{ "resourceType": "PlanDefinition", "id": "exclusive-breastfeeding-intervention-01", "identifier": [ { "use": "official", "value": "exclusive-breastfeeding-intervention-01" } ], "version": "1.0.0", "title": "Exclusive Breastfeeding Intervention-01", "status": "active", "date": "2015-03-08", "description": "Exclusive breastfeeding intervention intended to improve outcomes for exclusive breastmilk feeding of newborns by ensuring that an appropriate breastfeeding readiness assessment order is created if necessary.", "topic": [ { "text": "Exclusive Breastfeeding" } ], "relatedArtifact": [ { "type": "derived-from", "resource": "Measure/measure-exclusive-breastfeeding" } ], "library": [ "Library/library-exclusive-breastfeeding-cds-logic" ], "action": [ { "title": "Mother should be administered a breastfeeding readiness assessment.", "trigger": [ { "type": "named-event", "name": "Admission" }, { "type": "named-event", "name": "Birth" }, { "type": "named-event", "name": "Infant Transfer to Recovery" }, { "type": "named-event", "name": "Transfer to Post-Partum" } ], "condition": [ { "kind": "applicability", "expression": { "language": "text/cql", "expression": "Should Create Assessment Order" } } ], "action": [ { "title": "Create the breastfeeding readiness assessment order.", "textEquivalent": "Administer a breastfeeding readiness assessment.", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "create" } ] }, "dynamicValue": [ { "path": "/", "expression": { "language": "text/cql", "expression": "Create Breastfeeding Risk Assessment" } } ] }, { "title": "Notify the provider to sign the order.", "textEquivalent": "A Breastfeeding Readiness Assessment is recommended, please authorize or reject the order.", "type": { "coding": [ { "code": "create" } ] }, "dynamicValue": [ { "path": "/", "expression": { "language": "text/cql", "expression": "Communication Request to Provider" } } ] } ] } ], "meta": { "tag": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActReason", "code": "HTEST", "display": "test health data" } ] } }