module Strava module Api module Endpoints module Segments # # Returns the top 10 segments matching a specified query. # # @option options [Array[Float]] :bounds # The latitude and longitude for two points describing a rectangular boundary for the search: [southwest corner latitude, southwest corner longitude, northeast corner latitude, northeast corner longitude]. # @option options [String] :activity_type # Desired activity type. May take one of the following values: running, riding. # @option options [Integer] :min_cat # The minimum climbing category. # @option options [Integer] :max_cat # The maximum climbing category. # def explore_segments(options = {}) throw'Required argument :bounds missing') if options[:bounds].nil? bounds = options[:bounds] bounds =',') if bounds.is_a?(Array) get('segments/explore', options.merge(bounds: bounds))['segments'].map do |row| end end # # Returns the specified segment leaderboard. # # @option options [Integer] :id # The identifier of the segment leaderboard. # @option options [String] :gender # Filter by gender. # @option options [String] :age_group # Filter by age group. # @option options [String] :weight_class # Filter by weight class. # @option options [Boolean] :following # Filter by friends of the authenticated athlete. # @option options [Integer] :club_id # Filter by club. # @option options [String] :date_range # Filter by date range. # @option options [Integer] :context_entries # ? # @option options [Integer] :page # Page number. # @option options [Integer] :per_page # Number of items per page. Defaults to 30. # def segment_leaderboard(id_or_options, options = {}) id, options = parse_args(id_or_options, options) if block_given? next_page = 1 total_count = 0 loop do query = options.merge(page: next_page) response ="segments/#{id}/leaderboard", query)) total_count += response.entries.count break unless response.entries.any? yield response break if total_count >= response.entry_count next_page += 1 end else"segments/#{id}/leaderboard", options)) end end # # List of the authenticated athlete's starred segments. # # @option options [Integer] :page # Page number. # @option options [Integer] :per_page # Number of items per page. Defaults to 30. # def starred_segments(options = {}, &block) paginate 'segments/starred', options, Strava::Models::Segment, &block end # # Returns the specified segment. # # @option options [String] :id # The identifier of the segment. # def segment(id_or_options, options = {}) id, options = parse_args(id_or_options, options)"segments/#{id}", options)) end # # Stars/Unstars the given segment for the authenticated athlete. # # @option options [String] :id # The identifier of the segment to star. # @option options [Boolean] :starred # If true, star the segment; if false, unstar the segment. # def star_segment(id_or_options, options = {}) id, options = parse_args(id_or_options, options) throw'Required argument :starred missing') if options[:starred].nil?"segments/#{id}/starred", options)) end end end end end