (d) -> d.fixed ).attr("r", (d) -> vis.node_size(d) ) @node.selectAll("text") .attr("x", (d) -> vis.node_size(d)+5) .attr("y", (d) -> vis.node_size(d)/2) @node.transition().attr "r", (d) -> vis.node_size(d) @node_drag = d3.behavior.drag().on("dragstart", @dragstart).on("drag", @dragmove).on("dragend", @dragend) # Enter any new nodes g = @node.enter().append("svg:g") g.attr("id", (d) -> nodeId( .attr("class", "node_group") .append("svg:circle") .attr("class", "node") .classed("fixed", (d) -> d.fixed) .attr("r", (d) -> vis.node_size(d)) .style("fill", (d) -> (d3.rgb(vis.node_colour(d)))) .style("stroke", (d) -> d3.rgb(vis.node_colour(d)).darker().toString()) .on("mouseover", (d) -> return if vis.drag_in_progress || vis.filter_active vis.mouseover = true vis.mouseover_node = d d3.selectAll("circle").filter((d2) -> d != d2).transition().style "opacity", "0.25" d3.selectAll("text").filter((d2) -> d != d2).transition().style "opacity", "0.10" d3.selectAll("path").filter((d2) -> d != d2).transition().style "opacity", "0.10") .on("mouseout", (d) -> return if vis.drag_in_progress || vis.filter_active vis.mouseover = false d3.selectAll("circle").transition().style "opacity", "1" d3.selectAll("text").transition().style "opacity", "1" d3.selectAll("path").transition().style "opacity", "1") .on("click", (d) -> if d.root vis.svg.selectAll("circle").each (d, i) -> d.fixed = false if !d.root else d.fixed = false if d.fixed vis.update() ).on("dblclick", (d) -> vis.toggle_children(d) ) # .on("mouseover", @mouseover) # .on("mouseout", @mouseout) # show node IDs g.append("svg:text") .attr("x", (d) -> vis.node_size(d)+5) .attr("y", (d) -> vis.node_size(d)/2) .attr("class", "name") .text (d) -> if (d.children || d._children) && !d.root dir = '/ ' else dir = ' ' + dir + d.add + " / " + d.del # Exit any old nodes @node.exit().remove() #remove the loading div here $("#vis-loading").hide(); @force.start() # @all_nodes = @nodes # @all_links = @links # @all_branches = @branches # @all_branch_names = @branch_names toggle_children: (node) -> # Toggle children on click. if node.children node._children = node.children node.children = null else node.children = node._children node._children = null @update() dragstart: (d, i) => @drag_in_progress = true @force.stop() # stops the force auto positioning before you start dragging dragmove: (d, i) => d.px += d3.event.dx += d3.event.dy d.x += d3.event.dx d.y += d3.event.dy @tick() # this is the key to make it work together with updating both px,py,x,y on d ! dragend: (d, i) => d.fixed = true # of course set the node to fixed so the force doesn't include the node in its auto positioning stuff @mouseover = true #still inside the dropped node @drag_in_progress = false @update() @force.resume() flatten: (root) -> nodes = [] i = 0 recurse = (node) -> if node.children stats = node.children.reduce((p, v) -> p = {add: 0, del: 0} if p == 0 stat = recurse(v) addv = p.add + stat.add delv = p.del + stat.del return {add: addv, del: delv} , 0) node.add = stats.add node.del = stats.del = ++i if ! nodes.push(node) return {add: node.add, del: node.del} root_stats = recurse(root) root.add = root_stats.add || 0 root.del = root_stats.del || 0 nodes resetMouseVars: -> @mousedown_node = null @mouseup_node = null @mousedown_link = null # update force layout (called automatically each iteration) tick: => vis = @ @link.attr "d", (d) -> deltaX = - d.source.x deltaY = - d.source.y dist = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) normX = deltaX / dist normY = deltaY / dist sourcePadding = vis.node_size(d.source) targetPadding = vis.node_size( sourceX = d.source.x + (sourcePadding * normX) sourceY = d.source.y + (sourcePadding * normY) targetX = - (targetPadding * normX) targetY = - (targetPadding * normY) "M" + sourceX + "," + sourceY + "L" + targetX + "," + targetY @node.attr "transform", (d) -> "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")" initHistoryGraph: (commit_history) -> # id => {sha, date, num, author, message} # num is the commit number for a date, 1 <= num <= count(commits_for_date) wd = $("#history-graph").width() ht = $("#history-graph").height() # get min/max dates in range, date is sorted in descending date order (newest first) max_date = new