# frozen_string_literal: true # description: Make files for the discorb project. require "optparse" require "discorb" require "pathname" require_relative "../utils/colored_puts" $path = Dir.pwd # @private FILES = { "main.rb" => <<~'RUBY', # frozen_string_literal: true require "discorb" require "dotenv/load" # Load environment variables from .env file. client = Discorb::Client.new # Create client for connecting to Discord client.once :standby do puts "Logged in as #{client.user}" # Prints username of logged in user end client.run ENV["%s"] # Starts client RUBY "main.rb_nc" => <<~'RUBY', # frozen_string_literal: true require "discorb" require "dotenv/load" client = Discorb::Client.new client.once :standby do puts "Logged in as #{client.user}" end client.run ENV["%s"] RUBY ".env" => <<~BASH, # Put your token after `%s=` %s= BASH ".env_nc" => <<~BASH, %s= BASH ".gitignore" => <<~GITIGNORE, *.gem *.rbc /.config /coverage/ /InstalledFiles /pkg/ /spec/reports/ /spec/examples.txt /test/tmp/ /test/version_tmp/ /tmp/ # Used by dotenv library to load environment variables. .env # Ignore Byebug command history file. .byebug_history ## Specific to RubyMotion: .dat* .repl_history build/ *.bridgesupport build-iPhoneOS/ build-iPhoneSimulator/ ## Specific to RubyMotion (use of CocoaPods): # # We recommend against adding the Pods directory to your .gitignore. However # you should judge for yourself, the pros and cons are mentioned at: # https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/using-cocoapods.html#should-i-check-the-pods-directory-into-source-control # # vendor/Pods/ ## Documentation cache and generated files: /.yardoc/ /_yardoc/ /doc/ /rdoc/ ## Environment normalization: /.bundle/ /vendor/bundle /lib/bundler/man/ # for a library or gem, you might want to ignore these files since the code is # intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in: # Gemfile.lock # .ruby-version # .ruby-gemset # unless supporting rvm < 1.11.0 or doing something fancy, ignore this: .rvmrc # Used by RuboCop. Remote config files pulled in from inherit_from directive. # .rubocop-https?--* # This gitignore is from github/gitignore. # https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Ruby.gitignore GITIGNORE ".gitignore_nc" => <<~GITIGNORE, *.gem *.rbc /.config /coverage/ /InstalledFiles /pkg/ /spec/reports/ /spec/examples.txt /test/tmp/ /test/version_tmp/ /tmp/ .env .byebug_history .dat* .repl_history build/ *.bridgesupport build-iPhoneOS/ build-iPhoneSimulator/ /.yardoc/ /_yardoc/ /doc/ /rdoc/ /.bundle/ /vendor/bundle /lib/bundler/man/ .rvmrc GITIGNORE "Gemfile" => <<~RUBY, # frozen_string_literal: true source "https://rubygems.org" git_source(:github) { |repo_name| "https://github.com/\#{repo_name}" } gem "discorb", "~> #{Discorb::VERSION}" gem "dotenv", "~> 2.7" ruby "~> #{RUBY_VERSION.split(".")[0]}.#{RUBY_VERSION.split(".")[1]}" RUBY ".env.sample" => <<~BASH, %s= BASH "README.md" => <<~MARKDOWN # %s Welcome to your bot: %s! TODO: Write your bot's description here. ## Usage TODO: Write your bot's usage here. ## Features TODO: Write your bot's features here. ## How to host 1. Clone the repository. 2. Run `bundle install`. 3. Get your bot's token from the Discord developer portal. 4. Copy `.env.sample` to `.env` and fill in the token. 5. Run `bundle exec discorb run`. TODO: Write your own customizations here. ## License TODO: Write your bot's license here. See https://choosealicense.com/ for more information. MARKDOWN }.freeze # @private def create_file(name) template_name = name template_name += "_nc" if !$values[:comment] && FILES.key?("#{name}_nc") content = format(FILES[template_name], token: $values[:token], name: $values[:name]) File.write($path + "/#{name}", content, mode: "wb") end # @private def make_files iputs "Making files..." create_file("main.rb") create_file(".env") sputs "Made files.\n" end # @private def bundle_init iputs "Initializing bundle..." create_file("Gemfile") iputs "Installing gems..." system({ "BUNDLE_GEMFILE" => nil }, "bundle install", chdir: $path) sputs "Installed gems.\n" end # @private def git_init create_file(".gitignore") iputs "Initializing git repository..." system "git init", chdir: $path sputs "Initialized repository.\n" end # @private def make_descs iputs "Making descriptions..." create_file(".env.sample") create_file("README.md") sputs "Made descriptions.\n" end opt = OptionParser.new <<~BANNER A tool to make a new project. Usage: discorb new [options] [dir] dir The directory to make the files in. BANNER $values = { bundle: true, git: false, force: false, token: "TOKEN", descs: false, name: nil, comment: true } opt.on("--[no-]bundle", "Whether to use bundle. Default to true.") do |v| $values[:bundle] = v end opt.on("--[no-]git", "Whether to initialize git. Default to false.") do |v| $values[:git] = v end opt.on( "--[no-]descs", "Whether to put some file for description. Default to false." ) { |v| $values[:descs] = v } opt.on("--[no-]comment", "Whether to write comment. Default to true.") do |v| $values[:comment] = v end opt.on( "-t NAME", "--token NAME", "The name of token environment variable. Default to TOKEN." ) { |v| $values[:token] = v } opt.on( "-n NAME", "--name NAME", "The name of your project. Default to the directory name." ) { |v| $values[:name] = v } opt.on( "--force", "-f", "Whether to force use directory. Default to false." ) { |v| $values[:force] = v } opt.parse!(ARGV) if (dir = ARGV[0]) $path += "/#{dir}" $path = File.expand_path($path) dir = File.basename($path) if Dir.exist?($path) if Dir.empty?($path) iputs "Found \e[30m#{dir}\e[90m and empty, using this directory." elsif $values[:force] iputs "Found \e[30m#{dir}\e[90m and not empty, but force is on, using this directory." else eputs "Directory \e[31m#{dir}\e[91m already exists and not empty. Use \e[31m-f\e[91m to force." exit end else Dir.mkdir($path) iputs "Couldn't find \e[30m#{dir}\e[90m, created directory." end Dir.chdir($path) else puts opt abort end $values[:name] ||= Dir.pwd.split("/").last bundle_init if $values[:bundle] make_files make_descs if $values[:descs] git_init if $values[:git] sputs "\nSuccessfully made a new project at \e[32m#{Pathname.new($path).cleanpath.split[-1]}\e[92m."