//go:build go1.18 // +build go1.18 // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. package pageblob import ( "context" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "time" "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore" "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/policy" "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore/runtime" "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/blob" "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/internal/base" "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/internal/exported" "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/internal/generated" "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob/internal/shared" ) // ClientOptions contains the optional parameters when creating a Client. type ClientOptions struct { azcore.ClientOptions } // Client represents a client to an Azure Storage page blob; type Client base.CompositeClient[generated.BlobClient, generated.PageBlobClient] // NewClient creates an instance of Client with the specified values. // - blobURL - the URL of the blob e.g. https://.blob.core.windows.net/container/blob.txt // - cred - an Azure AD credential, typically obtained via the azidentity module // - options - client options; pass nil to accept the default values func NewClient(blobURL string, cred azcore.TokenCredential, options *ClientOptions) (*Client, error) { authPolicy := runtime.NewBearerTokenPolicy(cred, []string{shared.TokenScope}, nil) conOptions := shared.GetClientOptions(options) conOptions.PerRetryPolicies = append(conOptions.PerRetryPolicies, authPolicy) pl := runtime.NewPipeline(exported.ModuleName, exported.ModuleVersion, runtime.PipelineOptions{}, &conOptions.ClientOptions) return (*Client)(base.NewPageBlobClient(blobURL, pl, nil)), nil } // NewClientWithNoCredential creates an instance of Client with the specified values. // This is used to anonymously access a blob or with a shared access signature (SAS) token. // - blobURL - the URL of the blob e.g. https://.blob.core.windows.net/container/blob.txt? // - options - client options; pass nil to accept the default values func NewClientWithNoCredential(blobURL string, options *ClientOptions) (*Client, error) { conOptions := shared.GetClientOptions(options) pl := runtime.NewPipeline(exported.ModuleName, exported.ModuleVersion, runtime.PipelineOptions{}, &conOptions.ClientOptions) return (*Client)(base.NewPageBlobClient(blobURL, pl, nil)), nil } // NewClientWithSharedKeyCredential creates an instance of Client with the specified values. // - blobURL - the URL of the blob e.g. https://.blob.core.windows.net/container/blob.txt // - cred - a SharedKeyCredential created with the matching blob's storage account and access key // - options - client options; pass nil to accept the default values func NewClientWithSharedKeyCredential(blobURL string, cred *blob.SharedKeyCredential, options *ClientOptions) (*Client, error) { authPolicy := exported.NewSharedKeyCredPolicy(cred) conOptions := shared.GetClientOptions(options) conOptions.PerRetryPolicies = append(conOptions.PerRetryPolicies, authPolicy) pl := runtime.NewPipeline(exported.ModuleName, exported.ModuleVersion, runtime.PipelineOptions{}, &conOptions.ClientOptions) return (*Client)(base.NewPageBlobClient(blobURL, pl, cred)), nil } // NewClientFromConnectionString creates an instance of Client with the specified values. // - connectionString - a connection string for the desired storage account // - containerName - the name of the container within the storage account // - blobName - the name of the blob within the container // - options - client options; pass nil to accept the default values func NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, containerName, blobName string, options *ClientOptions) (*Client, error) { parsed, err := shared.ParseConnectionString(connectionString) if err != nil { return nil, err } parsed.ServiceURL = runtime.JoinPaths(parsed.ServiceURL, containerName, blobName) if parsed.AccountKey != "" && parsed.AccountName != "" { credential, err := exported.NewSharedKeyCredential(parsed.AccountName, parsed.AccountKey) if err != nil { return nil, err } return NewClientWithSharedKeyCredential(parsed.ServiceURL, credential, options) } return NewClientWithNoCredential(parsed.ServiceURL, options) } func (pb *Client) generated() *generated.PageBlobClient { _, pageBlob := base.InnerClients((*base.CompositeClient[generated.BlobClient, generated.PageBlobClient])(pb)) return pageBlob } // URL returns the URL endpoint used by the Client object. func (pb *Client) URL() string { return pb.generated().Endpoint() } // BlobClient returns the embedded blob client for this AppendBlob client. func (pb *Client) BlobClient() *blob.Client { innerBlob, _ := base.InnerClients((*base.CompositeClient[generated.BlobClient, generated.PageBlobClient])(pb)) return (*blob.Client)(innerBlob) } func (pb *Client) sharedKey() *blob.SharedKeyCredential { return base.SharedKeyComposite((*base.CompositeClient[generated.BlobClient, generated.PageBlobClient])(pb)) } // WithSnapshot creates a new PageBlobURL object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp. // Pass "" to remove the snapshot returning a URL to the base