require "octothorpe" require "bigdecimal" require "pod4" require "pod4/typecasting" require "pod4/null_interface" describe "ProductModel" do let(:product_model_class) do Pod4::Model do include Pod4::TypeCasting force_encoding Encoding::ISO_8859_1 # I assume we are running as UTF8 here attr_columns :id, :code, :product, :price set_interface, :code, :product, :price, []) end end let(:customer_model_class) do Pod4::Model do include Pod4::TypeCasting attr_columns :id, :code, :band, :sales, :created, :yrstart, :flag, :foo, :bar typecast :band, as: Integer, strict: true typecast :sales, as: BigDecimal, ot_as: Float, strict: true typecast :created, as: Time typecast :yrstart, as: Date typecast :flag, as: :boolean typecast :foo, use: :mycast, bar: 42 typecast :bar, as: Float set_interface :id, :code, :band, :sales, :created, :yrstart, :flag, :foo, :bar, [] ) def mycast(value, opts); "blarg"; end end end let(:product_records) do [ {id: 10, code: 'aa1', product: 'beans', price: 1.23}, {id: 20, code: 'bb1', product: 'pears', price: 2.34}, {id: 30, code: 'cc1', product: 'soap', price: 3.45}, {id: 40, code: 'cc2', product: 'matches', price: 4.56} ] end let(:product_model) do m = allow( m.interface ).to receive(:read). and_return([2]) ) end ######## describe "Model.force_encoding" do it "requires an encoding" do expect( product_model_class ).to respond_to(:force_encoding).with(1).argument expect{ product_model_class.force_encoding('foo') }.to raise_exception Pod4Error # Cheating here: this has to be the same as above or other tests will # fail... expect{ product_model_class.force_encoding(Encoding::ISO_8859_1) }. not_to raise_exception end it "sets the encoding to be returned by Model.encoding" do expect{ product_model_class.encoding }.not_to raise_exception expect( product_model_class.encoding ).to eq(Encoding::ISO_8859_1) end end # of Model.force_encoding describe "Model.typecast" do let(:customer_model_bad1_class) do Pod4::Model do include Pod4::TypeCasting attr_columns :id, :foo typecast :foo, blarg: Integer set_interface, :foo, []) end end let(:customer_model_bad2_class) do Pod4::Model do include Pod4::TypeCasting attr_columns :id, :foo typecast :foo, as: Octothorpe set_interface, :foo, []) end end let(:customer_model_bad3_class) do Pod4::Model do include Pod4::TypeCasting attr_columns :id, :foo typecast :bar, as: Integer set_interface, :foo, []) end end it "requires either the 'as:' option or the 'use:' option" do expect{ customer_model_bad1_class }.to raise_exception Pod4::Pod4Error end it "raises an error for an unknown typecast type" do expect{ customer_model_bad2_class }.to raise_exception Pod4::Pod4Error end it "raises an error for an unknown column" do expect{ customer_model_bad3_class }.to raise_exception Pod4::Pod4Error end end # of Model.typecast describe "Model.typecasts" do it "is a hash of hashes" do expect( customer_model_class.typecasts ).to be_a Hash expect( customer_model_class.typecasts.values ).to all(be_a Hash) end it "has a key for each column typecast" do expect( customer_model_class.typecasts.keys ). to match_array(%i|band sales created yrstart flag foo bar|) end it "stores the given options of each column as the value" do expect( customer_model_class.typecasts[:band] ).to eq(as: Integer, strict: true) expect( customer_model_class.typecasts[:sales] ). to eq(as: BigDecimal, ot_as: Float, strict: true) expect( customer_model_class.typecasts[:created] ).to eq(as: Time) expect( customer_model_class.typecasts[:yrstart] ).to eq(as: Date) expect( customer_model_class.typecasts[:foo] ).to eq(use: :mycast, bar: 42) expect( customer_model_class.typecasts[:bar] ).to eq(as: Float) end end # of Model.typecasts describe "#map_to_model" do it "forces each string to map to the given encoding" do # map_to_model has already happened at this point. No matter. ot = product_model.to_ot expect( ot.