class NaiveBayesClassifier attr_reader :num_categories, :prior_token_count, :prior_category_counts attr_accessor :category_names # Parameters # ---------- # num_categories: number of categories we want to classify. # prior_category_counts: array of parameters for a Dirichlet prior that we place on the prior probabilities of each category. (In other words, these are "virtual counts" of the number of times we have seen each category previously.) Set the array to all 0's if you want to use maximum likelihood estimates. Defaults to uniform reals from the unit interval if nothing is set. # prior_token_count: parameter for a beta prior that we place on p(token|category). (In other words, this is a "virtual count" of the number of times we have seen each token previously.) Set to 0 if you want to use maximum likelihood estimates. def initialize(options = {}) options = {:num_categories => 2, :prior_token_count => 0.0001}.merge(options) @num_categories = options[:num_categories] @prior_token_count = options[:prior_token_count] @prior_category_counts = options[:prior_category_counts] || { rand } @category_names = options[:category_names] || (0..num_categories-1).map(&:to_s).to_a # `@token_counts[category][token]` is the (weighted) number of times we have seen `token` with this category. @token_counts = do { |h, token| h[token] = 0 } end # `@total_token_counts[category]` is always equal to `@token_counts[category].sum`. @total_token_counts =, 0) # `@category_counts[category]` is the (weighted) number of training examples we have seen with this category. @category_counts =, 0) end # Given a labeled training example (i.e., an array of tokens and its probability of belonging to a certain category), update the parameters of the Naive Bayes model. # Parameters # ---------- # example: an array of tokens. # category_index: the index of the category this example belongs to. # probability: the probability that the example belongs to the category. # def train(example, category_index, probability = 1) example.each do |token| @token_counts[category_index][token] += probability @total_token_counts[category_index] += probability end @category_counts[category_index] += probability end # Performs a Naive Bayes EM algorithm with two classes. def self.train_em(max_epochs, training_examples) prev_classifier = max_epochs.times do classifier = # E-M training training_examples.each do |example| # E-step: for each training example, recompute its classification probabilities. posterior_category_probs = prev_classifier.get_posterior_category_probabilities(example) # M-step: for each category, recompute the probability of generating each token. posterior_category_probs.each_with_index do |p, category| classifier.train(example, category, p) end end prev_classifier = classifier # TODO: add a convergence check, so we can break out early if we want. end return prev_classifier end # Returns the *index* (not the name) of the category the tokens are classified under. def classify(tokens) max_prob, max_category = -1, -1 if tokens.empty? # If the example is empty, find the category with the highest prior probability. (0..@num_categories - 1).each do |i| prior_prob = get_prior_category_probability(i) max_prob, max_category = prior_prob, i if prior_prob > max_prob end else # Otherwise, find the category with the highest posterior probability. get_posterior_category_probabilities(tokens).each_with_index do |prob, category| max_prob, max_category = prob, category if prob > max_prob end end return max_category end # Returns p(category | token), for each category, in an array. def get_posterior_category_probabilities(tokens) unnormalized_posterior_probs = (0..@num_categories-1).map do |category| p = { |token| get_token_probability(token, category) }.reduce(:*) # p(tokens | category) p * get_prior_category_probability(category) # p(tokens | category) * p(category) end normalization = unnormalized_posterior_probs.reduce(:+) normalization = 1 if normalization == 0 return{ |p| p / normalization } end # Returns p(token | category). def get_token_probability(token, category_index) denom = @total_token_counts[category_index] + @token_counts[category_index].size * @prior_token_count if denom == 0 return 0 else return ((@token_counts[category_index][token] || 0) + @prior_token_count).to_f / denom end end # Returns p(category). def get_prior_category_probability(category_index) denom = @category_counts.reduce(:+) + @prior_category_counts.reduce(:+) if denom == 0 return 0 else return (@category_counts[category_index] + @prior_category_counts[category_index]).to_f / denom end end end