# Sprockets: Rack-based asset packaging Sprockets is a Ruby library for compiling and serving web assets. It features declarative dependency management for JavaScript and CSS assets, as well as a powerful preprocessor pipeline that allows you to write assets in languages like CoffeeScript, Sass, SCSS and LESS. # Installation # Install Sprockets from RubyGems: $ gem install sprockets Or include it in your project's `Gemfile` with Bundler: gem 'sprockets', '~> 2.0' # Understanding the Sprockets Environment # You'll need an instance of the `Sprockets::Environment` class to access and serve assets from your application. Under Rails 3.1 and later, `YourApp::Application.assets` is a preconfigured `Sprockets::Environment` instance. For Rack-based applications, create an instance in `config.ru`. The Sprockets `Environment` has methods for retrieving and serving assets, manipulating the load path, and registering processors. It is also a Rack application that can be mounted at a URL to serve assets over HTTP. ## The Load Path ## The *load path* is an ordered list of directories that Sprockets uses to search for assets. In the simplest case, a Sprockets environment's load path will consist of a single directory containing your application's asset source files. When mounted, the environment will serve assets from this directory as if they were static files in your public root. The power of the load path is that it lets you organize your source files into multiple directories -- even directories that live outside your application -- and combine those directories into a single virtual filesystem. That means you can easily bundle JavaScript, CSS and images into a Ruby library and import them into your application. ### Manipulating the Load Path ### To add a directory to your environment's load path, use the `append_path` and `prepend_path` methods. Directories at the beginning of the load path have precedence over subsequent directories. environment = Sprockets::Environment.new environment.append_path 'app/assets/javascripts' environment.append_path 'lib/assets/javascripts' environment.append_path 'vendor/assets/jquery' In general, you should append to the path by default and reserve prepending for cases where you need to override existing assets. ## Accessing Assets ## Once you've set up your environment's load path, you can mount the environment as a Rack server and request assets via HTTP. You can also access assets programmatically from within your application. ### Logical Paths ### Assets in Sprockets are always referenced by their *logical path*. The logical path is the path of the asset source file relative to its containing directory in the load path. For example, if your load path contains the directory `app/assets/javascripts`:
Asset source file Logical path
app/assets/javascripts/application.js application.js
app/assets/javascripts/models/project.js models/project.js
In this way, all directories in the load path are merged to create a virtual filesystem whose entries are logical paths. ### Serving Assets Over HTTP ### When you mount an environment, all of its assets are accessible as logical paths underneath the *mount point*. For example, if you mount your environment at `/assets` and request the URL `/assets/application.js`, Sprockets will search your load path for the file named `application.js` and serve it. Under Rails 3.1 and later, your Sprockets environment is automatically mounted at `/assets`. If you are using Sprockets with a Rack application, you will need to mount the environment yourself. A good way to do this is with the `map` method in `config.ru`: require 'sprockets' map '/assets' do environment = Sprockets::Environment.new environment.append_path 'app/assets/javascripts' environment.append_path 'app/assets/stylesheets' run environment end ### Accessing Assets Programmatically ### You can use the `find_asset` method (aliased as `[]`) to retrieve an asset from a Sprockets environment. Pass it a logical path and you'll get a `Sprockets::BundledAsset` instance back: environment['application.js'] # => # Call `to_s` on the resulting asset to access its contents, `length` to get its length in bytes, `mtime` to query its last-modified time, and `pathname` to get its full path on the filesystem. # Using Engines # Asset source files can be written in another language, like SCSS or CoffeeScript, and automatically compiled to CSS or JavaScript by Sprockets. Compilers for these languages are called *engines*. Engines are specified by additional extensions on the asset source filename. For example, a CSS file written in SCSS might have the name `layout.css.scss`, while a JavaScript file written in CoffeeScript might have the name `dialog.js.coffee`. ## Styling with Sass and SCSS ## [Sass](http://sass-lang.com/) is a language that compiles to CSS and adds features like nested rules, variables, mixins and selector inheritance. If the `sass` gem is available to your application, you can use Sass to write CSS assets in Sprockets. Sprockets supports both Sass syntaxes. For the original whitespace-sensitive syntax, use the extension `.css.sass`. For the new SCSS syntax, use the extension `.css.scss`. ## Styling with LESS ## [LESS](http://lesscss.org/) extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. If the `less` gem is available to your application, you can use LESS to write CSS assets in Sprockets. Note that the LESS compiler is written in JavaScript, and at the time of this writing, the `less` gem depends on `therubyracer` which embeds the V8 JavaScript runtime in Ruby. To write CSS assets with LESS, use the extension `.css.less`. ## Scripting with CoffeeScript ## [CoffeeScript](http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/) is a language that compiles to the "good parts" of JavaScript, featuring a cleaner syntax with array comprehensions, classes, and function binding. If the `coffee-script` gem is available to your application, you can use CoffeeScript to write JavaScript assets in Sprockets. Note that the CoffeeScript compiler is written in JavaScript, and you will need an [ExecJS](https://github.com/sstephenson/execjs)-supported runtime on your system to invoke it. To write JavaScript assets with CoffeeScript, use the extension `.js.coffee`. ## JavaScript Templating with EJS and Eco ## Sprockets supports *JavaScript templates* for client-side rendering of strings or markup. JavaScript templates have the special format extension `.jst` and are compiled to JavaScript functions. When loaded, a JavaScript template function can be accessed by its logical path as a property on the global `JST` object. Invoke a template function to render the template as a string. The resulting string can then be inserted into the DOM.
