module SPARQL; module Algebra class Operator ## # A SPARQL `substr` operator. # # [123] SubstringExpression ::= 'SUBSTR' '(' Expression ',' Expression ( ',' Expression )? ')' # # @example SPARQL Grammar # PREFIX : # SELECT ?s ?str (SUBSTR(?str,1,1) AS ?substr) # WHERE { # ?s :str ?str # } # # @example SSE # (prefix ((: )) # (project (?s ?str ?substr) # (extend ((?substr (substr ?str 1 1))) # (bgp (triple ?s :str ?str))))) # # @see # @see class SubStr < Operator::Ternary include Evaluatable NAME = :substr ## # Initializes a new operator instance. # # @param [RDF::Literal] source # @param [RDF::Litereal::Integer] startingLoc # @param [RDF::Litereal::Integer] length (-1) # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional options (see {Operator#initialize}) # @raise [TypeError] if any operand is invalid def initialize(source, startingLoc, length = RDF::Literal(""), **options) super end ## # The substr function corresponds to the XPath fn:substring function and returns a literal of the same kind (simple literal, literal with language tag, xsd:string typed literal) as the source input parameter but with a lexical form formed from the substring of the lexcial form of the source. # # The arguments startingLoc and length may be derived types of xsd:integer. # # The index of the first character in a strings is 1. # # @example # substr("foobar", 4) #=> "bar" # substr("foobar"@en, 4) #=> "bar"@en # substr("foobar"^^xsd:string, 4) #=> "bar"^^xsd:string # substr("foobar", 4, 1) #=> "b" # substr("foobar"@en, 4, 1) #=> "b"@en # substr("foobar"^^xsd:string, 4, 1) #=> "b"^^xsd:string # # @param [RDF::Literal] source # a literal # @param [RDF::Literal] startingLoc # an 1-based integer offset into source # @param [RDF::Literal::Integer] length (-1) # an optional length of the substring. # @return [RDF::Literal] # @raise [TypeError] if operands are not compatible def apply(source, startingLoc, length, **options) raise TypeError, "expected a plain RDF::Literal, but got #{source.inspect}" unless source.literal? && source.plain? text = text.to_s raise TypeError, "expected an integer, but got #{startingLoc.inspect}" unless startingLoc.is_a?(RDF::Literal::Integer) startingLoc = startingLoc.to_i if length == RDF::Literal("") RDF::Literal(source.to_s[(startingLoc-1)..-1], datatype: source.datatype, language: source.language) else raise TypeError, "expected an integer, but got #{length.inspect}" unless length.is_a?(RDF::Literal::Integer) length = length.to_i RDF::Literal(source.to_s[(startingLoc-1), length], datatype: source.datatype, language: source.language) end end ## # Returns the SPARQL S-Expression (SSE) representation of this expression. # # Remove the optional argument. # # @return [Array] `self` # @see def to_sxp_bin [NAME] + operands.reject {|o| o.to_s == ""} end ## # # Returns a partial SPARQL grammar for this operator. # # @return [String] def to_sparql(**options) "SUBSTR(" + operands.to_sparql(delimiter: ', ', **options) + ")" end end # SubStr end # Operator end; end # SPARQL::Algebra