# frozen_string_literal: true module Parser::AST # Extend Parser::AST::Node. # {https://github.com/whitequark/parser/blob/master/lib/parser/ast/node.rb} # # Rules # # Synvert compares ast nodes with key / value pairs, each ast node has # multiple attributes, e.g. +receiver+, +message+ and +arguments+, it # matches only when all of key / value pairs match. # # +type: 'send', message: :include, arguments: ['FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods']+ # # Synvert does comparison based on the value type # # 1. if value is a symbol, then compares ast node value as symbol, e.g. +message: :include+ # 2. if value is a string, then compares ast node original source code, e.g. +name: 'Synvert::Application'+ # 3. if value is a regexp, then compares ast node original source code, e.g. +message: /find_all_by_/+ # 4. if value is an array, then compares each ast node, e.g. +arguments: ['FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods']+ # 5. if value is nil, then check if ast node is nil, e.g. +arguments: [nil]+ # 6. if value is true or false, then check if ast node is :true or :false, e.g. +arguments: [false]+ # 7. if value is ast, then compare ast node directly, e.g. +to_ast: Parser::CurrentRuby.parse("self.class.serialized_attributes")+ # # It can also compare nested key / value pairs, like # # +type: 'send', receiver: { type: 'send', receiver: { type: 'send', message: 'config' }, message: 'active_record' }, message: 'identity_map='+ # # Source Code to Ast Node # {https://synvert-playground.xinminlabs.com/ruby} class Node TYPE_CHILDREN = { and: %i[left_value right_value], arg: %i[name], begin: %i[body], block: %i[caller arguments body], blockarg: %i[name], const: %i[parent_const name], class: %i[name parent_class body], csend: %i[receiver message arguments], cvasgn: %i[left_value right_value], cvar: %i[name], def: %i[name arguments body], definded?: %i[arguments], defs: %i[self name arguments body], hash: %i[pairs], ivasgn: %i[left_value right_value], ivar: %i[name], lvar: %i[name], lvasgn: %i[left_value right_value], masgn: %i[left_value right_value], module: %i[name body], or: %i[left_value right_value], or_asgn: %i[left_value right_value], pair: %i[key value], restarg: %i[name], send: %i[receiver message arguments], super: %i[arguments], zsuper: %i[] } # Initialize a Node. # # It extends {Parser::AST::Node} and set parent for its child nodes. def initialize(type, children = [], properties = {}) @mutable_attributes = {} super # children could be nil for s(:array) Array(children).each do |child_node| if child_node.is_a?(Parser::AST::Node) child_node.parent = self end end end # Get the parent node. # @return [Parser::AST::Node] parent node. def parent @mutable_attributes[:parent] end # Set the parent node. # @param node [Parser::AST::Node] parent node. def parent=(node) @mutable_attributes[:parent] = node end # Get the sibling nodes. # @return [Array<Parser::AST::Node>] sibling nodes. def siblings index = parent.children.index(self) parent.children[index + 1..] end # Dyamically defined method # caller, key, left_value, message, name, pairs, parent_class, parent_const, receivr, rgith_value and value. # based on const TYPE_CHILDREN. %i[ caller key left_value message name pairs parent_class parent_const receiver right_value value ].each do |method_name| define_method(method_name) do index = TYPE_CHILDREN[type]&.index(method_name) return children[index] if index raise Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported, "#{method_name} is not handled for #{debug_info}" end end # Return the left value of node. # It supports :and, :cvagn, :lvasgn, :masgn, :or and :or_asgn nodes. # @example # node # s(:or_asgn, s(:lvasgn, :a), s(:int, 1)) # node.left_value # :a # @return [Parser::AST::Node] left value of node. # @raise [Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported] if calls on other node. def left_value return children[0].children[0] if type == :or_asgn index = TYPE_CHILDREN[type]&.index(:left_value) return children[index] if index raise Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported, "#{left_value} is not handled for #{debug_info}" end # Get arguments of node. # It supports :block, :csend, :def, :defined?, :defs and :send nodes. # @example # node # s(:send, s(:const, nil, :FactoryGirl), :create, s(:sym, :post), s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :title), s(:str, "post")))) # node.arguments # [s(:sym, :post), s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :title), s(:str, "post")))] # @return [Array<Parser::AST::Node>] arguments of node. # @raise [Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported] if calls on other node. def arguments case type when :def, :block children[1].children when :defs children[2].children when :send, :csend children[2..