module Nephophobia class ImageData attr_reader :architecture, :image_id, :image_location, :image_owner_id attr_reader :image_type, :kernel_id, :is_public, :state def initialize hash @architecture = hash['architecture'] @id = hash['id'] @image_id = hash['imageId'] @image_location = hash['imageLocation'] @image_owner_id = hash['imageOwnerId'] @image_type = hash['imageType'] @is_public = hash['isPublic'] @kernel_id = hash['kernelId'] @state = hash['imageState'] end end class Image def initialize client @client = client end ## # Returns information about AMIs, AKIs, and ARIs. Images returned include # public images, private images that +@client+ owns, and private images # owned by other AWS accounts but for which +@client+ has explicit launch # permissions. # # +filter+: An optional Hash, intended for filtering. # See the API Reference for further details. # { # "Filter.1.Name" => "instance-type", # "Filter.1.Value.1" => "m1.small", # "ExecutableBy.1" => "self", # } def all filter = {} response = @client.action "DescribeImages", filter Nephophobia.coerce(response.body['DescribeImagesResponse']['imagesSet']['item']).collect do |data| data end end ## # Returns information about the given 'image_id'. # # +image_id+: A String representing the ID of the image. def find image_id filter = { "ImageId.1" => image_id } response = @client.action "DescribeImages", filter response.body['DescribeImagesResponse']['imagesSet']['item'] end ## # Return information about all public images. def public do |image| public? image end end private ## # Images which do not have a valid kernel_id are not runnable. def public? image image.is_public == "true" && image.kernel_id != "true" end end end