require 'json' require 'tempfile' ::Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do namespace :roundsman do def run_list(*recipes) if recipes.any? set :run_list, recipes install_ruby run_chef else Array(fetch(:run_list)) end end def set_default(name, *args, &block) @_defaults ||= [] @_overridden_defaults ||= [] @_defaults << name if exists?(name) @_overridden_defaults << name else set(name, *args, &block) end end def roundsman_working_dir(*path) ensure_roundsman_working_dir File.join(fetch(:roundsman_working_dir), *path) end def sudo(command, *args) run "#{top.sudo} #{command}", *args end def run(*args) if fetch(:stream_roundsman_output) *args else *args end end set_default :roundsman_working_dir, "/tmp/roundsman" set_default :stream_roundsman_output, true set_default(:roundsman_user) { fetch(:user) { capture('whoami').strip } } set_default :debug_chef, false set_default :package_manager, 'apt-get' desc "Lists configuration" task :configuration do @_defaults.sort.each do |name| display_name = ":#{name},".ljust(30) if variables[name].is_a?(Proc) value = "" else value = fetch(name).inspect value = "#{value[0..40]}... (truncated)" if value.length > 40 end overridden = @_overridden_defaults.include?(name) ? "(overridden)" : "" puts "set #{display_name} #{value} #{overridden}" end end desc "Prepares the server for chef" task :install_ruby do install.default end desc "Runs chef" task :run_chef do chef.default end def ensure_roundsman_working_dir unless @ensured_roundsman_working_dir run "mkdir -p #{fetch(:roundsman_working_dir)}/cache" sudo "chown -R #{fetch(:roundsman_user)} #{fetch(:roundsman_working_dir)}" @ensured_roundsman_working_dir = true end end namespace :install do set_default :ruby_version, "1.9.3-p194" set_default :care_about_ruby_version, true set_default :ruby_install_dir, "/usr/local" set_default :ruby_dependencies do %w(git-core curl build-essential bison openssl libreadline6 libreadline6-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev autoconf libc6-dev ncurses-dev vim wget tree) end set_default :ruby_install_script do %Q{ set -e cd #{roundsman_working_dir} rm -rf ruby-build git clone -q cd ruby-build ./ CONFIGURE_OPTS='--disable-install-rdoc' ruby-build #{fetch(:ruby_version)} #{fetch(:ruby_install_dir)} } end task :default, :except => { :no_release => true } do if install_ruby? dependencies ruby end end desc "Installs ruby." task :ruby, :except => { :no_release => true } do put fetch(:ruby_install_script), roundsman_working_dir(""), :via => :scp sudo "bash #{roundsman_working_dir("")}" end desc "Installs the dependencies needed for Ruby" task :dependencies, :except => { :no_release => true } do ensure_supported_distro sudo "#{fetch(:package_manager)} -yq update" sudo "#{fetch(:package_manager)} -yq install #{fetch(:ruby_dependencies).join(' ')}" end desc "Checks if the ruby version installed matches the version specified" task :check_ruby_version do abort if install_ruby? end def distribution @distribution ||= capture("cat /etc/issue").strip end def ensure_supported_distro unless @ensured_supported_distro "Using Linux distribution #{distribution}" abort "This distribution is not (yet) supported." unless distribution.include?("Ubuntu") @ensured_supported_distro = true end end def install_ruby? installed_version = capture("ruby --version || true").strip if installed_version.include?("not found") "No version of Ruby could be found." return true end required_version = fetch(:ruby_version).gsub("-", "") if installed_version.include?