.iro-purses--form { textarea { min-width: 500px; min-height: 500px; } } .iro-purses-show, .iro-purses-show-gameui, ._ { font-size: 14px; table { margin-top: 50px; .id { width: 20px; } .strategy { width: 30px; } thead { // border: 1px solid blue; position: relative; height: 1.5em; .price { background: cyan; } td { // border: 1px solid red; position: relative; > div { // border: 1px solid green; transform: translate(-0.5em, -50%) rotate(-45deg); transform-origin: 0% 50%; position: absolute; width: 100px; top: 1em; left: 50%; z-index: 0; } } } td { padding: 0 .5em; } tbody { .begin-delta { min-width: 20px; } .must-roll, .next-symbol { text-align: center; } .must-roll, .should-roll, .next-symbol { background: #eee; } .net, .netp { font-weight: bold; text-align: right; } .should-roll > .aC { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; min-width: 75px; } } } .q { font-weight: bold; } .strategies { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } } .iro-strategies-edit, .iro-strategies-new { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-start; } .iro-strategies--form { border: 1px solid blue; border-radius: 0.5em; padding: 0.5em; margin-right: .5em; .field { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } } /* * GameUI in Purse * 2023-04-06 _vp_ Continue **/ .gameuiW { border: 1px solid #ff9966; border-radius: 1em; position: relative; width: 1200px; height: 200px; margin-bottom: 10px; z-index: 0; .gameui { border-left: 1px dashed black; position: absolute; height: 100%; left: 50%; width: 600px; .gameuiC { /* 1/2 of the ground */ // border: 2px solid #ff9900; background-color: brown; position: absolute; right: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; height: 10px; &::before { content: "24"; color: white; position: absolute; left: -200px; width: 200px; height: 2px; background: white; } &::after { content: "22"; color: white; position: absolute; left: 200px; width: 200px; height: 2px; background: white; } } .elephantW { border: 2px solid black; position: absolute; bottom: 0; // left: ?? ; /* data: cc strike */ } .elephant { // border: 2px solid yellow; background-image: url('https://d15g8hc4183yn4.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/04103931/200x125-elephant-1rmTiny.png'); width: 200px; height: 125px; position: absolute; left: -100px; padding-left: 100px; bottom: 0; &::after { /* arrow-up */ content: ""; position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: calc( 50% - 25px ); width: 0; height: 0; border-left: 25px solid transparent; border-right: 25px solid transparent; border-bottom: 25px solid red; } .elephantC { // border: 10px solid black; z-index: 1; position: absolute; color: #333; background: #ddd; display: inline-block; .q { border: 2px solid #eee; color: #fff; background: #ccc; padding: 0.4em; border-radius: 50%; position: absolute; left: 50px; top: -25px; } } } .groundedW { position: absolute; right: -250px; bottom: 0; .grounded { border: 2px solid pink; background: rgba(255,255,255, 0.75); border-radius: 50%; width: 100px; height: 100px; background-image: url('https://d15g8hc4183yn4.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/04105933/200x200-spearman-rmTiny.png'); background-size: cover; .groundedStart { // border: 2px solid white; position: absolute; background: #999; bottom: 50px; top: 11px; left: 50%; right: -40px; z-index: -1; } .groundedCurrent { position: absolute; background: red; bottom: 45px; top: 52px; left: 50%; right: -30px; } } } .riderCurrent { background: #339933; left: 0; } .riderCurrent, .riderCurrent2, ._ { position: absolute; bottom: 7px; top: -7px; } .riderCurrent2 { display: none; lefts: 0; background: #993333; } .riderStart { // border: 2px solid #cc33ff; border-right: 2px solid #cc33ff; position: absolute; background: #999; // background: red; bottom: 50px; height: 35px; // right: 50px; // right: 0; bottom: 50px; // width: 176px; // left: 0; z-index: -1; } .riderStart2 { // border: 2px solid #30033f; position: absolute; background: #999; // background: red; bottom: 50px; height: 35px; // right: 50px; right: left; bottom: 50px; // width: 176px; // left: 0; z-index: -1; } .riderW { // border: 2px solid yellow; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 20px; .rider { // border: 2px solid orange; // background: rgba(255,255,255, 0.5); border-radius: 50%; background-image: url('https://d15g8hc4183yn4.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/04105933/200x200-spearman-rmTiny.png'); background-size: cover; position: absolute; width: 100px; left: -50px; height: 100px; bottom: 0; padding-left: 50px; padding-top: 50px; .riderC { border: 6px solid white; border-radius: 6px; position: absolute; left: calc( 50% - 6px ); bottom: calc( 50% - 6px ); } } .riderF { background-image: url('https://d15g8hc4183yn4.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/05142539/200x200-spearman-rmFTiny.png'); } } .windW { border: 2px solid blue; position: absolute; // left: 232px; /* Data: current underlying strike */ bottom: 0; &::before { /* arrow-up */ border-bottom: 25px solid yellow; content: ""; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: -25px; z-index: 1; border-left: 25px solid transparent; border-right: 25px solid transparent; } .wind { // border: 2px solid green; display: flex; flex-direction: column-reverse; .c-u-s { position: relative; z-index: 2; background: #333; color: white; display: inline-block } .windC { // border: 1px solid red; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; background-image: url('https://d15g8hc4183yn4.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/04104623/200x200-windTiny.png'); background-position: bottom center; margin-left: -25px; opacity: 0.5; width: 200px; height: 200px; } } } } } .next-position { .elephant { border: 1px solid white; /* 4.5% more */ border-radius: 50% 50% 0 0; // background-size: 120%; background-image: url('https://d15g8hc4183yn4.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/04103931/200x125-elephant-1rmTiny.png'); width: 200px; height: 125px; padding-left: 100px; position: absolute; left: -100px; bottom: 0; z-index: 1; } .elephantLoss { border: 1px solid red; border-radius: 50% 50% 0 0; width: 200px; height: 125px; position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; } }