require 'bundler/gem_tasks' desc 'Creates a test rails app for the specs to run against' task :setup, [:parallel, :dir, :template] do |_t, opts| require 'rails/version' base_dir = opts[:dir] || 'spec/rails' app_dir = "#{base_dir}/rails-#{Rails::VERSION::STRING}" template = opts[:template] || 'rails_template' if File.exist? app_dir puts "test app #{app_dir} already exists; skipping" else system "mkdir -p #{base_dir}" args = %W( -m spec/support/#{template}.rb --skip-bundle --skip-listen --skip-test-unit --skip-coffee ) args << "--skip-turbolinks" unless ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] =~ /turbolinks/ args << "--skip-hotwire" unless ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] =~ /hotwire/ command = ['bundle', 'exec', 'rails', 'new', app_dir, *args].join(' ') env = { 'BUNDLE_GEMFILE' => ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] } env['INSTALL_PARALLEL'] = 'yes' if opts[:parallel] Bundler.with_unbundled_env { Kernel.exec(env, command) } Rake::Task['parallel:after_setup_hook'].invoke if opts[:parallel] end end # Import all our rake tasks FileList['tasks/**/*.rake'].each { |task| import task } task default: :test begin require 'jasmine' load 'jasmine/tasks/jasmine.rake' rescue LoadError task :jasmine do abort 'Jasmine is not available. In order to run jasmine, you must: (sudo) gem install jasmine' end end task :console do require 'irb' require 'irb/completion' ARGV.clear IRB.start end