Before do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear end Given /^I have an empty inbox$/ do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear end Then /^(an|no) email should have been sent((?: |and|with|from "[^"]+"|to "[^"]+"|the subject "[^"]+"|the body "[^"]+"|the attachments "[^"]+")+)$/ do |mode, query| conditions = {} conditions[:to] = $1 if query =~ /to "([^"]+)"/ conditions[:from] = $1 if query =~ /from "([^"]+)"/ conditions[:subject] = $1 if query =~ /the subject "([^"]+)"/ conditions[:body] = $1 if query =~ /the body "([^"]+)"/ conditions[:attachments] = $1 if query =~ /the attachments "([^"]+)"/ @mail = TestMails.find(conditions) expectation = mode == 'no' ? 'should_not' : 'should' @mail.send(expectation, be_present) end When /^I follow the (first|second|third)? ?link in the email$/ do |index_in_words| # Caveat: will not only take a-href but also img-src and other http-values mail = @mail || ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last # index = { nil => 0, 'first' => 0, 'second' => 1, 'third' => 2 }[index_in_words] # visit mail.body.scan(Patterns::URL)[index][2] visit mail.body.to_s.scan(/http(?:s?):\/\/[^"\s]+/).send(index_in_words).split(':3000').last end Then /^no email should have been sent$/ do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.should be_empty end Then /^show me the emails$/ do #raise ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.length.inspect puts "emails count:" + ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.length.inspect ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.each do |mail| p [mail.from,, mail.subject, mail.body] end end Then /^that mail should have "([^"]*)" in the body$/ do |word| @mail.body.include?(word).should be_true end # # class TestMails class << self attr_accessor :user_identity def find(conditions) ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.detect do |mail| [ conditions[:to].nil? || conditions[:to]), conditions[:from].nil? || mail.from.include?(resolve_email conditions[:from]), conditions[:subject].nil? || mail.subject.include?(conditions[:subject]), conditions[:body].nil? || mail.body.include?(conditions[:body]), conditions[:attachments].nil? || conditions[:attachments].split(/\s*,\s*/).sort == Array(mail.attachments).collect(&:original_filename).sort ].all? end.tap do |mail| puts "Die Mail: #{mail}" log(mail) end end def resolve_email(identity) if identity =~ /^.+\@.+$/ identity else User.send("find_by_#{user_identity || 'email'}!", identity).email end end def log(mail) puts "Aufruf: #{mail}" if mail.present?"log/test_mails.log", "a") do |file| file << "From: #{mail.from}\n" file << "To: #{', ')}\n" file << "Subject: #{mail.subject}\n\n" file << mail.body file << "\n-------------------------\n\n" end end end end end