# encoding: UTF-8
# == This is the global Alchemy configuration file
# === Require SSL for login form and all admin modules
# NOTE: You have to create a SSL certificate on your server to make this work
require_ssl: false
# === Auto Log Out Time
# The amount of time of inactivity in minutes after which the user is kicked out of his current session.
# INFO: This is only active in production environments
auto_logout_time: 30
# === Redirect Options
# redirect_index [Boolean] # You can disable the redirect to first child page for not public pages.
# redirect_to_public_child [Boolean] # Alchemy redirects to the first public child page found, if a page is not visible.
redirect_index: true
redirect_to_public_child: true
# === Enable the Ferret fulltext search engine
# Tip! For best performance and stability install a crontab that reindexes ferrets search index periodly.
# ==== Example:
# cd ~/html/alchemy/current && RAILS_ENV=production rake ferret:rebuild_index
ferret: true
# === Page caching
# Enable/Disable pagecaching globally.
# Hint: You can enable/disable page caching for single Alchemy::PageLayouts in the page_layout.yml file.
cache_pages: true
# === Sitemap
# Alchemy renders a nice HTML (
- style) and XML (Google conform!) Sitemap for you.
# Just place a sitemap element for a page layout in your page_layouts.yml file. Alchemy does the rest.
# ==== Options:
# show_root [Boolean] # Show language root page in sitemap?
# show_flag [Boolean] # Enables the Checkbox in Page#update overlay. So your customer can set the visibilit of pages in the sitemap.
show_root: true
show_flag: false
# === URL nesting
# Since Alchemy 2.6.0 page urls are nested, respectivley to their tree position.
# Disable +url_nesting+ to get slug only urls.
# NOTE: After changing the url_nesting, you should run one of these convert rake task:
# rake alchemy:convert:urlnames:to_nested
# rake alchemy:convert:urlnames:to_slug
url_nesting: true
# === Picture rendering settings
# Alchemy uses Dragonfly to render images. Use {:image_size => "XXXxYYY", :crop => BOOLEAN [true]} to resize images.
# See http://markevans.github.com/dragonfly for further infos.
# ==== Options:
# output_image_jpg_quality [Integer] # If image gets rendered as JPG this is the quality setting for it. (Default 85)
# preprocess_image_resize [String] # Use this option to resize images to that value. Downsizing example: '1000x1000>' (Default nil)
# image_output_format [String] # The global image output format setting.
# TIP: You can always override the output format in the options of your Essence. I.E. {:format => :gif}
output_image_jpg_quality: 85
image_output_format: jpg
# This is the default language for the seeder.
code: de
name: Deutsch
page_layout: intro
frontpage_name: Intro
# === Mailer Settings:
# To send Mails via contact forms you can create your form fields here and set which fields are to be validated.
# === Validating fields:
# Pass the field name as symbol and a message_id (will be translated) to :validate_fields:
# ==== Options:
# page_layout_name: [String] # A +Alchemy::PageLayout+ name. Used to render the contactform on a page with this layout.
# fields: [Array] # An Array of fieldnames.
# validate_fields: [Array] # An Array of fieldnames to be validated on presence.
# ==== Translating validation messages:
# The validation messages are passed through ::I18n.t so you can translate it in your language yml file.
# ==== Example:
# de:
# activemodel:
# attributes:
# alchemy/message:
# firstname: Vorname
page_layout_name: contact
forward_to_page: false
mail_success_page: thanks
mail_from: your.mail@your-domain.com
mail_to: your.mail@your-domain.com
subject: A new contact form message
fields: [salutation, firstname, lastname, address, zip, city, phone, email, message]
validate_fields: [lastname, email]
# === User roles
# You can add own user roles. To set permissions for this roles please add an authorization_rules.rb file in your config folder.
# Further documentation for the auth system used please visit:
# https://github.com/stffn/declarative_authorization/blob/master/README.rdoc
# ==== Translating User roles
# Userroles can be translated inside your the language yml file under:
# alchemy:
# user_roles:
# rolename: Name of the role
user_roles: [registered, author, editor, admin]
# === Uploader Settings
# upload_limit [Integer] # Set an amount of files upload limit of files which can be uploaded at once. Set 0 for unlimited.
# file_size_limit* [Integer] # Set a file size limit in mega bytes for a per file limit.
# *) Allow filetypes to upload. Pass * to allow all kind of files.
upload_limit: 50
file_size_limit: 100
- :jpg
- :jpeg
- :gif
- :png
attachments: ['*']
# === Link Target Options
# Values for the link target selectbox inside the page link overlay.
# The value gets attached as a data-link-target attribute to the link.
# == Example:
# Open all links set to overlay inside an jQuery UI Dialog Window.
# jQuery(a[data-link-target="overlay"]).dialog();
link_target_options: [blank]
# Should pages that redirect to an external url open the link in a new tab/window?
open_external_links_in_new_tab: true
# === Devise modules
# List of Devise modules that should be activated on the user model.
- :database_authenticatable
- :trackable
- :validatable
- :timeoutable
- :recoverable
# - :encryptable # Uncomment this if you are upgrading from an Alchemy version < 2.5.0