require 'spec_helper' require 'stringio' describe "Schema dump" do before(:all) do ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Schema.define do connection.tables.each do |table| drop_table table, force: :cascade end create_table :users, :force => true do |t| t.string :login t.datetime :deleted_at t.integer :first_post_id end create_table :posts, :force => true do |t| t.text :body t.integer :user_id t.integer :first_comment_id t.string :string_no_default t.integer :short_id t.string :str_short t.integer :integer_col t.float :float_col t.decimal :decimal_col t.datetime :datetime_col t.timestamp :timestamp_col t.time :time_col :date_col t.binary :binary_col t.boolean :boolean_col end create_table :comments, :force => true do |t| t.text :body t.integer :post_id t.integer :commenter_id end end end class ::User < ActiveRecord::Base ; end class ::Post < ActiveRecord::Base ; end class ::Comment < ActiveRecord::Base ; end end context "index extras" do it "should define case insensitive index" do with_index Post, [:body, :string_no_default], :case_sensitive => false do expect(dump_posts).to match(/"body".*index: {.*with:.*string_no_default.*case_sensitive: false/) end end it "should define index with type cast" do with_index Post, [:integer_col], :name => "index_with_type_cast", :expression => "LOWER(integer_col::text)" do expect(dump_posts).to include(%q{t.index name: "index_with_type_cast", expression: "lower((integer_col)::text)"}) end end it "should define case insensitive index with mixed ids and strings" do with_index Post, [:user_id, :str_short, :short_id, :body], :case_sensitive => false do expect(dump_posts).to match(/user_id.*index: {.* with: \["str_short", "short_id", "body"\], case_sensitive: false}/) end end [:integer, :float, :decimal, :datetime, :timestamp, :time, :date, :binary, :boolean].each do |col_type| col_name = "#{col_type}_col" it "should define case insensitive index that includes an #{col_type}" do with_index Post, [:user_id, :str_short, col_name, :body], :case_sensitive => false do expect(dump_posts).to match(/user_id.*index: {.* with: \["str_short", "#{col_name}", "body"\], case_sensitive: false}/) end end end it "should define where" do with_index Post, :user_id, :name => "posts_user_id_index", :where => "user_id IS NOT NULL" do expect(dump_posts).to match(/user_id.*index: {.*where: "\(user_id IS NOT NULL\)"}/) end end it "should define expression" do with_index Post, :name => "posts_freaky_index", :expression => "USING hash (least(id, user_id))" do expect(dump_posts).to include(%q{t.index name: "posts_freaky_index", using: :hash, expression: "LEAST(id, user_id)"}) end end it "should define operator_class" do with_index Post, :body, :operator_class => 'text_pattern_ops' do expect(dump_posts).to match(/body.*index:.*operator_class: "text_pattern_ops"/) end end it "should define multi-column operator classes " do with_index Post, [:body, :string_no_default], :operator_class => {body: 'text_pattern_ops', string_no_default: 'varchar_pattern_ops' } do expect(dump_posts).to match(/body.*index:.*operator_class: {"body"=>"text_pattern_ops", "string_no_default"=>"varchar_pattern_ops"}/) end end it "should define multi-column operator classes even if one column has no operator" do with_index Post, [:body, :string_no_default], :operator_class => {string_no_default: 'varchar_pattern_ops'} do expect(dump_posts).to match(/body.*index:.*operator_class: {"string_no_default"=>"varchar_pattern_ops"}/) end end it 'should dump proper operator_class with case_sensitive => false' do with_index Post, :body, :operator_class => 'text_pattern_ops', :case_sensitive => false do expect(dump_posts).to match(/body.*index:.*name: "index_posts_on_body", case_sensitive: false, operator_class: "text_pattern_ops"/) end end it "should dump unique: true with expression (Issue #142)" do with_index Post, :name => "posts_user_body_index", :unique => true, :expression => "BTRIM(LOWER(body))" do expect(dump_posts).to include(%q{t.index name: "posts_user_body_index", unique: true, expression: "btrim(lower(body))"}) end end it "should not define :case_sensitive => false with non-trivial expression" do with_index Post, :name => "posts_user_body_index", :expression => "BTRIM(LOWER(body))" do expect(dump_posts).to include(%q{t.index name: "posts_user_body_index", expression: "btrim(lower(body))"}) end end it "should define using" do with_index Post, :name => "posts_body_index", :expression => "USING hash (body)" do expect(dump_posts).to match(/body.*index:.*using: :hash/) end end end protected def with_index(*args) options = args.extract_options! model, columns = args ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Migration.add_index(model.table_name, columns, options) end model.reset_column_information begin yield ensure ActiveRecord::Migration.suppress_messages do ActiveRecord::Migration.remove_index(model.table_name, :name => determine_index_name(model, columns, options)) end end end def determine_index_name(model, columns, options) name = columns[:name] if columns.is_a?(Hash) name ||= options[:name] name ||= model.indexes.detect { |index| index.table == model.table_name.to_s && index.columns.sort == Array(columns).collect(&:to_s).sort }.name name end def dump_schema(opts={}) stream = ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.ignore_tables = Array.wrap(opts[:ignore]) || [] ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(ActiveRecord::Base.connection, stream) stream.string end def dump_posts dump_schema(:ignore => %w[users comments]) end end