-1] when :defined? children else raise Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported, "arguments is not handled for #{debug_info}" end end # Get body of node. # It supports :begin, :block, :class, :def, :defs and :module node. # @example # node # s(:block, s(:send, s(:const, nil, :RSpec), :configure), s(:args, s(:arg, :config)), s(:send, nil, :include, s(:const, s(:const, nil, :EmailSpec), :Helpers))) # node.body # [s(:send, nil, :include, s(:const, s(:const, nil, :EmailSpec), :Helpers))] # @return [Array<Parser::AST::Node>] body of node. # @raise [Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported] if calls on other node. def body case type when :begin children when :def, :block, :class, :module return [] if children[2].nil? :begin == children[2].type ? children[2].body : children[2..-1] when :defs return [] if children[3].nil? :begin == children[3].type ? children[3].body : children[3..-1] else raise Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported, "body is not handled for #{debug_info}" end end # Get condition of node. # It supports :if node. # @example # node # s(:if, s(:defined?, s(:const, nil, :Bundler)), nil, nil) # node.condition # s(:defined?, s(:const, nil, :Bundler)) # @return [Parser::AST::Node] condition of node. # @raise [Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported] if calls on other node. def condition if :if == type children[0] else raise Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported, "condition is not handled for #{debug_info}" end end # Get keys of :hash node. # @example # node # s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :foo), s(:sym, :bar)), s(:pair, s(:str, "foo"), s(:str, "bar"))) # node.keys # [s(:sym, :foo), s(:str, "foo")] # @return [Array<Parser::AST::Node>] keys of node. # @raise [Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported] if calls on other node. def keys if :hash == type children.map { |child| child.children[0] } else raise Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported, "keys is not handled for #{debug_info}" end end # Get values of :hash node. # @example # node # s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :foo), s(:sym, :bar)), s(:pair, s(:str, "foo"), s(:str, "bar"))) # node.values # [s(:sym, :bar), s(:str, "bar")] # @return [Array<Parser::AST::Node>] values of node. # @raise [Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported] if calls on other node. def values if :hash == type children.map { |child| child.children[1] } else raise Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported, "keys is not handled for #{debug_info}" end end # Check if :hash node contains specified key. # @example # node # s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :foo), s(:sym, :bar))) # node.key?(:foo) # true # @param [Symbol, String] key value. # @return [Boolean] true if specified key exists. # @raise [Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported] if calls on other node. def key?(key) if :hash == type children.any? { |pair_node| pair_node.key.to_value == key } else raise Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported, "key? is not handled for #{debug_info}" end end # Get :hash value node according to specified key. # @example # node # s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :foo), s(:sym, :bar))) # node.hash_value(:foo) # s(:sym, :bar) # @param [Symbol, String] key value. # @return [Parser::AST::Node] hash value of node. # @raise [Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported] if calls on other node. def hash_value(key) if :hash == type value_node = children.find { |pair_node| pair_node.key.to_value == key } value_node&.value else raise Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported, "hash_value is not