# # Usage: # # if you want it to not reload and be really fast # bin/rackup examples/ui/basic.ru -p 9999 # # # if you want reloading # bin/shotgun examples/ui/basic.ru -p 9999 # # http://localhost:9999/ # require 'bundler/setup' require "flipper/ui" require "flipper/adapters/pstore" Flipper.register(:admins) { |actor| actor.respond_to?(:admin?) && actor.admin? } Flipper.register(:early_access) { |actor| actor.respond_to?(:early?) && actor.early? } Flipper::UI.configure do |config| # config.banner_text = 'Production Environment' # config.banner_class = 'danger' config.feature_creation_enabled = true config.feature_removal_enabled = true config.cloud_recommendation = true # config.show_feature_description_in_list = true config.descriptions_source = lambda do |_keys| { "search_performance_another_long_thing" => "Just to test feature name length.", "gauges_tracking" => "Should we track page views with gaug.es.", "unused" => "Not used.", "suits" => "Are suits necessary in business?", "secrets" => "Secrets are lies.", "logging" => "Log all the things.", "new_cache" => "Like the old cache but newer.", "a/b" => "Why would someone use a slash? I don't know but someone did. Let's make this really long so they regret using slashes. Please don't use slashes.", } end end # You can uncomment these to get some default data: # flipper[:search_performance_another_long_thing].enable # flipper[:gauges_tracking].enable # flipper[:unused].disable # flipper[:suits].enable_actor Flipper::Actor.new('1') # flipper[:suits].enable_actor Flipper::Actor.new('6') # flipper[:secrets].enable_group :admins # flipper[:secrets].enable_group :early_access # flipper[:logging].enable_percentage_of_time 5 # flipper[:new_cache].enable_percentage_of_actors 15 # flipper["a/b"].add run Flipper::UI.app { |builder| builder.use Rack::Session::Cookie, secret: "_super_secret" }