module SymmetricEncryption # Encryption keys are secured in Keystores module Keystore # @formatter:off autoload :Aws, "symmetric_encryption/keystore/aws" autoload :Environment, "symmetric_encryption/keystore/environment" autoload :Gcp, "symmetric_encryption/keystore/gcp" autoload :File, "symmetric_encryption/keystore/file" autoload :Heroku, "symmetric_encryption/keystore/heroku" autoload :Memory, "symmetric_encryption/keystore/memory" # @formatter:on # Returns [Hash] a new keystore configuration after generating data keys for each environment. def self.generate_data_keys(keystore:, environments: %i[development test release production], **args) keystore_class = keystore.is_a?(Symbol) || keystore.is_a?(String) ? constantize_symbol(keystore) : keystore configs = {} environments.each do |environment| environment = environment.to_sym configs[environment] = if %i[development test].include?(environment) dev_config else cfg = keystore_class.generate_data_key(environment: environment, **args) { ciphers: [cfg] } end end configs end # Returns [Hash] a new configuration file after performing key rotation. # # Perform key rotation for each of the environments in the configuration file, by # * generating a new key, and iv with an incremented version number. # # Params: # config: [Hash] # The current contents of `symmetric-encryption.yml`. # # environments: [Array] # List of environments for which to perform key rotation for. # Default: All environments found in the current configuration file except development and test. # # rolling_deploy: [true|false] # To support a rolling deploy of the new key it must added initially as the second key. # Then in a subsequent deploy the key can be moved into the first position to activate it. # In this way during a rolling deploy encrypted values written by updated servers will be readable # by the servers that have not been updated yet. # Default: false # # keystore: [Symbol] # If supplied, changes the keystore during key rotation. # # Notes: # * iv_filename is no longer supported and is removed when creating a new random cipher. # * `iv` does not need to be encrypted and is included in the clear. def self.rotate_keys!(full_config, environments: [], app_name:, rolling_deploy: false, keystore: nil) full_config.each_pair do |environment, cfg| # Only rotate keys for specified environments. Default, all next if !environments.empty? && !environments.include?(environment.to_sym) # Find the highest version number version = cfg[:ciphers].collect { |c| c[:version] || 0 }.max config = cfg[:ciphers].first # Only generate new keys for keystore's that have a key encrypting key next unless config[:key_encrypting_key] || config[:private_rsa_key] cipher_name = config[:cipher_name] || "aes-256-cbc" keystore_class = keystore ? constantize_symbol(keystore) : keystore_for(config) args = { cipher_name: cipher_name, app_name: app_name, version: version, environment: environment } args[:key_path] = ::File.dirname(config[:key_filename]) if config.key?(:key_filename) new_data_key = keystore_class.generate_data_key(**args) # Add as second key so that key can be published now and only used in a later deploy. if rolling_deploy cfg[:ciphers].insert(1, new_data_key) else cfg[:ciphers].unshift(new_data_key) end end full_config end # Rotates just the key encrypting keys for the current cipher version. # The existing data encryption key is not changed, it is secured using the # new key encrypting keys. def self.rotate_key_encrypting_keys!(full_config, environments: [], app_name:) full_config.each_pair do |environment, cfg| # Only rotate keys for specified environments. Default, all next if !environments.empty? && !environments.include?(environment.to_sym) config = cfg[:ciphers].first # Only generate new keys for keystore's that have a key encrypting key next unless config[:key_encrypting_key] version = config.delete(:version) || 1 version -= 1 always_add_header = config.delete(:always_add_header) encoding = config.delete(:encoding) migrate_config!(config) # The current data encrypting key without any of the key encrypting keys. key = Keystore.read_key(config) cipher_name = key.cipher_name keystore_class = keystore_for(config) args = { cipher_name: cipher_name, app_name: app_name, version: version, environment: environment, dek: key } args[:key_path] = ::File.dirname(config[:key_filename]) if config.key?(:key_filename) new_config = keystore_class.generate_data_key(args) new_config[:always_add_header] = always_add_header new_config[:encoding] = encoding # Replace existing config entry cfg[:ciphers].shift cfg[:ciphers].unshift(new_config) end full_config end # The default development config. def self.dev_config { ciphers: [ { key: "1234567890ABCDEF", iv: "1234567890ABCDEF", cipher_name: "aes-128-cbc", version: 1 } ] } end # Returns [Key] by recursively navigating the config tree. # # Supports N level deep key encrypting keys. def self.read_key(key: nil, iv:, key_encrypting_key: nil, cipher_name: "aes-256-cbc", keystore: nil, version: 0, **args) if key_encrypting_key.is_a?(Hash) # Recurse up the chain returning the parent key_encrypting_key key_encrypting_key = read_key(cipher_name: cipher_name, **key_encrypting_key) end unless key keystore_class = keystore ? constantize_symbol(keystore) : keystore_for(args) store = key_encrypting_key, **args) key = end key, iv: iv, cipher_name: cipher_name) end # # Internal use only methods # def self.keystore_for(config) if config[:keystore] constantize_symbol(config[:keystore]) elsif config[:encrypted_key] Keystore::Memory elsif config[:key_filename] Keystore::File elsif config[:key_env_var] Keystore::Environment else raise(ArgumentError, "Unknown keystore supplied in config") end end def self.constantize_symbol(symbol, namespace = "SymmetricEncryption::Keystore") klass = "#{namespace}::#{camelize(symbol.to_s)}" begin Object.const_get(klass) rescue NameError raise(ArgumentError, "Keystore: #{symbol.inspect} not found. Looking for: #{klass}") end end # Borrow from Rails, when not running Rails def self.camelize(term) string = term.to_s string = string.sub(/^[a-z\d]*/, &:capitalize) string.gsub!(%r{(?:_|(/))([a-z\d]*)}i) { "#{Regexp.last_match(1)}#{Regexp.last_match(2).capitalize}" } string.gsub!("/".freeze, "::".freeze) string end # Migrate a prior config. # # Note: # * The config cannot be saved back to the config file once # migrated, without generating new Key Encrypting Keys. # * Only run this migration in the target environment so that the # current key encrypting files are present. def self.migrate_config!(config) # Backward compatibility - Deprecated private_rsa_key = config.delete(:private_rsa_key) # Migrate old encrypted_iv if (encrypted_iv = config.delete(:encrypted_iv)) && private_rsa_key encrypted_iv = config[:iv] = ::Base64.decode64(encrypted_iv) end # Migrate old iv_filename if (file_name = config.delete(:iv_filename)) && private_rsa_key encrypted_iv = config[:iv] = end # Backward compatibility - Deprecated config[:key_encrypting_key] = if private_rsa_key # Migrate old encrypted_key to new binary format if (encrypted_key = config[:encrypted_key]) && private_rsa_key config[:encrypted_key] = ::Base64.decode64(encrypted_key) end end end end