PROJECT_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..')).freeze APP_NAME = 'testapp'.freeze When /^I generate a new rails application$/ do steps %{ When I run `bundle exec rails new #{APP_NAME}` And I cd to "#{APP_NAME}" And I write to "Gemfile" with: """ source "" gem 'rails', '3.0.12' gem 'sqlite3' """ And I successfully run `bundle install --local` } end When /^I configure the application to use "([^\"]+)" from this project$/ do |name| append_to_gemfile "gem '#{name}', :path => '#{PROJECT_ROOT}'" steps %{And I run `bundle install --local`} end When /^I run the rspec generator$/ do steps %{ When I successfully run `rails generate rspec:install` } end When /^I configure the application to use rspec\-rails$/ do append_to_gemfile "gem 'rspec-rails'" steps %{And I run `bundle install --local`} end When /^I configure the application to use shoulda-context$/ do append_to_gemfile "gem 'shoulda-context'" steps %{And I run `bundle install --local`} end When /^I configure the application to use shoulda$/ do append_to_gemfile "gem 'shoulda-matchers', '~> 1.0', :require => false" append_to_gemfile "gem 'shoulda-context', '~> 1.0', :require => false" append_to_gemfile "gem 'shoulda', :path => '../../..'" steps %{And I run `bundle install --local`} end When /^I configure the application to use shoulda-matchers$/ do append_to_gemfile "gem 'shoulda-matchers', '~> 1.0'" steps %{And I run `bundle install --local`} end When /^I configure a wildcard route$/ do steps %{ When I write to "config/routes.rb" with: """ Rails.application.routes.draw do match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))' end """ } end module AppendHelpers def append_to(path, contents) in_current_dir do, "a") do |file| file.puts file.puts contents end end end def append_to_gemfile(contents) append_to('Gemfile', contents) end end World(AppendHelpers)