handled for #{debug_info}" end end # Return the exact value of node. # It supports :array, :begin, :erange, :false, :float, :irange, :int, :str, :sym and :true nodes. # @example # node # s(:array, s(:str, "str"), s(:sym, :str)) # node.to_value # ['str', :str] # @return [Object] exact value. # @raise [Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported] if calls on other node. def to_value case type when :int, :float, :str, :sym children.last when :true true when :false false when :nil nil when :array children.map(&:to_value) when :irange (children.first.to_value..children.last.to_value) when :erange (children.first.to_value...children.last.to_value) when :begin children.first.to_value else self end end # Respond key value and source for hash node, e.g. # @example # node # s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :foo), s(:sym, :bar))) # node.foo_value # :bar # node.foo_source # ":bar" def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) if :args == type && children.respond_to?(method_name) return children.send(method_name, *args, &block) elsif :hash == type && method_name.to_s.include?('_value') key = method_name.to_s.sub('_value', '') return hash_value(key.to_sym)&.to_value if key?(key.to_sym) return hash_value(key.to_s)&.to_value if key?(key.to_s) return nil elsif :hash == type && method_name.to_s.include?('_source') key = method_name.to_s.sub('_source', '') return hash_value(key.to_sym)&.to_source if key?(key.to_sym) return hash_value(key.to_s)&.to_source if key?(key.to_s) return nil end super end def respond_to_missing?(method_name, *args) if :args == type && children.respond_to?(method_name) return true elsif :hash == type && method_name.to_s.include?('_value') key = method_name.to_s.sub('_value', '') return true if key?(key.to_sym) || key?(key.to_s) elsif :hash == type && method_name.to_s.include?('_source') key = method_name.to_s.sub('_source', '') return true if key?(key.to_sym) || key?(key.to_s) end super end # Return the debug info. # # @return [String] file, line, source and node. def debug_info "\n" + [ "file: #{loc.expression.source_buffer.name}", "line: #{loc.expression.line}", "source: #{to_source}", "node: #{inspect}" ].join("\n") end # Get the file name of node. # # @return [String] file name. def filename loc.expression&.source_buffer.name end # Get the source code of node. # # @return [String] source code. def to_source loc.expression&.source end # Get the column of node. # # @return [Integer] column. def column loc.expression.column end # Get the line of node. # # @return [Integer] line. def line loc.expression.line end # Get child node by the name. # # @param child_name [String] name of child node. # @return [Parser::AST::Node] the child node. def child_node_by_name(child_name) direct_child_name, nested_child_name = child_name.to_s.split('.', 2) if respond_to?(direct_child_name) child_node = send(direct_child_name) return child_node.child_node_by_name(nested_child_name) if nested_child_name return nil if child_node.nil? return child_node if child_node.is_a?(Parser::AST::Node) return child_node end raise Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported, "child_node_by_name is not handled for #{debug_info}, child_name: #{child_name}" end # Get the source range of child node. # # @param child_name [String] name of child node. # @return [Parser::Source::Range] source range of child node. def child_node_range(child_name) case [type, child_name.to_sym] when %i[block pipes], %i[def parentheses], %i[defs parentheses] Parser::Source::Range.new( '(string)', arguments.first.loc.expression.begin_pos - 1, arguments.last.loc.expression.end_pos + 1 ) when %i[block arguments], %i[def arguments], %i[defs arguments] Parser::Source::Range.new( '(string)', arguments.first.loc.expression.begin_pos, arguments.last.loc.expression.end_pos ) when %i[class name], %i[def name], %i[defs name] loc.name when %i[defs dot] loc.operator when %i[defs self] Parser::Source::Range.new('(string)', loc.operator.begin_pos - 'self'.length, loc.operator.begin_pos) when %i[send dot], %i[csend dot] loc.dot when %i[send message], %i[csend message] if loc.operator Parser::Source::Range.new('(string)', loc.selector.begin_pos, loc.operator.end_pos) else loc.selector end when %i[send parentheses], %i[csend parentheses] if loc.begin && loc.end Parser::Source::Range.new('(string)', loc.begin.begin_pos, loc.end.end_pos) end else direct_child_name, nested_child_name = child_name.to_s.split('.', 2) if respond_to?