Date()#getDate(commit_history[0]) min_date = getDate(commit_history[commit_history.length-1]) #map dates/nums onto x and y scales x_scale = d3.time.scale() .domain([, -1),, 1)]) .range([20, wd]) y_scale = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, 10]) .range([ht-20, 0]) xAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(x_scale) .orient('bottom') .ticks(5) .tickFormat(d3.time.format('%d %b %y')) .tickSize(1) yAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(y_scale) .ticks(4) .orient("left") .tickSize(1) #create scatterplot @history_svg ="#history-graph") .append("svg") .attr("width", wd+40) .attr("height", ht+20) #add x axis @history_svg.append('svg:g') .attr("transform", "translate(0," + ht + ")") .attr("class", "x axis") .call(xAxis) #add y axis @history_svg.append('svg:g') .attr("transform", "translate(20, 20)") .attr("class", "y axis") .call(yAxis) @hist_node = @history_svg.append('svg:g').selectAll("g") #nodes are known by sha hash @hist_node = commit_history, (d) -> vis = @ g = @hist_node.enter().append('svg:g') g.append('svg:circle') .attr('cx', (d) -> x_scale(getDate(d))) .attr('cy', (d) -> y_scale(d.num)+20) .attr("class", "hist_node") .attr("id", (d) -> .attr("r", (d) -> 5) .style("fill", (d) -> '#1F77B4') .style("opacity", (d) -> d.selected ? '100%' : '50%')"stroke", (d) -> d3.rgb(vis.node_colour(d)).darker().toString()) .on("mouseover", (d) -> # vis.history_svg.selectAll("circle").filter((d2) -> d != d2).transition().style "opacity", "0.25" # append("svg:text").attr("x", 30).attr("y", 4).attr("class", "name").text (d) -> # d.sha ) .on("mouseout", (d) -> # vis.history_svg.selectAll("circle").filter((d2) -> d != d2).transition().style "opacity", "1" ) .on("click", (d) -> vis.history_svg.selectAll("circle").filter((d2) -> d != d2).transition().style "fill", "#1F77B4" "fill", "#6ACD72" $("#commit_sha").text("Commit: " + d.sha) $("#commit_author").text("Made by: " + + ", on " + moment(getDate(d)).format("dddd MMMM Do YYYY")) $("#commit_message").text(d.message) vis.filter_commit(d.sha) ) clear_filter: () -> $("#commit_sha").text('') $("#commit_author").text('') $("#commit_message").text('') @svg.selectAll('g.node_group').transition().style "opacity", "1" @svg.selectAll('g.node_group').select('text').transition().style "opacity", "1" @svg.selectAll('path').transition().style "opacity", "1" @history_svg.selectAll('circle').transition().style 'fill', '#1F77B4' filter_commit: (commit_sha) -> vis = @ filter_nodes = null $.get "/commit_diff_stats.json", {ref: commit_sha}, (history_data) -> # simple filter, replaces current graph with commit graph # vis.svg.selectAll('g').remove() # vis.initializeGraphData(history_data) vis.filter_commit_nodes(history_data) filter_commit_nodes: (commit_stats) -> return if commit_stats == null filter_nodes = @flatten(Visualisation.convertDiffStatsToTree(commit_stats)) vis = @ # filter out all nodes vis.svg.selectAll('g.node_group').transition().style "opacity", "0.25" vis.svg.selectAll('g.node_group').select('text').transition().style "opacity", "0" vis.svg.selectAll('path').transition().style "opacity", "0.1" filtered_names = $.map(filter_nodes, (node) -> return if ! nodeId( ) filtered_names.push(nodeId(@branch_name)) $.each filtered_names, (i, id_name) -> return if $("#" + id_name) == [] dom_node = vis.svg.selectAll(('#' + id_name)) dom_node.transition().style "opacity", "1"'text').transition().style "opacity", "1" vis.svg.selectAll('path').filter((d) -> source_name = nodeId( target_name = nodeId( return true if ($.inArray(source_name, filtered_names) > -1 && $.inArray(target_name, filtered_names) > -1) false ).transition().style "opacity", "1" @filter_active = true node_colour: (node) -> if !node.colour if node.root node.colour = "#1f77b4" else node.colour = "hsl(" + parseInt(360 / @total *, 10) + ",90%,70%)" return node.colour node_size: (node_data) -> return 10 if node_data.children # rad = node_data.add + node_data.del # if node_data._children # size = Math.pow(size, 2/5) if node_data._children rad = ((node_data.add + node_data.del) / @total_size) * 100 rad = 5 if rad < 5 rad = 30 if rad > 30 return 5 if !rad return rad getDate = (d) -> new Date( nodeId = (name) -> "node_" + name.replace(/[.\/]/g, '-') Visualisation.CommitGraph = CommitGraph