>>.id ).to eq 30 expect( ot.>>.price ).to eq 3.45 expect( ot.>>.code.encoding ).to eq Encoding::ISO_8859_1 expect( ot.>>.product.encoding ).to eq Encoding::ISO_8859_1 end it "typecasts strings to whatever" do c = ot = id: 77, code: "seven", band: "7", sales: "12.34", created: "2018-01-01 12:34", yrstart: "2018-01-02", flag: "true", bar: "34.56" ) expect( c.interface ).to receive(:read).and_return(ot) expect( ).to eq 77 expect( c.code ).to eq "seven" expect( ).to eq 7 expect( c.sales ).to eq 12.34 expect( c.created ).to eq Time.parse("2018-01-01 12:34") expect( c.yrstart ).to eq Date.parse("2018-01-02") expect( c.flag ).to eq true expect( ).to eq 34.56 end it "allows the attribute to be nil" do c = ot = id: 11, code: "foo", band: nil, sales: nil, created: nil, yrstart: nil, flag: nil, bar: nil ) expect( c.interface ).to receive(:read).and_return(ot) expect( c.code ).to eq "foo" expect( ).to eq nil expect( c.sales ).to eq nil expect( c.created ).to eq nil expect( c.yrstart ).to eq nil expect( c.flag ).to eq nil expect( ).to eq nil end it "leaves the column alone if it can't typecast (with strict off)" do c = ot = id: 23, created: "bloob", yrstart: "flarg", flag: "blobe", bar: "xing" ) expect( c.interface ).to receive(:read).and_return(ot) expect( c.created ).to eq "bloob" expect( c.yrstart ).to eq "flarg" expect( c.flag ).to eq "blobe" expect( ).to eq "xing" end it "sets the column to nil if it can't typecast (with strict on)" do c = ot = id: 23, band: "bloob", sales: "flarg" ) expect( c.interface ).to receive(:read).and_return(ot) expect( ).to be_nil expect( c.sales ).to be_nil end it "calls the use method to get a typecast when the use option is given" do c = ot = id: 43, foo: "12345" ) expect( c.interface ).to receive(:read).and_return(ot) expect( c ). to receive(:mycast). with("12345", {use: :mycast, bar: 42, mode: :map_to_model} ). and_call_original expect( ).to eq "blarg" end end describe "#set" do it "typecasts strings to whatever" do c = c.set( id: 77, code: "seven", band: "7", sales: "12.34", created: "2018-01-01 12:34", yrstart: "2018-01-02", flag: "true", bar: "34.56" ) expect( ).to eq 77 expect( c.code ).to eq "seven" expect( ).to eq 7 expect( c.sales ).to eq 12.34 expect( c.created ).to eq Time.parse("2018-01-01 12:34") expect( c.yrstart ).to eq Date.parse("2018-01-02") expect( c.flag ).to eq true expect( ).to eq 34.56 end it "allows the attribute to be nil" do c = c.set( id: 11, code: "foo", band: nil, sales: nil, created: nil, yrstart: nil, flag: nil, bar: nil ) expect( c.code ).to eq "foo" expect( ).to eq nil expect( c.sales ).to eq nil expect( c.created ).to eq nil expect( c.yrstart ).to eq nil expect( c.flag ).to eq nil expect( ).to eq nil end # Note: we cover typecasting more thoroughly in Model#typecast it "leaves the column alone if it can't typecast (with strict off)" do c = c.set( created: "bloob", yrstart: "flarg", flag: "blobe", bar: "xing" ) expect( c.created ).to eq "bloob" expect( c.yrstart ).to eq "flarg" expect( c.flag ).to eq "blobe" expect( ).to eq "xing" end it "sets the column to nil if it can't typecast (with strict on)" do c = c.set( band: "bloob", sales: "flarg" ) expect( c.created ).to eq nil expect( c.yrstart ).to eq nil end it "calls the use method to get a typecast when the use option is given" do c = expect( c ). to receive(:mycast). with("12345", {use: :mycast, bar: 42, mode: :set} ). and_call_original c.set( foo: "12345" ) expect( ).to eq "blarg" end end # of #set describe "#map_to_interface" do it "typecasts strings to whatever" do c = = 11 c.code = "foo" = "12" c.sales = "98.76" c.created = "2018-04-04 11:59" c.yrstart = "2018-01-09" c.flag = "true" = "87.65" c.create record = expect( record.