module Ric module Conf =begin This wants to be a magic configuration loader who looks for configuration automatically in many places, like: - ./.CONFNAME.yml - ~/.CONFNAME.yml - .CONFNAME/conf.yml Loads a YAML file looked upon in common places and returns a hash with appropriate values, or an exception and maybe a nice explaination.. so you can call load_auto_conf('foo') and it will look throughout any ./.foo.yml, ~/.foo.yml or even /etc/foo.yml ! =end def load_auto_conf(confname, opts={}) dirs = opts.fetch :dirs, ['.', '~', '/etc/', '/etc/ric/auto_conf/'] file_patterns = opts.fetch :file_patterns, [".#{confname}.yml", "#{confname}/conf.yml"] sample_hash = opts.fetch :sample_hash, { 'load_auto_conf' => "please add an :sample_hash to me" , :anyway => "I'm in #{__FILE__}"} verbose = opts.fetch :verbose, true puts "load_auto_conf('#{confname}') start.." if verbose dirs.each{|d| dir = File.expand_path(d) deb "DIR: #{dir}" file_patterns.each{|fp| # if YML exists return the load.. file = "#{dir}/#{fp}" deb " - FILE: #{file}" if File.exists?(file) puts "Found! #{green file}" yaml = YAML.load( ) deb "load_auto_conf('#{confname}') found: #{green yaml}" return yaml end } } puts "Conf not found. Try this:\n---------------------------\n$ cat > ~/#{file_patterns.first}\n#{yellow "#Creatd by ric.rb:load_auto_conf()\n" +sample_hash.to_yaml}\n---------------------------\n" raise "LoadAutoConf: configuration not found for '#{confname}'!" return sample_hash end end end