The following configuration settings are related to the current Glyph document. Therefore, you should update them right after creating a project. config_table[ ref_config[| The author of the document. ] ref_config[document.draft| If set to @true@, the document is considered a draft, so =>[#m_draftcomment|draft comments] and =>[#m_todo|todo items] will be displayed. ] ref_config[document.filename| The name of the output file. ] ref_config[document.output| The format of the output file. It can be set to: %[=Glyph['output'].keys.reject{\|v\| v == :h3rald }.map{\|v\| "* @#{v}@"}.sort.join("\n")=] ] ref_config[document.revision| The document's revision. ] ref_config[document.source| The main source file to compile. It can be also be overridden by calling the #>[compile] with the @-s@ option. ] ref_config[document.styles| How to process stylesheets. It can be set to one of the following values: * @embed@ -- Embed stylesheets within the document. * @link@ -- Link stylesheets. * @import@ -- Import stylesheets using the code[@import] CSS directive. ] ref_config[document.subtitle| The subtitle of the document, displayed using the %>[subtitle]. ] ref_config[document.title| The title of the document, displayed using the %>[title]. ] ]