require 'brakeman/checks/base_check' require 'brakeman/processors/lib/find_call' require 'brakeman/processors/lib/processor_helper' require 'brakeman/util' require 'set' #This check looks for unescaped output in templates which contains #parameters or model attributes. # #For example: # # <%= User.find(:id).name %> # <%= params[:id] %> class Brakeman::CheckCrossSiteScripting < Brakeman::BaseCheck Brakeman::Checks.add self @description = "Checks for unescaped output in views" #Model methods which are known to be harmless IGNORE_MODEL_METHODS = Set[:average, :count, :maximum, :minimum, :sum, :id] MODEL_METHODS = Set[:all, :find, :first, :last, :new] IGNORE_LIKE = /^link_to_|(_path|_tag|_url)$/ HAML_HELPERS =,, :Haml), :Helpers) XML_HELPER =,, :Erubis), :XmlHelper) URI =, :URI) CGI =, :CGI) FORM_BUILDER =,, :FormBuilder), :new) #Run check def run_check setup tracker.each_template do |name, template| Brakeman.debug "Checking #{name} for XSS" @current_template = template template.each_output do |out| unless check_for_immediate_xss out @matched = false @mark = false process out end end end end def check_for_immediate_xss exp return :duplicate if duplicate? exp if exp.node_type == :output out = exp.value elsif exp.node_type == :escaped_output if raw_call? exp out = exp.value.first_arg elsif html_safe_call? exp out = end end return if call? out and ignore_call?, out.method if input = has_immediate_user_input?(out) add_result exp message = "Unescaped #{friendly_type_of input}" warn :template => @current_template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :warning_code => :cross_site_scripting, :message => message, :code => input.match, :confidence => CONFIDENCE[:high] elsif not tracker.options[:ignore_model_output] and match = has_immediate_model?(out) method = if call? match match.method else nil end unless IGNORE_MODEL_METHODS.include? method add_result exp if likely_model_attribute? match confidence = CONFIDENCE[:high] else confidence = CONFIDENCE[:med] end message = "Unescaped model attribute" link_path = "cross_site_scripting" warning_code = :cross_site_scripting if node_type?(out, :call, :attrasgn) && out.method == :to_json message += " in JSON hash" link_path += "_to_json" warning_code = :xss_to_json end code = if match == out nil else match end warn :template => @current_template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :warning_code => warning_code, :message => message, :code => match, :confidence => confidence, :link_path => link_path end else false end end #Call already involves a model, but might not be acting on a record def likely_model_attribute? exp return false unless call? exp method = exp.method if MODEL_METHODS.include? method or method.to_s.start_with? "find_by_" true else likely_model_attribute? end end #Process an output Sexp def process_output exp process exp.value.dup end #Look for calls to raw() #Otherwise, ignore def process_escaped_output exp unless check_for_immediate_xss exp if not duplicate? exp if raw_call? exp process exp.value.first_arg elsif html_safe_call? exp process end end end exp end #Check a call for user input # # #Since we want to report an entire call and not just part of one, use @mark #to mark when a call is started. Any dangerous values inside will then #report the entire call chain. def process_call exp if @mark actually_process_call exp else @mark = true actually_process_call exp message = nil if @matched unless @matched.type and tracker.options[:ignore_model_output] message = "Unescaped #{friendly_type_of @matched}" end if message and not duplicate? exp add_result exp link_path = "cross_site_scripting" warning_code = :cross_site_scripting if @known_dangerous.include? exp.method confidence = CONFIDENCE[:high] if exp.method == :to_json message += " in JSON hash" link_path += "_to_json" warning_code = :xss_to_json end else confidence = CONFIDENCE[:low] end warn :template => @current_template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :warning_code => warning_code, :message => message, :code => exp, :user_input => @matched, :confidence => confidence, :link_path => link_path end end @mark = @matched = false end exp end def actually_process_call exp return if @matched target = if sexp? target target = process target end method = exp.method #Ignore safe items if ignore_call? target, method @matched = false elsif sexp? target and model_name? target[1] #TODO: use method call? @matched =, exp) elsif cookies? exp @matched =, exp) elsif @inspect_arguments and params? exp @matched =, exp) elsif @inspect_arguments process_call_args exp end end #Note that params have been found def process_params exp @matched =, exp) exp end #Note that cookies have been found def process_cookies exp @matched =, exp) exp end #Ignore calls to render def process_render exp exp end #Process as default def process_dstr exp process_default exp end #Process as default def process_format exp process_default exp end #Ignore output HTML escaped via HAML def process_format_escaped exp exp end #Ignore condition in if Sexp def process_if exp process exp.then_clause if sexp? exp.then_clause process exp.else_clause if sexp? exp.else_clause exp end def process_case exp #Ignore user input in case value #TODO: also ignore when values current = 2 while current < exp.length process exp[current] if exp[current] current += 1 end exp end def setup @ignore_methods = Set[:button_to, :check_box, :content_tag, :escapeHTML, :escape_once, :field_field, :fields_for, :h, :hidden_field, :hidden_field, :hidden_field_tag, :image_tag, :label, :link_to, :mail_to, :radio_button, :select, :submit_tag, :text_area, :text_field, :text_field_tag, :url_encode, :url_for, :will_paginate].merge tracker.options[:safe_methods] @models = tracker.models.keys @inspect_arguments = tracker.options[:check_arguments] @known_dangerous = Set[:truncate, :concat] if version_between? "2.0.0", "3.0.5" @known_dangerous << :auto_link elsif version_between? "3.0.6", "3.0.99" @ignore_methods << :auto_link end if version_between? "2.0.0", "2.3.14" @known_dangerous << :strip_tags end json_escape_on = false initializers = tracker.check_initializers :ActiveSupport, :escape_html_entities_in_json= initializers.each {|result| json_escape_on = true?( } if tracker.config.escape_html_entities_in_json? json_escape_on = true elsif version_between? "4.0.0", "5.0.0" json_escape_on = true end if !json_escape_on or version_between? "0.0.0", "2.0.99" @known_dangerous << :to_json Brakeman.debug("Automatic to_json escaping not enabled, consider to_json dangerous") else @safe_input_attributes << :to_json Brakeman.debug("Automatic to_json escaping is enabled.") end end def raw_call? exp exp.value.node_type == :call and exp.value.method == :raw end def html_safe_call? exp exp.value.node_type == :call and exp.value.method == :html_safe end def ignore_call? target, method ignored_method?(target, method) or safe_input_attribute?(target, method) or ignored_model_method?(target, method) or form_builder_method?(target, method) or haml_escaped?(target, method) or boolean_method?(method) or cgi_escaped?(target, method) or xml_escaped?(target, method) end def ignored_model_method? target, method ((@matched and @matched.type == :model) or model_name? target) and IGNORE_MODEL_METHODS.include? method end def ignored_method? target, method @ignore_methods.include? method or method.to_s =~ IGNORE_LIKE end def cgi_escaped? target, method method == :escape and (target == URI or target == CGI) end def haml_escaped? target, method method == :html_escape and target == HAML_HELPERS end def xml_escaped? target, method method == :escape_xml and target == XML_HELPER end def form_builder_method? target, method target == FORM_BUILDER and @ignore_methods.include? method end def safe_input_attribute? target, method target and @safe_input_attributes.include? method end def boolean_method? method method.to_s.end_with? "?" end end