>>.code ).to eq "foo" expect( record.>>.band ).to eq 12 expect( record.>>.sales ).to eq BigDecimal("98.76") expect( record.>>.created ).to eq Time.parse("2018-04-04 11:59") expect( record.>>.yrstart ).to eq Date.parse("2018-01-09") expect( record.>>.flag ).to eq true expect( record.>>.bar ).to eq 87.65 end it "allows the attribute to be nil" do c = = 11 c.code = "foo" = nil c.sales = nil c.created = nil c.yrstart = nil c.flag = nil = nil c.create record = expect( record.>>.code ).to eq "foo" expect( record.>>.band ).to eq nil expect( record.>>.sales ).to eq nil expect( record.>>.created ).to eq nil expect( record.>>.yrstart ).to eq nil expect( record.>>.flag ).to eq nil expect( record.>>.bar ).to eq nil end # Note: we cover typecasting more thoroughly in Model#typecast it "sets the column to nil if it can't typecast" do c = = 22 c.code = "bar" = "bloob" c.sales = "flarg" c.created = "flam" c.yrstart = "glarb" c.create record = expect( record.>>.code ).to eq "bar" expect( record.>>.band ).to eq nil expect( record.>>.sales ).to eq nil expect( record.>>.created ).to eq nil expect( record.>>.yrstart ).to eq nil end it "calls the use method to get a typecast when the use option is given" do c = # Note that we have gained the strict option automatically since we're in map_to_interface expect( c ). to receive(:mycast). with("12345", {use: :mycast, bar: 42, strict: true, mode: :map_to_interface}). and_call_original = 33 c.code = "baz" = "12345" c.create end it "writes the return value from the use method to the interface" do c = = 33 c.code = "baz" = "12345" c.create record = expect( record.>>.foo ).to eq "blarg" end end # of #map_to_interface" describe "#to_ot" do it "casts any columns with the ot_as option as per that option" do c1 = c1.sales = BigDecimal("45.67") ot = c1.to_ot expect( ot.>>.sales ).to be_a Float expect( ot.>>.sales ).to eq 45.67 c2 = c2.sales = "67.89" ot = c2.to_ot expect( ot.>>.sales ).to be_a Float expect( ot.>>.sales ).to eq 67.89 end it "sets guard on any columns with the to_ot option" do c = c.sales = nil ot = c.to_ot expect( ot.>>.sales ).to be_a Float end end # of #to_ot describe "#typecast" do let(:cmodel) { } it "typecasts strings to any type" do expect( cmodel.typecast(Integer, "123") ).to eq 123 expect( cmodel.typecast(Float, "23.45") ).to eq 23.45 expect( cmodel.typecast(BigDecimal, "34.56") ).to eq BigDecimal("34.56") expect( cmodel.typecast(Date, "2018-01-01") ).to eq Date.parse("2018-01-01") expect( cmodel.typecast(Time, "2018-02-02 14:56") ).to eq Time.parse("2018-02-02 14:56") expect( cmodel.typecast(:boolean, "true") ).to eq true expect( cmodel.typecast(:boolean, "false") ).to eq false end it "typecasts Integer and BigDecimal to Float" do expect( cmodel.typecast(Float, 12) ).to be_a Float expect( cmodel.typecast(Float, 12) ).to eq 12.0 expect( cmodel.typecast(Float, BigDecimal("12.34")) ).to be_a Float expect( cmodel.typecast(Float, BigDecimal("12.34")) ).to eq 12.34 end it "typecasts Integer and Float to BigDecimal" do expect( cmodel.typecast(BigDecimal, 12) ).to be_a BigDecimal expect( cmodel.typecast(BigDecimal, 12) ).to eq BigDecimal("12.0") expect( cmodel.typecast(BigDecimal, 12.34) ).to be_a BigDecimal expect( cmodel.typecast(BigDecimal, 12.34) ).to eq BigDecimal("12.34") end it "typecasts reasonably true values to true" do %w|true TRUE t T on