// Teaspoon includes some support files, but you can use anything from your own support path too. // require support/expect // require support/sinon // require support/your-support-file // // Deferring execution // If you're using CommonJS, RequireJS or some other asynchronous library you can defer execution. Call Teaspoon.execute() // after everything has been loaded. Simple example of a timeout: // // Teaspoon.defer = true // setTimeout(Teaspoon.execute, 1000) // // Matching files // By default Teaspoon will look for files that match _spec.{js,js.coffee,.coffee}. Add a filename_spec.js file in your // spec path and it'll be included in the default suite automatically. If you want to customize suites, check out the // configuration in config/initializers/teaspoon.rb // // Manifest // If you'd rather require your spec files manually (to control order for instance) you can disable the suite matcher in // the configuration and use this file as a manifest. // // For more information: http://github.com/modeset/teaspoon // // You can require javascript files here. A good place to start is by requiring your application.js. //= require application