(required_version) if fetch(:care_about_ruby_version) "Ruby #{installed_version} matches the required version: #{required_version}." return false else "Already installed Ruby #{installed_version}, not #{required_version}. Set :care_about_ruby_version if you want to fix this." return false end else "Ruby version mismatch. Installed version: #{installed_version}, required is #{required_version}" return true end end end namespace :chef do set_default :chef_version, "~> 0.10.8" set_default :cookbooks_directory, ["config/cookbooks"] set_default :copyfile_disable, false set_default :filter_sensitive_settings, [ /password/, /filter_sensitive_settings/ ] task :default, :except => { :no_release => true } do ensure_cookbooks_exists prepare_chef chef_solo end desc "Generates the config and copies over the cookbooks to the server" task :prepare_chef, :except => { :no_release => true } do install if install_chef? ensure_cookbooks_exists generate_config generate_attributes copy_cookbooks end desc "Installs chef" task :install, :except => { :no_release => true } do sudo "gem uninstall -xaI chef || true" sudo "gem install chef -v #{fetch(:chef_version).inspect} --quiet --no-ri --no-rdoc" sudo "gem install ruby-shadow --quiet --no-ri --no-rdoc" end desc "Runs the existing chef configuration" task :chef_solo, :except => { :no_release => true } do "Now running #{fetch(:run_list).join(', ')}" sudo "chef-solo -c #{roundsman_working_dir("solo.rb")} -j #{roundsman_working_dir("solo.json")}#{' -l debug' if fetch(:debug_chef)}" end def ensure_cookbooks_exists abort "You must specify at least one recipe when running roundsman.chef" if fetch(:run_list, []).empty? abort "No cookbooks found in #{fetch(:cookbooks_directory).inspect}" if cookbooks_paths.empty? end def cookbooks_paths Array(fetch(:cookbook_path)).select { |path| File.exist?(path) } end def roles_path fetch(:role_path) end def data_bags_path fetch(:data_bag_path) end def install_chef? required_version = fetch(:chef_version).inspect output = capture("gem list -i -v #{required_version} || true").strip output == "false" end def generate_config cookbook_string = { |c| "File.join(root, #{c.to_s.inspect})" }.join(', ') role_string = "File.join(root, #{roles_path.to_s.inspect})" if roles_path data_bag_string = "File.join(root, #{data_bags_path.to_s.inspect})" if data_bags_path solo_rb = <<-RUBY root = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) file_cache_path File.join(root, "cache") cookbook_path [ #{cookbook_string} ] RUBY solo_rb << "role_path #{role_string}\n" if role_string solo_rb << "data_bag_path #{data_bag_string}\n" if data_bag_string put solo_rb, roundsman_working_dir("solo.rb"), :via => :scp end def generate_attributes attrs = remove_procs_from_hash variables.dup remove_attrs = fetch(:roundsman_skip_attrs) find_servers_for_task(current_task).each do |current_server| server_conf = attrs.merge(current_server.options) server_conf.delete(*remove_attrs) if remove_attrs put server_conf.to_json, roundsman_working_dir("solo.json"), :via => :scp, :hosts => end # if variables.has_key?(:per_server_conf) # per_server_conf.each do |servers, conf| # server_conf = attrs.merge(conf) # put server_conf.to_json, roundsman_working_dir("solo.json"), :via => :scp, :hosts => servers # end # else # put attrs.to_json, roundsman_working_dir("solo.json"), :via => :scp # end end # Recursively removes procs from hashes. Procs can exist because you specified them like this: # # set(:root_password) { Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt("Root password: ") } def remove_procs_from_hash(hash) new_hash = {} hash.each do |key, value| next if fetch(:filter_sensitive_settings).find { |regex| regex === key } real_value = if value.respond_to?(:call) begin rescue ::Capistrano::CommandError => e logger.debug "Could not get the value of #{key}: #{e.message}" nil end else value end if real_value.is_a?(Hash) real_value = remove_procs_from_hash(real_value) end if real_value && !real_value.class.to_s.include?("Capistrano") # skip capistrano tasks new_hash[key] = real_value end end new_hash end def copy_cookbooks tar_file ="cookbooks.tar") begin tar_file.close env_vars = fetch(:copyfile_disable) && RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?('darwin') ? "COPYFILE_DISABLE=true" : "" system "#{env_vars} tar -cjf #{tar_file.path} #{cookbooks_paths.join(' ')}" upload tar_file.path, roundsman_working_dir("cookbooks.tar"), :via => :scp run "cd #{roundsman_working_dir} && tar -xjf cookbooks.tar" ensure tar_file.unlink end end end end end