(direct_child_name) child_node = send(direct_child_name) return child_node.child_node_range(nested_child_name) if nested_child_name return nil if child_node.nil? if child_node.is_a?(Parser::AST::Node) return( Parser::Source::Range.new( '(string)', child_node.loc.expression.begin_pos, child_node.loc.expression.end_pos ) ) end # arguments return nil if child_node.empty? return( Parser::Source::Range.new( '(string)', child_node.first.loc.expression.begin_pos, child_node.last.loc.expression.end_pos ) ) end raise Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported, "child_node_range is not handled for #{debug_info}, child_name: #{child_name}" end end # Recursively iterate all child nodes of node. # # @yield [child] Gives a child node. # @yieldparam child [Parser::AST::Node] child node def recursive_children(&block) children.each do |child| if child.is_a?(Parser::AST::Node) stop = yield child child.recursive_children(&block) unless stop == :stop end end end # Match node with rules. # It provides some additional keywords to match rules, +any+, +contain+, +not+, +in+, +not_in+, +gt+, +gte+, +lt+, +lte+. # @example # type: 'send', arguments: { any: 'Lifo::ShowExceptions' } # type: { in: ['send', 'csend'] } # type: :send, arguments: { length: { gt: 2 } } # @param rules [Hash] rules to match. # @return true if matches. def match?(rules) keywords = %i[any contain not in not_in gt gte lt lte] flat_hash(rules).keys.all? do |multi_keys| last_key = multi_keys.last actual = keywords.include?(last_key) ? actual_value(multi_keys[0...-1]) : actual_value(multi_keys) expected = expected_value(rules, multi_keys) case last_key when :any, :contain actual.any? { |actual_value| match_value?(actual_value, expected) } when :not !match_value?(actual, expected) when :in expected.any? { |expected_value| match_value?(actual, expected_value) } when :not_in expected.all? { |expected_value| !match_value?(actual, expected_value) } when :gt actual > expected when :gte actual >= expected when :lt actual < expected when :lte actual <= expected else match_value?(actual, expected) end end end # Get rewritten source code. # @example # node.rewritten_source("create({{arguments}})") # "create(:post)" # @param code [String] raw code. # @return [String] rewritten code, replace string in block !{{ }} in raw code. # @raise [Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported] if string in block !{{ }} does not support. def rewritten_source(code) code.gsub(/{{(.*?)}}/m) do old_code = Regexp.last_match(1) if respond_to?(old_code.split('.').first) evaluated = child_node_by_name(old_code) case evaluated when Parser::AST::Node if evaluated.type == :args evaluated.loc.expression.source[1...-1] else evaluated.loc.expression.source end when Array if evaluated.size > 0 file_source = evaluated.first.loc.expression.source_buffer.source source = file_source[evaluated.first.loc.expression.begin_pos...evaluated.last.loc.expression.end_pos] lines = source.split "\n" lines_count = lines.length if lines_count > 1 && lines_count == evaluated.size new_code = [] lines.each_with_index { |line, index| new_code << (index == 0 ? line : line[evaluated.first.indent - 2..-1]) } new_code.join("\n") else source end end when String, Symbol, Integer, Float evaluated when NilClass 'nil' else raise Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported, "rewritten_source is not handled for #{evaluated.inspect}" end else "{{#{old_code}}}" end end end # Strip curly braces for hash. # @example # node # s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :foo), s(:str, "bar"))) # node.strip_curly_braces # "foo: 'bar'" # @return [String] def strip_curly_braces return to_source unless type == :hash to_source.sub(/^{(.