ON yes YES 1|.each do |x| expect( cmodel.typecast(:boolean, x) ).to eq true end end it "typecasts reasonably false values to false" do %w|false FALSE f F off OFF no NO 0|.each do |x| expect( cmodel.typecast(:boolean, x) ).to eq false end end it "typecasts date to time" do expect( cmodel.typecast(Time, Date.parse("2018-01-01")) ).to eq Time.parse("2018-01-01 00:00") end it "returns the original value if the value is bad and strict is not set" do expect( cmodel.typecast(Integer, 12.34) ).to eq 12.34 expect( cmodel.typecast(Float, "blarg") ).to eq "blarg" expect( cmodel.typecast(BigDecimal, "floob") ).to eq "floob" expect( cmodel.typecast(Date, "2018-99-01") ).to eq "2018-99-01" expect( cmodel.typecast(Time, "2018-02-02 98:76") ).to eq "2018-02-02 98:76" expect( cmodel.typecast(:boolean, "maybe") ).to eq "maybe" end it "returns nil if the value is bad and strict is set" do expect( cmodel.typecast(Integer, 12.34, strict: true) ).to be_nil expect( cmodel.typecast(Float, "blarg", strict: true) ).to be_nil expect( cmodel.typecast(BigDecimal, "floob", strict: true) ).to be_nil expect( cmodel.typecast(Date, "2018-99-01", strict: true) ).to be_nil expect( cmodel.typecast(Time, "2018-02-02 98:76", strict: true) ).to be_nil expect( cmodel.typecast(:boolean, "maybe", strict: true) ).to be_nil end it "will not cast a float or a BigDecimal to an Integer" do expect( cmodel.typecast(Integer, 12.34, strict: true) ).to eq nil expect( cmodel.typecast(Integer, BigDecimal("12.34"), strict: true) ).to eq nil end it "will not cast a Time to a Date" do expect( cmodel.typecast(Date,, strict: true) ).to eq nil end end # of #typecast describe "#typecast?" do let(:cmodel) { } it "returns true if the value can be cast to the type" do expect( cmodel.typecast?(:band, 123) ).to eq true expect( cmodel.typecast?(:bar, 23.45) ).to eq true expect( cmodel.typecast?(:sales, BigDecimal("34.56")) ).to eq true expect( cmodel.typecast?(:created, Time.parse("2018-02-02 14:56")) ).to eq true expect( cmodel.typecast?(:yrstart, Date.parse("2018-01-01")) ).to eq true expect( cmodel.typecast?(:flag, true) ).to eq true expect( cmodel.typecast?(:flag, false) ).to eq true end it "returns false if the value cannot be cast to the type" do expect( cmodel.typecast?(:band, 123.45) ).to eq false expect( cmodel.typecast?(:bar, "floob") ).to eq false expect( cmodel.typecast?(:sales, "glarn") ).to eq false expect( cmodel.typecast?(:created, "bloing") ).to eq false expect( cmodel.typecast?(:yrstart, Time.parse("2018-02-02")) ).to eq false expect( cmodel.typecast?(:flag, "blarg") ).to eq false end it "uses the actual value of the attribute if a value is not given" do cmodel.set( id: 88, band: 123, bar: 23.45, sales: "34.56", created: "2018-01-06", yrstart: "2018-01-07 11:59", flag: true ) expect( cmodel.typecast?(:band) ).to eq true expect( cmodel.typecast?(:bar) ).to eq true expect( cmodel.typecast?(:sales) ).to eq true expect( cmodel.typecast?(:created) ).to eq true expect( cmodel.typecast?(:yrstart) ).to eq true expect( cmodel.typecast?(:flag) ).to eq true end end # of #typecast? describe "#guard" do let(:cmodel) { } it "sets a guard clause on the given OT for each typecast 'column'" do ot = band: nil, sales: nil, created: nil, yrstart: nil, flag: nil, bar: nil, baz: nil ) ot2 = cmodel.guard(ot) expect( ot.>>.band ).to be_an Integer expect( ot.>>.sales ).to be_a Float # not a BigDecimal, since it has ot_as set expect( ot.>>.created ).to be_a Time expect( ot.>>.yrstart ).to be_a Date expect( ot.>>.flag ).to eq false expect( ot.>>.bar ).to be_a Float expect( ot.>>.baz ).to be_nil # since it's not a column end end # of #guard end