Hello, <%= name %>!
// application.js //= require templates/hello $("#hello").html(JST["templates/hello"]({ name: "Sam" })); Sprockets supports two JavaScript template languages: [EJS](https://github.com/sstephenson/ruby-ejs), for embedded JavaScript, and [Eco](https://github.com/sstephenson/ruby-eco), for embedded CoffeeScript. Both languages use the familiar `<% … %>` syntax for embedding logic in templates. If the `ejs` gem is available to your application, you can use EJS templates in Sprockets. EJS templates have the extension `.jst.ejs`. If the `eco` gem is available to your application, you can use [Eco templates](https://github.com/sstephenson/eco) in Sprockets. Eco templates have the extension `.jst.eco`. Note that the `eco` gem depends on the CoffeeScript compiler, so the same caveats apply as outlined above for the CoffeeScript engine. ## Invoking Ruby with ERB ## Sprockets provides an ERB engine for preprocessing assets using embedded Ruby code. Append `.erb` to a CSS or JavaScript asset's filename to enable the ERB engine. **Note**: Sprockets processes multiple engine extensions in order from right to left, so you can use multiple engines with a single asset. For example, to have a CoffeeScript asset that is first preprocessed with ERB, use the extension `.js.coffee.erb`. Ruby code embedded in an asset is evaluated in the context of a `Sprockets::Context` instance for the given asset. Common uses for ERB include: - embedding another asset as a Base64-encoded `data:` URI with the `asset_data_uri` helper - inserting the URL to another asset, such as with the `asset_path` helper provided by the Sprockets Rails plugin - embedding other application resources, such as a localized string database, in a JavaScript asset via JSON - embedding version constants loaded from another file See the [Helper Methods](#FIXME) section for more information about interacting with `Sprockets::Context` instances via ERB. ### String Interpolation Syntax ### If you need access to Ruby from an asset but cannot use ERB's `<% … %>` syntax, Sprockets also supports Ruby string interpolation syntax (`#{ … }`) with the `.str` engine extension. # Managing and Bundling Dependencies # You can create *asset bundles* -- ordered concatenations of asset source files -- by specifying dependencies in a special comment syntax at the top of each source file. Sprockets reads these comments, called *directives*, and processes them to recursively build a dependency graph. When you request an asset with dependencies, the dependencies will be included in order at the top of the file. ## The Directive Processor ## Sprockets runs the *directive processor* on each CSS and JavaScript source file. The directive processor scans for comment lines beginning with `=` in comment blocks at the top of the file. //= require jquery //= require jquery-ui //= require backbone //= require_tree . The first word immediately following `=` specifies the directive name. Any words following the directive name are treated as arguments. Arguments may be placed in single or double quotes if they contain spaces, similar to commands in the Unix shell. **Note**: Non-directive comment lines will be preserved in the final asset, but directive comments are stripped after processing. Sprockets will not look for directives in comment blocks that occur after the first line of code. ### Supported Comment Types ### The directive processor understands comment blocks in three formats: /* Multi-line comment blocks (CSS, SCSS, JavaScript) *= require foo */ // Single-line comment blocks (SCSS, JavaScript) //= require foo # Single-line comment blocks (CoffeeScript) #= require foo ## Sprockets Directives ## You can use the following directives to declare dependencies in asset source files. For directives that take a *path* argument, you may specify either a logical path or a relative path. Relative paths begin with `./` and reference files relative to the location of the current file. ### The `require` Directive ### `require` *path* inserts the contents of the asset source file specified by *path*. If the file is required multiple times, it will appear in the bundle only once. ### The `include` Directive ### `include` *path* works like `require`, but inserts the contents of the specified source file even if it has already been included or required. ### The `require_directory` Directive ### `require_directory` *path* requires all source files of the same format in the directory specified by *path*. Files are required in alphabetical order. ### The `require_tree` Directive ### `require_tree` *path* works like `require_directory`, but operates recursively to require all files in all subdirectories of the directory specified by *path*. ### The `require_self` Directive ### `require_self` tells Sprockets to insert the body of the current source file before any subsequent `require` or `include` directives. ### The `depend_on` Directive ### `depend_on` *path* declares a dependency on the given *path* without including it in the bundle. This is useful when you need to expire an asset's cache in response to a change in another file. # Contributing # The Sprockets source code is [hosted on GitHub](https://github.com/sstephenson/sprockets). You can check out a copy of the latest code using Git: $ git clone https://github.com/sstephenson/sprockets.git If you've found a bug or have a question, please open an issue on the [Sprockets issue tracker](https://github.com/sstephenson/sprockets/issues). Or, clone the Sprockets repository, write a failing test case, fix the bug and submit a pull request. # License # Copyright © 2011 Sam Stephenson <> Copyright © 2011 Joshua Peek <> Sprockets is distributed under an MIT-style license. See LICENSE for details.