3.1.2 (Brainy Betty) 8f49d65b26d47360a36d54262910e016474cd41e o:Sass::Tree::RootNode : @linei:@has_childrenT:@children[1o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode ;i: @value"/* The base font size */: @silenti;[: @options{: @loud0: @lines[o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;i: @guarded" !default;[: @name"base-font-size; @ : @expro:Sass::Script::Number ;i; i; {:@original" 16px:@denominator_units[:@numerator_units["pxo; ;i ; "D/* The base line height is the basic unit of line hightness. */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o; ;i ;" !default;[;"base-line-height; @ ;o; ;i ; i; {;" 24px;[;["pxo; ;i ; ":/* set the default border style for rhythm borders */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o; ;i ;" !default;[;" default-rhythm-border-style; @ ;o:Sass::Script::String ;i ; " solid: @type:identifier; {o; ;i; "=/* The IE font ratio is a fact of life. Deal with it. */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o; ;i;0;[;"ie-font-ratio; @ ;o:Sass::Script::Operation ;i:@operand2o; ;i; ii; {;" 100%;[;["%:@operand1o; ;i; i; @8;" 16px;[;["px; @8:@operator:divo; ;i; "(/* The basic unit of font rhythm */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o; ;i;0;[;"base-rhythm-unit; @ ;o; ;i;o; ;i; i; {;"1em;[;["em;o; ;i;o:Sass::Script::Variable ;i;"base-font-size; @K:@underscored_name"base_font_size;o; ;i;"base-line-height; @K; "base_line_height; @K;;; @K;: timeso; ;i; "g/* The leader is the amount of whitespace in a line. * It might be useful in your calculations */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o; ;i;0;[;"base-leader; @ ;o; ;i;o; ;i;"base-font-size; {; "base_font_size;o; ;i;o; ;i; i; @a;"1em;[;["em;o; ;i;o; ;i;"base-font-size; @a; "base_font_size;o; ;i;"base-line-height; @a; "base_line_height; @a;: minus; @a;;!; @a;;o; ;i; "y/* The half-leader is the amount of whitespace above and below a line. * It might be useful in your calculations */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o; ;i;0;[;"base-half-leader; @ ;o; ;i;o; ;i; i; {;"2;[;[;o; ;i;"base-leader; @y; "base_leader; @y;;o; ;i; "H/* Establishes a font baseline for the given font-size in pixels */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;i;T: @args[[o;;"font-size; {; "font_sizeo; ;i;"base-font-size; @„; "base_font_size;[o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode ;i;T:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence;i:@filename": @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;)[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence;i;(@Œ;)[o:Sass::Selector::Element ;i;(@Œ;[" body:@namespace0: @tabsi;[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ;i ; o; ;i ;o; ;i ;"ie-font-ratio; {; "ie_font_ratio;o; ;i ;"font-size; @š; "font_size; @š;;:@prop_syntax:new;.i;[;["font-size; @ o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;i!:@keywords{;$[o; ;i!; i; {;"1;@{;[o; ;i!;"font-size; @¦; "font_size;[;"adjust-leading-to; @ ; @ : @rule[" bodyo;% ;i#;T;&o;';i#;(";)[o;*;)[o;+;i#;(@²;)[o;, ;i#;(@²;[" html;-0">o;+;i#;(@²;)[o;, ;i#;(@²;[" body;-0;.i;[o;/ ;i$; o; ;i$;"font-size; {; "font_size;0;1;.i;[;["font-size; @ ; @ ;4["html>body;"establish-baseline; @ o; ;i(; "M/* Show a background image that can be used to debug your alignments. */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o;# ;i);T;$[[o;;"img; {; "imgo; ;i); "underline.png;: string; @Ö;[o;/ ;i*; o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;i*;3{;$[o; ;i*;"img; {; "img;"url; @á;0;1;.i;[;["background; @ ;"debug-vertical-alignment; @ o; ;i-; "`/* Adjust a block to have a different font size and leading to maintain the rhythm. * $lines is a number that is how many times the baseline rhythm this * font size should use up. Does not have to be an integer, but it defaults * to the smallest integer that is large enough to fit the font. * Use $from_size to adjust from a non-base font-size. */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o;# ;i2;T;$[[o;;" to-size; {; " to_size0[o;;" lines; @ñ; " lineso;6 ;i2;3{;$[o; ;i2;o; ;i2;"base-line-height; @ñ; "base_line_height;o; ;i2;" to-size; @ñ; " to_size; @ñ;;;" ceil; @ñ[o;;"from-size; @ñ; "from_sizeo; ;i2;"base-font-size; @ñ; "base_font_size;[o;/ ;i3; o; ;i3;o; ;i3;"from-size; {; "from_size;o; ;i3;o; ;i3;" to-size; @; " to_size;o; ;i3; i; @;"1em;[;["em; @;;!; @;;;0;1;.i;[;["font-size; @ o;2 ;i4;3{;$[o; ;i4;" lines; {; " lineso; ;i4;" to-size; @!; " to_size;[;"adjust-leading-to; @ ;"adjust-font-size-to; @ o;# ;i7;T;$[[o;;" lines; {; " lines0[o;;"font-size; @.; "font_sizeo; ;i7;"base-font-size; @.; "base_font_size;[o;/ ;i8; o; ;i8;o; ;i8;"font-size; {; "font_size;o; ;i8;o; ;i8;"base-line-height; @<; "base_line_height;o; ;i8;o; ;i8;" lines; @<; " lines;o; ;i8; i; @<;"1em;[;["em; @<;;!; @<;;!; @<;;;0;1;.i;[;["line-height; @ ;"adjust-leading-to; @ o; ;i;; "!/* Calculate rhythm units */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o:Sass::Tree::FunctionNode ;i?;T;$[[o;;" lines; {; " lineso; ;i=; i; @X;"1;@{;[[o;;"font-size; @X; "font_sizeo; ;i>;"base-font-size; @X; "base_font_size;[o; ;i@;0;[;" rhythm; @ ;o; ;i@;o; ;i@;"font-size; {; "font_size;o; ;i@;o; ;i@;"base-line-height; @k; "base_line_height;o; ;i@;o; ;i@;" lines; @k; " lines;o; ;i@; i; @k;"1em;[;["em; @k;;!; @k;;!; @k;;o:Sass::Tree::ReturnNode ;iA;[; @ ;o; ;iA;" rhythm; {; " rhythm;" rhythm; @ o; ;iD; "#/* Apply leading whitespace */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o;# ;iE;T;$[[o;;" lines; {; " lineso; ;iE; i; @Š;"1;@{;[[o;;"font-size; @Š; "font_sizeo; ;iE;"base-font-size; @Š; "base_font_size[o;;" property; @Š; " propertyo; ;iE; " margin;;; @Š;[o;/ ;iF; o;6 ;iF;3{;$[o; ;iF;" lines; {; " lineso; ;iF;"font-size; @£; "font_size;" rhythm; @£;0;1;.i;[;[o; ;iF;" property; {; " property" -top; @ ;" leader; @ o;# ;iI;T;$[[o;;" lines; {; " lineso; ;iI; i; @¶;"1;@{;[[o;;"font-size; @¶; "font_sizeo; ;iI;"base-font-size; @¶; "base_font_size;[o;2 ;iJ;3{;$[o; ;iJ;" lines; {; " lineso; ;iJ;"font-size; @È; "font_sizeo; ;iJ; " padding;;; @È;[;" leader; @ ;"padding-leader; @ o;# ;iM;T;$[[o;;" lines; {; " lineso; ;iM; i; @×;"1;@{;[[o;;"font-size; @×; "font_sizeo; ;iM;"base-font-size; @×; "base_font_size;[o;2 ;iN;3{;$[o; ;iN;" lines; {; " lineso; ;iN;"font-size; @é; "font_sizeo; ;iN; " margin;;; @é;[;" leader; @ ;"margin-leader; @ o; ;iQ; "$/* Apply trailing whitespace */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o;# ;iR;T;$[[o;;" lines; {; " lineso; ;iR; i; @ü;"1;@{;[[o;;"font-size; @ü; "font_sizeo; ;iR;"base-font-size; @ü; "base_font_size[o;;" property; @ü; " propertyo; ;iR; " margin;;; @ü;[o;/ ;iS; o;6 ;iS;3{;$[o; ;iS;" lines; {; " lineso; ;iS;"font-size; @; "font_size;" rhythm; @;0;1;.i;[;[o; ;iS;" property; {; " property" -bottom; @ ;" trailer; @ o;# ;iV;T;$[[o;;" lines; {; " lineso; ;iV; i; @(;"1;@{;[[o;;"font-size; @(; "font_sizeo; ;iV;"base-font-size; @(; "base_font_size;[o;2 ;iW;3{;$[o; ;iW;" lines; {; " lineso; ;iW;"font-size; @:; "font_sizeo; ;iW; " padding;;; @:;[;" trailer; @ ;"padding-trailer; @ o;# ;iZ;T;$[[o;;" lines; {; " lineso; ;iZ; i; @I;"1;@{;[[o;;"font-size; @I; "font_sizeo; ;iZ;"base-font-size; @I; "base_font_size;[o;2 ;i[;3{;$[o; ;i[;" lines; {; " lineso; ;i[;"font-size; @[; "font_sizeo; ;i[; " margin;;; @[;[;" trailer; @ ;"margin-trailer; @ o; ;i^; "^/* Whitespace application shortcut * Apply top margin/padding + bottom padding/margin */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o;# ;i`;T;$[ [o;;" leader; {; " leadero; ;i`; i; @n;"0;@{;[[o;;"padding-leader; @n; "padding_leadero; ;i`; i; @n;"0;@{;[[o;;"padding-trailer; @n; "padding_trailero; ;i`; i; @n;"0;@{;[[o;;" trailer; @n; " trailero; ;i`; i; @n;"0;@{;[[o;;"font-size; @n; "font_sizeo; ;i`;"base-font-size; @n; "base_font_size;[ o;2 ;ia;3{;$[o; ;ia;" leader; {; " leadero; ;ia;"font-size; @•; "font_size;[;" leader; @ o;2 ;ib;3{;$[o; ;ib;"padding-leader; {; "padding_leadero; ;ib;"font-size; @¡; "font_size;[;"padding-leader; @ o;2 ;ic;3{;$[o; ;ic;"padding-trailer; {; "padding_trailero; ;ic;"font-size; @­; "font_size;[;"padding-trailer; @ o;2 ;id;3{;$[o; ;id;" trailer; {; " trailero; ;id;"font-size; @¹; "font_size;[;" trailer; @ ;" rhythm; @ o; ;ig; "R/* Apply a border width to any side without destroying the vertical rhythm */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o;# ;ih;T;$[ [o;;" side; {; " side0[o;;" width; @Ê; " widtho; ;ih; i; @Ê;"1px;[;["px[o;;" lines; @Ê; " lineso; ;ih; i; @Ê;"1;@{;[[o;;"font-size; @Ê; "font_sizeo; ;ih;"base-font-size; @Ê; "base_font_size[o;;"border-style; @Ê; "border_styleo; ;ih;" default-rhythm-border-style; @Ê; " default_rhythm_border_style;[o;/ ;ii; o;; ";;;T;0;1;.i;[o;/ ;ij; o; ;ij;"border-style; {; "border_style;0;1;.i;[;[" style; @ o;/ ;ik; o; ;ik;o; ;ik;"font-size; {; "font_size;o; ;ik;o; ;ik;" width; @û; " width;o; ;ik; i; @û;"1em;[;["em; @û;;!; @û;;;0;1;.i;[;[" width; @ ;[" border-o; ;ii;" side; {; " side; @ o;/ ;im; o; ;im;o; ;im;o; ;im;" width; {; " width;o; ;im;o; ;im;"base-line-height; @; "base_line_height;o; ;im;" lines; @; " lines; @;;!; @;;";o; ;im;o; ;im;"font-size; @; "font_size;o; ;im; i; @;"1em;[;["em; @;;; @;;!;0;1;.i;[;[" padding-o; ;im;" side; {; " side; @ ;"apply-side-rhythm-border; @ o; ;ip; "4/* Aplly rhythm borders equally to all sides */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o;# ;iq;T;$[ [o;;" width; {; " widtho; ;iq; i; @7;"1px;[;["px[o;;" lines; @7; " lineso; ;iq; i; @7;"1;@{;[[o;;"font-size; @7; "font_sizeo; ;iq;"base-font-size; @7; "base_font_size[o;;"border-style; @7; "border_styleo; ;iq;" default-rhythm-border-style; @7; " default_rhythm_border_style;[o;/ ;ir; o;; ";;;T;0;1;.i;[o;/ ;is; o; ;is;"border-style; {; "border_style;0;1;.i;[;[" style; @ o;/ ;it; o; ;it;o; ;it;"font-size; {; "font_size;o; ;it;o; ;it;" width; @d; " width;o; ;it; i; @d;"1em;[;["em; @d;;!; @d;;;0;1;.i;[;[" width; @ ;[" border; @ o;/ ;iu; o; ;iu;o; ;iu;o; ;iu;" width; {; " width;o; ;iu;o; ;iu;"base-line-height; @y; "base_line_height;o; ;iu;" lines; @y; " lines; @y;;!; @y;;";o; ;iu;o; ;iu;"font-size; @y; "font_size;o; ;iu; i; @y;"1em;[;["em; @y;;; @y;;!;0;1;.i;[;[" padding; @ ;"rhythm-borders; @ o; ;ix; "(/* Apply a leading rhythm border */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o;# ;iy;T;$[ [o;;" width; {; " widtho; ;iy; i; @˜;"1px;[;["px[o;;" lines; @˜; " lineso; ;iy; i; @˜;"1;@{;[[o;;"font-size; @˜; "font_sizeo; ;iy;"base-font-size; @˜; "base_font_size[o;;"border-style; @˜; "border_styleo; ;iy;" default-rhythm-border-style; @˜; " default_rhythm_border_style;[o;2 ;iz;3{;$[ o; ;iz; "top;;; {o; ;iz;" width; @º; " widtho; ;iz;" lines; @º; " lineso; ;iz;"font-size; @º; "font_sizeo; ;iz;"border-style; @º; "border_style;[;"apply-side-rhythm-border; @ ;"leading-border; @ o; ;i}; ")/* Apply a trailing rhythm border */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o;# ;i~;T;$[ [o;;" width; {; " widtho; ;i~; i; @Ó;"1px;[;["px[o;;" lines; @Ó; " lineso; ;i~; i; @Ó;"1;@{;[[o;;"font-size; @Ó; "font_sizeo; ;i~;"base-font-size; @Ó; "base_font_size[o;;"border-style; @Ó; "border_styleo; ;i~;" default-rhythm-border-style; @Ó; " default_rhythm_border_style;[o;2 ;i;3{;$[ o; ;i; " bottom;;; {o; ;i;" width; @õ; " widtho; ;i;" lines; @õ; " lineso; ;i;"font-size; @õ; "font_sizeo; ;i;"border-style; @õ; "border_style;[;"apply-side-rhythm-border; @ ;"trailing-border; @ o; ;i}; "9/* Apply both leading and trailing rhythm borders */; i;[; @ ; 0;[o;# ;i~;T;$[ [o;;" width; {; " widtho; ;i~; i; @;"1px;[;["px[o;;" lines; @; " lineso; ;i~; i; @;"1;@{;[[o;;"font-size; @; "font_sizeo; ;i~;"base-font-size; @; "base_font_size[o;;"border-style; @; "border_styleo; ;i~;" default-rhythm-border-style; @; " default_rhythm_border_style;[o;2 ;i;3{;$[ o; ;i;" width; {; " widtho; ;i;" lines; @0; " lineso; ;i;"font-size; @0; "font_sizeo; ;i;"border-style; @0; "border_style;[;"leading-border; @ o;2 ;i€;3{;$[ o; ;i€;" width; {; " widtho; ;i€;" lines; @B; " lineso; ;i€;"font-size; @B; "font_sizeo; ;i€;"border-style; @B; "border_style;[;"trailing-border; @ ;"horizontal-borders; @ o;# ;iƒ;T;$[ [o;;" width; {; " widtho; ;iƒ; i; @U;"1px;[;["px[o;;" lines; @U; " lineso; ;iƒ; i; @U;"1;@{;[[o;;"font-size; @U; "font_sizeo; ;iƒ;"base-font-size; @U; "base_font_size[o;;"border-style; @U; "border_styleo; ;iƒ;" default-rhythm-border-style; @U; " default_rhythm_border_style;[o;2 ;i„;3{;$[ o; ;i„;" width; {; " widtho; ;i„;" lines; @w; " lineso; ;i„;"font-size; @w; "font_sizeo; ;i„;"border-style; @w; "border_style;[;"horizontal-borders; @ ;"h-borders; @ ; @ :@template"4// The base font size $base-font-size: 16px !default; // The base line height is the basic unit of line hightness. $base-line-height: 24px !default; // set the default border style for rhythm borders $default-rhythm-border-style: solid !default; // The IE font ratio is a fact of life. Deal with it. $ie-font-ratio: 16px / 100%; // The basic unit of font rhythm $base-rhythm-unit: $base-line-height / $base-font-size * 1em; // The leader is the amount of whitespace in a line. // It might be useful in your calculations $base-leader: ($base-line-height - $base-font-size) * 1em / $base-font-size; // The half-leader is the amount of whitespace above and below a line. // It might be useful in your calculations $base-half-leader: $base-leader / 2; // Establishes a font baseline for the given font-size in pixels @mixin establish-baseline($font-size: $base-font-size) { body { font-size: $font-size / $ie-font-ratio; @include adjust-leading-to(1, $font-size); } html>body { font-size: $font-size; } } // Show a background image that can be used to debug your alignments. @mixin debug-vertical-alignment($img: 'underline.png') { background: url($img); } // Adjust a block to have a different font size and leading to maintain the rhythm. // $lines is a number that is how many times the