require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'json' module Gmaps4rails # This method geocodes an address using the GoogleMaps webservice # options are: # * address: string, mandatory # * lang: to set the language one wants the result to be translated (default is english) # * raw: to get the raw response from google, default is false def Gmaps4rails.geocode(address, lang="en", raw = false, protocol = "http") if address.nil? || address.empty? raise Gmaps4rails::GeocodeInvalidQuery, "You must provide an address" else #coordinates are valid geocoder = "#{protocol}://{lang}&address=" output = "&sensor=false" #send request to the google api to get the lat/lng request = geocoder + address + output url = URI.escape(request) Gmaps4rails.handle_geocoding_response(request, Gmaps4rails.get_response(url), raw) end # end address valid end # This method retrieves destination results provided by GoogleMaps webservice # options are: # * start_end: Hash { "from" => string, "to" => string}, mandatory # * options: details given in the github's wiki # * output: could be "pretty", "raw" or "clean"; filters the output from google #output could be raw, pretty or clean def Gmaps4rails.destination(start_end, options={}, output="pretty") if start_end["from"].nil? || start_end["to"].empty? raise Gmaps4rails::DirectionInvalidQuery, "Origin and destination must be provided in a hash as first argument" else #great, we have stuff to work with geocoder = "{start_end["from"]}&destination=#{start_end["to"]}" #if value is an Array, it means it contains the waypoints, otherwise it's chained normally dest_options = options.empty? ? "" : "&" + {|k,v| v.is_a?(Array) ? k + "=" + v * ("|") : k + "=" + v }*("&") #send request to the google api to get the directions request = geocoder + dest_options + "&sensor=false" url = URI.escape(request) Gmaps4rails.handle_destination_response(request, Gmaps4rails.get_response(url), output) end # end origin + destination exist end #end destination private def Gmaps4rails.handle_geocoding_response(request, response, raw) #parse result if result received properly if response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) #parse the json parse = JSON.parse(response.body) #check if google went well if parse["status"] == "OK" return parse if raw == true array = [] parse["results"].each do |result| array << { :lat => result["geometry"]["location"]["lat"], :lng => result["geometry"]["location"]["lng"], :matched_address => result["formatted_address"], :bounds => result["geometry"]["bounds"], :full_data => result } end return array else #status != OK raise Gmaps4rails::GeocodeStatus, "The address you passed seems invalid, status was: #{parse["status"]}. Request was: #{request}" end #end parse status else #if not http success raise Gmaps4rails::GeocodeNetStatus, "The request sent to google was invalid (not http success): #{request}. Response was: #{response}" end #end resp test end def Gmaps4rails.handle_destination_response(request, response, output) if response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) #parse the json parse = JSON.parse(response.body) #check if google went well if parse["status"] == "OK" legs = [] #Each element in the legs array specifies a single leg of the journey from the origin to the destination in the calculated route parse["routes"].first["legs"].each do |leg| #delete coded polyline elements from legs and store it in polylines to make output cleaner polylines = leg["steps"].map {|step| step.delete("polyline")} if output == "pretty" || output == "clean" legs << { "duration" => { "text" => leg["duration"]["text"], "value" => leg["duration"]["value"].to_f }, "distance" => { "text" => leg["distance"]["text"], "value" => leg["distance"]["value"].to_f }, "steps" => leg["steps"] } if output == "pretty" #polylines contain levels data, which are not that useful.{|poly| poly.delete("levels")} #create valid json from all polylines, this could be directly passed to javascript for display json = { |poly| {"coded_array" => poly["points"]} }.to_json #merge results in legs legs.last.merge!({ "polylines" => json }) end end return legs else #status != OK raise Gmaps4rails::DirectionStatus, "The query you passed seems invalid, status was: #{parse["status"]}. Request was: #{request}" end #end parse status else #if not http success raise Gmaps4rails::DirectionNetStatus, "The request sent to google was invalid (not http success): #{request}. Response was: #{response}" end #end resp test end end