module Rubyvis class Layout def self.Stack Rubyvis::Layout::Stack end class Stack < Rubyvis::Layout attr_accessor :_x, :_y, :_values, :prop attr_accessor_dsl :orient,:offset, :order, :layers def self.defaults"bottom-left").offset("zero").layers([[]]) end def initialize super @none=lambda {nil} @prop = {"t"=> @none, "l"=> @none, "r"=> @none, "b"=> @none, "w"=> @none, "h"=> @none} @values=nil @_x=lambda {return 0} @_y=lambda {return 0} @_values=Rubyvis.identity end def x(f) @_x=Rubyvis.functor(f) return self end def y(f) @_y=Rubyvis.functor(f) return self end def values(f=nil) if f.nil? @values else @_values=Rubyvis.functor(f) return self end end def proxy(name) that=self return lambda { a=that.prop[name].js_call(self, self.parent.index, self.index); puts "proxy(#{name}): #{a}" if $DEBUG a } end def build_implied(s) # puts "Build stack" if $DEBUG panel_build_implied(s) data = s.layers n = data.size m = nil orient = s.orient if orient =~/^(top|bottom)\b/ horizontal=true else horizontal=false end h = self.parent.send(horizontal ? "height" : "width") x = [] y = [] dy = [] # # Iterate over the data, evaluating the values, x and y functions. The # context in which the x and y psuedo-properties are evaluated is a # pseudo-mark that is a grandchild of this layout. # stack = Rubyvis::Mark.stack o ={:parent=>{:parent=> self})}) stack.unshift(nil) values = [] n.times {|i| dy[i] = [] y[i] = [] o.parent.index = i stack[0] = data[i] values[i] = self._values.js_apply(o.parent, stack); m = values[i].size if (i==0) stack.unshift(nil) m.times {|j| stack[0] = values[i][j] o.index = j x[j] = self._x.js_apply(o, stack) if i==0 dy[i][j] = self._y.js_apply(o, stack) } stack.shift() } stack.shift() # order _index=nil case (s.order) when "inside-out" max = {|v| Rubyvis.max.index(v) } map = pv.range(n).sort {|a,b| return max[a] - max[b]} sums = {|v| Rubyvis.sum(v)} top = 0 bottom = 0 tops = [] bottoms = [] n.times {|i| j = map[i] if (top < bottom) top += sums[j]; tops.push(j); else bottom += sums[j]; bottoms.push(j); end } _index = bottoms.reverse+tops when "reverse" _index = Rubyvis.range(n - 1, -1, -1) else _index = Rubyvis.range(n) end #/* offset */ case (s.offset) when "silohouette" m.times {|j| o = 0; n.times {|i| o += dy[i][j] } y[_index[0]][j] = (h - o) / 2.0; } when "wiggle" o = 0; n.times {|i| o += dy[i][0] } y[_index[0]][0] = o = (h - o) / 2.0 (1...m).each {|j| s1 = 0 s2 = 0 dx = x[j] - x[j - 1] n.times {|i| s1 += dy[i][j]} n.times {|i| s3 = (dy[_index[i]][j] - dy[_index[i]][j - 1]) / (2.0 * dx) i.times {|k| s3 += (dy[_index[k]][j] - dy[_index[k]][j - 1]) / dx.to_f } s2 += s3 * dy[_index[i]][j] } o -= (s1!=0) ? s2 / s1.to_f * dx : 0 y[_index[0]][j] = o } when "expand" m.times {|j| y[_index[0]][j] = 0 k = 0 n.times {|i|k += dy[i][j]} if (k!=0) k = h / k.to_f n.times {|i| dy[i][j] *= k} else k = h / n.to_f n.times { dy[i][j] = k} end } else m.times {|j| y[_index[0]][j] = 0} end # Propagate the offset to the other series. */ m.times {|j| o = y[_index[0]][j] (1...n).each {|i| o += dy[_index[i - 1]][j] y[_index[i]][j] = o } } # /* Find the property definitions for dynamic substitution. */ i = orient.index("-") pdy = horizontal ? "h" : "w" px = i < 0 ? (horizontal ? "l" : "b") : orient[i + 1,1] py = orient[0,1] @values=values @prop.each {|k,v| @prop[k]=@none } # puts "stack: x:#{px}, y:#{py}, dy:#{pdy}" if $DEBUG @prop[px] =lambda {|i1,j| x[j]} @prop[py] =lambda {|i1,j| y[i1][j]} @prop[pdy]=lambda {|i1,j| dy[i1][j]} end def layer that=self value = { that.values[self.parent.index] }).top(proxy("t")).left(proxy("l")).right(proxy("r")). bottom(proxy("b")). width(proxy("w")). height(proxy("h")) class << value def that=(v) @that = v end def add(type) that = @that that.add( Rubyvis.Panel ).data(lambda { that.layers() }).add(type).extend( self ) end end value.that=self return value end end end end