blob. func (pb *Client) WithSnapshot(snapshot string) (*Client, error) { p, err := blob.ParseURL(pb.URL()) if err != nil { return nil, err } p.Snapshot = snapshot return (*Client)(base.NewPageBlobClient(p.String(), pb.generated().Pipeline(), pb.sharedKey())), nil } // WithVersionID creates a new PageBlobURL object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp. // Pass "" to remove the version returning a URL to the base blob. func (pb *Client) WithVersionID(versionID string) (*Client, error) { p, err := blob.ParseURL(pb.URL()) if err != nil { return nil, err } p.VersionID = versionID return (*Client)(base.NewPageBlobClient(p.String(), pb.generated().Pipeline(), pb.sharedKey())), nil } // Create creates a page blob of the specified length. Call PutPage to upload data to a page blob. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob. func (pb *Client) Create(ctx context.Context, size int64, o *CreateOptions) (CreateResponse, error) { createOptions, HTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions := o.format() resp, err := pb.generated().Create(ctx, 0, size, createOptions, HTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions) return resp, err } // UploadPages writes 1 or more pages to the page blob. The start offset and the stream size must be a multiple of 512 bytes. // This method panics if the stream is not at position 0. // Note that the http client closes the body stream after the request is sent to the service. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-page. func (pb *Client) UploadPages(ctx context.Context, body io.ReadSeekCloser, contentRange blob.HTTPRange, options *UploadPagesOptions) (UploadPagesResponse, error) { count, err := shared.ValidateSeekableStreamAt0AndGetCount(body) if err != nil { return UploadPagesResponse{}, err } uploadPagesOptions := &generated.PageBlobClientUploadPagesOptions{ Range: exported.FormatHTTPRange(contentRange), } leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.format() if options != nil && options.TransactionalValidation != nil { body, err = options.TransactionalValidation.Apply(body, uploadPagesOptions) if err != nil { return UploadPagesResponse{}, nil } } resp, err := pb.generated().UploadPages(ctx, count, body, uploadPagesOptions, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) return resp, err } // UploadPagesFromURL copies 1 or more pages from a source URL to the page blob. // The sourceOffset specifies the start offset of source data to copy from. // The destOffset specifies the start offset of data in page blob will be written to. // The count must be a multiple of 512 bytes. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-page-from-url. func (pb *Client) UploadPagesFromURL(ctx context.Context, source string, sourceOffset, destOffset, count int64, o *UploadPagesFromURLOptions) (UploadPagesFromURLResponse, error) { uploadPagesFromURLOptions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, sequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions := o.format() resp, err := pb.generated().UploadPagesFromURL(ctx, source, shared.RangeToString(sourceOffset, count), 0, shared.RangeToString(destOffset, count), uploadPagesFromURLOptions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, leaseAccessConditions, sequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions, sourceModifiedAccessConditions) return resp, err } // ClearPages frees the specified pages from the page blob. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-page. func (pb *Client) ClearPages(ctx context.Context, rnge blob.HTTPRange, options *ClearPagesOptions) (ClearPagesResponse, error) { clearOptions := &generated.PageBlobClientClearPagesOptions{ Range: exported.FormatHTTPRange(rnge), } leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.format() resp, err := pb.generated().ClearPages(ctx, 0, clearOptions, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, sequenceNumberAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) return resp, err } // NewGetPageRangesPager returns the list of valid page ranges for a page blob or snapshot of a page blob. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges. func (pb *Client) NewGetPageRangesPager(o *GetPageRangesOptions) *runtime.Pager[GetPageRangesResponse] { opts, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.format() return runtime.NewPager(runtime.PagingHandler[GetPageRangesResponse]{ More: func(page GetPageRangesResponse) bool { return page.NextMarker != nil && len(*page.NextMarker) > 0 }, Fetcher: func(ctx context.Context, page *GetPageRangesResponse) (GetPageRangesResponse, error) { var req *policy.Request var err error if page == nil { req, err = pb.generated().GetPageRangesCreateRequest(ctx, opts, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) } else { opts.Marker = page.NextMarker req, err = pb.generated().GetPageRangesCreateRequest(ctx, opts, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) } if err != nil { return GetPageRangesResponse{}, err } resp, err := pb.generated().Pipeline().Do(req) if err != nil { return GetPageRangesResponse{}, err } if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { return GetPageRangesResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) } return pb.generated().GetPageRangesHandleResponse(resp) }, }) } // NewGetPageRangesDiffPager gets the collection of page ranges that differ between a specified snapshot and this page blob. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges. func (pb *Client) NewGetPageRangesDiffPager(o *GetPageRangesDiffOptions) *runtime.Pager[GetPageRangesDiffResponse] { opts, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions := o.format() return runtime.NewPager(runtime.PagingHandler[GetPageRangesDiffResponse]{ More: func(page GetPageRangesDiffResponse) bool { return page.NextMarker != nil && len(*page.NextMarker) > 0 }, Fetcher: func(ctx context.Context, page *GetPageRangesDiffResponse) (GetPageRangesDiffResponse, error) { var req *policy.Request var err error if page == nil { req, err = pb.generated().GetPageRangesDiffCreateRequest(ctx, opts, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) } else { opts.Marker = page.NextMarker req, err = pb.generated().GetPageRangesDiffCreateRequest(ctx, opts, leaseAccessConditions, modifiedAccessConditions) } if err != nil { return GetPageRangesDiffResponse{}, err } resp, err := pb.generated().Pipeline().Do(req) if err != nil { return GetPageRangesDiffResponse{}, err } if !runtime.HasStatusCode(resp, http.StatusOK) { return GetPageRangesDiffResponse{}, runtime.NewResponseError(resp) } return pb.generated().GetPageRangesDiffHandleResponse(resp) }, }) } // Resize resizes the page blob to the specified size (which must be a multiple of 512). // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-properties. func (pb *Client) Resize(ctx context.Context, size int64, options *ResizeOptions) (ResizeResponse, error) { resizeOptions, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions := options.format() resp, err := pb.generated().Resize(ctx, size, resizeOptions, leaseAccessConditions, cpkInfo, cpkScopeInfo, modifiedAccessConditions) return resp, err } // UpdateSequenceNumber sets the page blob's sequence number. func (pb *Client) UpdateSequenceNumber(ctx context.Context, options *UpdateSequenceNumberOptions) (UpdateSequenceNumberResponse, error) { actionType, updateOptions, lac, mac := options.format() resp, err := pb.generated().UpdateSequenceNumber(ctx, *actionType, updateOptions, lac, mac) return resp, err } // StartCopyIncremental begins an operation to start an incremental copy from one-page blob's snapshot to this page blob. // The snapshot is copied such that only the differential changes between the previously copied snapshot are transferred to the destination. // The copied snapshots are complete copies of the original snapshot and can be read or copied from as usual. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/incremental-copy-blob and // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/incremental-snapshots. func (pb *Client) StartCopyIncremental(ctx context.Context, copySource string, prevSnapshot string, options *CopyIncrementalOptions) (CopyIncrementalResponse, error) { copySourceURL, err := url.Parse(copySource) if err != nil { return CopyIncrementalResponse{}, err } queryParams := copySourceURL.Query() queryParams.Set("snapshot", prevSnapshot) copySourceURL.RawQuery = queryParams.Encode() pageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions, modifiedAccessConditions := options.format() resp, err := pb.generated().CopyIncremental(ctx, copySourceURL.String(), pageBlobCopyIncrementalOptions, modifiedAccessConditions) return resp, err } // Redeclared APIs // Delete marks the specified blob or snapshot for deletion. The blob is later deleted during garbage collection. // Note that deleting a blob also deletes all its snapshots. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/delete-blob. func (pb *Client) Delete(ctx context.Context, o *blob.DeleteOptions) (blob.DeleteResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().Delete(ctx, o) } // Undelete restores the contents and metadata of a soft-deleted blob and any associated soft-deleted snapshots. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/undelete-blob. func (pb *Client) Undelete(ctx context.Context, o *blob.UndeleteOptions) (blob.UndeleteResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().Undelete(ctx, o) } // SetImmutabilityPolicy operation enables users to set the immutability policy on a blob. // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/immutable-storage-overview func (pb *Client) SetImmutabilityPolicy(ctx context.Context, expiryTime time.Time, options *blob.SetImmutabilityPolicyOptions) (blob.SetImmutabilityPolicyResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().SetImmutabilityPolicy(ctx, expiryTime, options) } // DeleteImmutabilityPolicy operation enables users to delete the immutability policy on a blob. // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/immutable-storage-overview func (pb *Client) DeleteImmutabilityPolicy(ctx context.Context, options *blob.DeleteImmutabilityPolicyOptions) (blob.DeleteImmutabilityPolicyResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().DeleteImmutabilityPolicy(ctx, options) } // SetLegalHold operation enables users to set legal hold on a blob. // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/immutable-storage-overview func (pb *Client) SetLegalHold(ctx context.Context, legalHold bool, options *blob.SetLegalHoldOptions) (blob.SetLegalHoldResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().SetLegalHold(ctx, legalHold, options) } // SetTier operation sets the tier on a blob. The operation is allowed on a page // blob in a premium storage account and on a block blob in a blob storage account (locally // redundant storage only). A premium page blob's tier determines the allowed size, IOPs, and // bandwidth of the blob. A block blob's tier determines Hot/Cool/Archive storage type. This operation // does not update the blob's ETag. // For detailed information about block blob level tier-ing see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers. func (pb *Client) SetTier(ctx context.Context, tier blob.AccessTier, o *blob.SetTierOptions) (blob.SetTierResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().SetTier(ctx, tier, o) } // GetProperties returns the blob's properties. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob-properties. func (pb *Client) GetProperties(ctx context.Context, o *blob.GetPropertiesOptions) (blob.GetPropertiesResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().GetProperties(ctx, o) } // SetHTTPHeaders changes a blob's HTTP headers. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-properties. func (pb *Client) SetHTTPHeaders(ctx context.Context, HTTPHeaders blob.HTTPHeaders, o *blob.SetHTTPHeadersOptions) (blob.SetHTTPHeadersResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().SetHTTPHeaders(ctx, HTTPHeaders, o) } // SetMetadata changes a blob's metadata. // https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-metadata. func (pb *Client) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, metadata map[string]*string, o *blob.SetMetadataOptions) (blob.SetMetadataResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().SetMetadata(ctx, metadata, o) } // CreateSnapshot creates a read-only snapshot of a blob. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/snapshot-blob. func (pb *Client) CreateSnapshot(ctx context.Context, o *blob.CreateSnapshotOptions) (blob.CreateSnapshotResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().CreateSnapshot(ctx, o) } // StartCopyFromURL copies the data at the source URL to a blob. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/copy-blob. func (pb *Client) StartCopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copySource string, o *blob.StartCopyFromURLOptions) (blob.StartCopyFromURLResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().StartCopyFromURL(ctx, copySource, o) } // AbortCopyFromURL stops a pending copy that was previously started and leaves a destination blob with 0 length and metadata. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/abort-copy-blob. func (pb *Client) AbortCopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copyID string, o *blob.AbortCopyFromURLOptions) (blob.AbortCopyFromURLResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().AbortCopyFromURL(ctx, copyID, o) } // SetTags operation enables users to set tags on a blob or specific blob version, but not snapshot. // Each call to this operation replaces all existing tags attached to the blob. // To remove all tags from the blob, call this operation with no tags set. // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-tags func (pb *Client) SetTags(ctx context.Context, tags map[string]string, o *blob.SetTagsOptions) (blob.SetTagsResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().SetTags(ctx, tags, o) } // GetTags operation enables users to get tags on a blob or specific blob version, or snapshot. // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob-tags func (pb *Client) GetTags(ctx context.Context, o *blob.GetTagsOptions) (blob.GetTagsResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().GetTags(ctx, o) } // CopyFromURL synchronously copies the data at the source URL to a block blob, with sizes up to 256 MB. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/copy-blob-from-url. func (pb *Client) CopyFromURL(ctx context.Context, copySource string, o *blob.CopyFromURLOptions) (blob.CopyFromURLResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().CopyFromURL(ctx, copySource, o) } // Concurrent Download Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DownloadStream reads a range of bytes from a blob. The response also includes the blob's properties and metadata. // For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob. func (pb *Client) DownloadStream(ctx context.Context, o *blob.DownloadStreamOptions) (blob.DownloadStreamResponse, error) { return pb.BlobClient().DownloadStream(ctx, o) } // DownloadBuffer downloads an Azure blob to a buffer with parallel. func (pb *Client) DownloadBuffer(ctx context.Context, buffer []byte, o *blob.DownloadBufferOptions) (int64, error) { return pb.BlobClient().DownloadBuffer(ctx, shared.NewBytesWriter(buffer), o) } // DownloadFile downloads an Azure blob to a local file. // The file would be truncated if the size doesn't match. func (pb *Client) DownloadFile(ctx context.Context, file *os.File, o *blob.DownloadFileOptions) (int64, error) { return pb.BlobClient().DownloadFile(ctx, file, o) }