require 'native' describe "Native::Object#method_missing" do it "should return values" do Native(`{ a: 23 }`).a.should == 23 Native(`{ a: { b: 42 } }`).a.b.should == 42 end it "should call functions" do Native(`{ a: function() { return 42 } }`).a.should == 42 end it "should pass the proper this to functions" do %x{ function foo() { this.baz = 42; } = function () { return this.baz; } } obj = `new foo()` Native(obj).bar.should == 42 Native(obj).baz = 23 Native(obj).bar.should == 23 end it "should set values" do var = `{}` Native(var).a = 42 `#{var}.a`.should == 42 Native(var).a.should == 42 end it "should pass the block as function" do Native(`{ a: function(func) { return func(); } }`).a { 42 }.should == 42 end it "should unwrap arguments" do x = `{}` Native(`{ a: function(a, b) { return a === b } }`).a(Native(x), x).should == true end it "should wrap result" do Native(`{ a: function() { return {}; } }`).a.class.should == Native::Object end end