#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 require "rubygems" require "bunny" require "benchmark" conn = Bunny.new conn.start puts puts "-" * 80 puts "Benchmarking on #{RUBY_DESCRIPTION}" n = 50_000 ch = conn.create_channel x = ch.default_exchange s = "z" * 4096 # warm up the JIT, etc puts "Doing a warmup run..." 16000.times { x.publish(s, :routing_key => "anything") } # give OS, the server and so on some time to catch # up sleep 2.0 t = Benchmark.realtime do n.times { x.publish(s, :routing_key => "anything") } end r = (n.to_f/t.to_f) puts "Publishing rate with #{s.bytesize} bytes/msg: #{(r / 1000).round(2)} KGHz" puts puts "-" * 80