*)}$/) { Regexp.last_match(1).strip } end # Wrap curly braces for hash. # @example # node # s(:hash, s(:pair, s(:sym, :foo), s(:str, "bar"))) # node.wrap_curly_braces # "{ foo: 'bar' }" # @return [String] def wrap_curly_braces return to_source unless type == :hash "{ #{to_source} }" end # Get single quote string. # @example # node # s(:str, "foobar") # node.to_single_quote # "'foobar'" # @return [String] def to_single_quote return to_source unless type == :str "'#{to_value}'" end # Convert string to symbol. # @example # node # s(:str, "foobar") # node.to_symbol # ":foobar" # @return [String] def to_symbol return to_source unless type == :str ":#{to_value}" end # Convert symbol to string. # @example # node # s(:sym, :foobar) # node.to_string # "foobar" # @return [String] def to_string return to_source unless type == :sym to_value.to_s end # Convert lambda {} to -> {} # @example # node # s(:block, s(:send, nil, :lambda), s(:args), s(:send, nil, :foobar)) # node.to_lambda_literal # "-> { foobar }" # @return [String] def to_lambda_literal if type == :block && caller.type == :send && caller.receiver.nil? && caller.message == :lambda new_source = to_source if arguments.size > 1 new_source = new_source[0...arguments.first.loc.expression.begin_pos - 2] + new_source[arguments.last.loc.expression.end_pos + 1..-1] new_source = new_source.sub('lambda', "->(#{arguments.map(&:to_source).join(', ')})") else new_source = new_source.sub('lambda', '->') end new_source else to_source end end # Convert node to a hash, so that it can be converted to a json. def to_hash result = { type: type } if TYPE_CHILDREN[type] TYPE_CHILDREN[type].each do |key| value = send(key) result[key] = case value when Array value.map { |v| v.respond_to?(:to_hash) ? v.to_hash : v } when Parser::AST::Node value.to_hash else value end end else result[:children] = children.map { |c| c.respond_to?(:to_hash) ? c.to_hash : c } end result end private # Compare actual value with expected value. # # @param actual [Object] actual value. # @param expected [Object] expected value. # @return [Boolean] # @raise [Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported] if expected class is not supported. def match_value?(actual, expected) return true if actual == expected case expected when Symbol if actual.is_a?(Parser::AST::Node) actual.to_source == ":#{expected}" || actual.to_source == expected.to_s else actual.to_sym == expected end when String if actual.is_a?(Parser::AST::Node) actual.to_source == expected || actual.to_source == unwrap_quote(expected) || unwrap_quote(actual.to_source) == expected || unwrap_quote(actual.to_source) == unwrap_quote(expected) else actual.to_s == expected || wrap_quote(actual.to_s) == expected end when Regexp if actual.is_a?(Parser::AST::Node) actual.to_source =~ Regexp.new(expected.to_s, Regexp::MULTILINE) else actual.to_s =~ Regexp.new(expected.to_s, Regexp::MULTILINE) end when Array return false unless expected.length == actual.length actual.zip(expected).all? { |a, e| match_value?(a, e) } when NilClass if actual.is_a?(Parser::AST::Node) :nil == actual.type else actual.nil? end when Numeric if actual.is_a?(Parser::AST::Node) actual.children[0] == expected else actual == expected end when TrueClass :true == actual.type when FalseClass :false == actual.type when Parser::AST::Node actual == expected when Synvert::Core::Rewriter::AnyValue !actual.nil? else raise Synvert::Core::MethodNotSupported, "#{expected.class} is not handled for match_value?" end end # Convert a hash to flat one. # # @example # flat_hash(type: 'block', caller: {type: 'send', receiver: 'RSpec'}) # # {[:type] => 'block', [:caller, :type] => 'send', [:caller, :receiver] => 'RSpec'} # @param h [Hash] original hash. # @return flatten hash. def flat_hash(h, k = []) new_hash = {} h.each_pair do |key, val| if val.is_a?(Hash) new_hash.merge!(flat_hash(val, k + [key])) else new_hash[k + [key]] = val end end new_hash end # Get actual value from the node. # # @param multi_keys [Array<Symbol, String>] # @return [Object] actual value. def actual_value(multi_keys) multi_keys.inject(self) { |n, key| n.send(key) if n } end # Get expected value from rules. # # @param rules [Hash] # @param multi_keys [Array<Symbol>] # @return [Object] expected value. def expected_value(rules, multi_keys) multi_keys.inject(rules) { |o, key| o[key] } end # Wrap the string with single or double quote. def wrap_quote(string) if string.include?("'") "\"#{string}\"" else "'#{string}'" end end # Unwrap the quote from the string. def unwrap_quote(string) if (string[0] == '"' && string[-1] == '"') || (string[0] == "'" && string[-1] == "'") string[1...-1] else string end end end end