baseline rhythm this // font size should use up. Does not have to be an integer, but it defaults // to the smallest integer that is large enough to fit the font. // Use $from_size to adjust from a non-base font-size. @mixin adjust-font-size-to($to-size, $lines: ceil($to-size / $base-line-height), $from-size: $base-font-size) { font-size: 1em * $to-size / $from-size; @include adjust-leading-to($lines, $to-size); } @mixin adjust-leading-to($lines, $font-size: $base-font-size) { line-height: 1em * $lines * $base-line-height / $font-size; } // Calculate rhythm units @function rhythm( $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size ) { $rhythm: 1em * $lines * $base-line-height / $font-size; @return $rhythm; } // Apply leading whitespace @mixin leader($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $property: margin) { #{$property}-top: rhythm($lines, $font-size); } @mixin padding-leader($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size) { @include leader($lines, $font-size, padding); } @mixin margin-leader($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size) { @include leader($lines, $font-size, margin); } // Apply trailing whitespace @mixin trailer($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $property: margin) { #{$property}-bottom: rhythm($lines, $font-size); } @mixin padding-trailer($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size) { @include trailer($lines, $font-size, padding); } @mixin margin-trailer($lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size) { @include trailer($lines, $font-size, margin); } // Whitespace application shortcut // Apply top margin/padding + bottom padding/margin @mixin rhythm($leader: 0, $padding-leader: 0, $padding-trailer: 0, $trailer: 0, $font-size: $base-font-size) { @include leader($leader, $font-size); @include padding-leader($padding-leader, $font-size); @include padding-trailer($padding-trailer, $font-size); @include trailer($trailer, $font-size); } // Apply a border width to any side without destroying the vertical rhythm @mixin apply-side-rhythm-border($side, $width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { border-#{$side}: { style: $border-style; width: 1em * $width / $font-size; }; padding-#{$side}: 1em / $font-size * ($lines * $base-line-height - $width); } // Aplly rhythm borders equally to all sides @mixin rhythm-borders($width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { border: { style: $border-style; width: 1em * $width / $font-size; }; padding: 1em / $font-size * ($lines * $base-line-height - $width); } // Apply a leading rhythm border @mixin leading-border($width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @include apply-side-rhythm-border(top, $width, $lines, $font-size, $border-style); } // Apply a trailing rhythm border @mixin trailing-border($width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @include apply-side-rhythm-border(bottom, $width, $lines, $font-size, $border-style); } // Apply both leading and trailing rhythm borders @mixin horizontal-borders($width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @include leading-border($width, $lines, $font-size, $border-style); @include trailing-border($width, $lines, $font-size, $border-style); } @mixin h-borders($width: 1px, $lines: 1, $font-size: $base-font-size, $border-style: $default-rhythm-border-style) { @include horizontal-borders($width, $lines, $font-size, $border-style); }