require "slack-ruby-client" require "async" require "open-uri" require "cgi" require "json" require "logger" require "fileutils" require "open3" require "nice_http" require "nice_hash" require_relative "slack/smart-bot/comm" require_relative "slack/smart-bot/listen" require_relative "slack/smart-bot/treat_message" require_relative "slack/smart-bot/process_first" require_relative "slack/smart-bot/process" require_relative "slack/smart-bot/utils" TESTING_SLACK_SMART_BOT ||= false unless TESTING_SLACK_SMART_BOT if ARGV.size == 0 CHANNEL = MASTER_CHANNEL ON_MASTER_BOT = true ADMIN_USERS = MASTER_USERS RULES_FILE = "#{$0.gsub(".rb", "_rules.rb")}" unless defined?(RULES_FILE) unless File.exist?(RULES_FILE) default_rules = (__FILE__).gsub(/\.rb$/, "_rules.rb") FileUtils.copy_file(default_rules, RULES_FILE) end STATUS_INIT = :on SHORTCUTS_FILE = "slack-smart-bot_shortcuts_#{CHANNEL}.rb".gsub(" ", "_") else ON_MASTER_BOT = false CHANNEL = ARGV[0] ADMIN_USERS = ARGV[1].split(",") RULES_FILE = ARGV[2] STATUS_INIT = ARGV[3].to_sym SHORTCUTS_FILE = "slack-smart-bot_shortcuts_#{CHANNEL}.rb".gsub(" ", "_") end end class SlackSmartBot attr_accessor :config, :client attr_reader :master_bot_id, :channel_id geml = { |x| == "slack-smart-bot" }[0] if geml.nil? version = "" else version = geml.version.to_s end VERSION = version def initialize(config) Dir.mkdir("./logs") unless Dir.exist?("./logs") Dir.mkdir("./shortcuts") unless Dir.exist?("./shortcuts") Dir.mkdir("./routines") unless Dir.exist?("./routines") logfile = File.basename(RULES_FILE.gsub("_rules_", "_logs_"), ".rb") + ".log" @logger ="./logs/#{logfile}") config_log = config.dup config_log.delete(:token) config[:silent] = false unless config.key?(:silent) config[:testing] = false unless config.key?(:testing) config[:simulate] = false unless config.key?(:simulate) "Initializing bot: #{config_log.inspect}""./buffer.log", "w") if config[:testing] and ON_MASTER_BOT"./buffer_complete.log", "w") if config[:simulate] and ON_MASTER_BOT config[:channel] = CHANNEL self.config = config Slack.configure do |conf| conf.token = config[:token] end restarts = 0 created = false while restarts < 200 and !created begin "Connecting #{config_log.inspect}" self.client = :rtm_connect) created = true rescue Exception => e restarts += 1 if restarts < 200 @logger.fatal "*" * 50 @logger.fatal "Rescued on creation: #{e.inspect}" "Waiting 60 seconds to retry. restarts: #{restarts}" puts "#{}: Not able to create client. Waiting 60 seconds to retry: #{config_log.inspect}" sleep 60 else exit! end end end @listening = @bots_created = @shortcuts = @shortcuts[:all] = @rules_imported = @routines = if File.exist?("./shortcuts/#{SHORTCUTS_FILE}") file_sc = IO.readlines("./shortcuts/#{SHORTCUTS_FILE}").join unless file_sc.to_s() == "" @shortcuts = eval(file_sc) end end get_routines() if ON_MASTER_BOT and File.exist?($0.gsub(".rb", "_bots.rb")) get_bots_created() if @bots_created.kind_of?(Hash) @bots_created.each { |key, value| if !value.key?(:cloud) or (value.key?(:cloud) and value[:cloud] == false) "ruby #{$0} \"#{value[:channel_name]}\" \"#{value[:admins]}\" \"#{value[:rules_file]}\" #{value[:status].to_sym}" t = do `ruby #{$0} \"#{value[:channel_name]}\" \"#{value[:admins]}\" \"#{value[:rules_file]}\" #{value[:status].to_sym}` end value[:thread] = t end } end end # rules imported only for DM if ON_MASTER_BOT and File.exist?("./rules/rules_imported.rb") file_conf = IO.readlines("./rules/rules_imported.rb").join unless file_conf.to_s() == "" @rules_imported = eval(file_conf) end end begin user_info = client.web_client.users_info(user: "#{"@" if config[:nick][0] != "@"}#{config[:nick]}") config[:nick_id] = rescue Slack::Web::Api::Errors::TooManyRequestsError @logger.fatal "TooManyRequestsError" abort("TooManyRequestsError please re run the bot and be sure of executing first: killall ruby") rescue Exception => stack @logger.fatal stack abort("The bot user specified on settings: #{config[:nick]}, doesn't exist on Slack. Execution aborted") end begin @admin_users_id = [] ADMIN_USERS.each do |au| user_info = client.web_client.users_info(user: "@#{au}") @admin_users_id << end rescue Slack::Web::Api::Errors::TooManyRequestsError @logger.fatal "TooManyRequestsError" abort("TooManyRequestsError please re run the bot and be sure of executing first: killall ruby") rescue Exception => stack abort("The admin user specified on settings: #{ADMIN_USERS.join(", ")}, doesn't exist on Slack. Execution aborted") end client.on :hello do m = "Successfully connected, welcome '#{}' to the '#{}' team at https://#{}" puts m m gems_remote = `gem list slack-smart-bot --remote` version_remote = gems_remote.to_s().scan(/slack-smart-bot \((\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/).join version_message = "" if version_remote != VERSION version_message = ". There is a new available version: #{version_remote}." end unless config[:silent] respond "Smart Bot started v#{VERSION}#{version_message}\nIf you want to know what I can do for you: `bot help`.\n`bot rules` if you want to display just the specific rules of this channel.\nYou can talk to me privately if you prefer it." end @routines.each do |ch, rout| rout.each do |k, v| if !v[:running] and v[:channel_name] == CHANNEL create_routine_thread(k) end end end end @status = STATUS_INIT @questions = @channels_id = @channels_name = get_channels_name_and_id() @channel_id = @channels_id[CHANNEL].dup @master_bot_id = @channels_id[MASTER_CHANNEL].dup get_routines() if @routines.key?(@channel_id) @routines[@channel_id].each do |k, v| @routines[@channel_id][k][:running] = false end end update_routines() client.on :close do |_data| m = "Connection closing, exiting. #{}" m _data end client.on :closed do |_data| m = "Connection has been disconnected. #{}" m _data end self end private :update_bots_file, :get_bots_created, :get_channels_name_and_id, :update_shortcuts_file end