import React from 'react' import { Avatar, Caption, Card, Flex, FlexItem, Icon, Layout, MultipleUsers, Timestamp, Title, } from '../../' const LayoutKanban = (props) => { return (
{'Queue'} {'Design Homepage'} {'Change Old App Icon'} {'In Progress'} {'Dashboard Updates'} {'Usability Testing'} {'New Icons'} {'Validation'} {'Build Full Page Example'} {'Design System Documentation'} {'Prop Bug'} {'Discovery Session'} {'Design Exploration'} {'Fix Sketch Bugs'} {'Test Out Figma'} {'Ship New Feature'} {'Meet with Client'} {'Re-engineer Old Modal'} {'Setup Permissions'} {'Build Prototype'} {'Collaborate with Team'} {'Interview Candidates'} {'Run Testing Suite'} {'Live Coding Session'} {'All Hands Meeting'} {'Growth Engineering Meeting'} {'Done'} {'Re-rendering Bug'} {'Gather Resources'} {'Another Column'} {'All Hands Meeting'} {'Growth Engineering Meeting'} {'Another Column'} {'All Hands Meeting'} {'Pairing'} {'Another Column'} {'Design Session'} {'UX Engineering Meeting'}
) } export default LayoutKanban