== 2016-10-19 version 0.3.26

* Allow msgpack v1.x

== 2016-01-19 version 0.3.25

* can use unique_key when post td
* can set the timing of buffering
* can configurate buffering valiables

== 2014-11-18 version 0.3.24

* Pass all option hash's arguments to the td-client library to support
  switching of API endpoints

== 2013-09-20 version 0.3.23

* Add TreasureDataLogger#flush to flush stored events immediatedly

== 2013-08-02 version 0.3.22

* Support Rails 4

== 2013-06-17 version 0.3.21

* Update dependent gem versions

== 2013-02-26 version 0.3.20

* Use https scheme for rubygems source
* Add test_mode

== 2013-02-13 version 0.3.19

* Add :use_ssl option for uploading the events over SSL connection.

== 2012-12-26 version 0.3.18

* Change msgpack dependency version == 0.4.7 for avoding 0.4.8 yanked issue.
  issue #8

== 2012-12-11 version 0.3.17

* Use at_exit to prevent SEGV on exit. issue #5
* Add example config for Heroku users

== 2012-11-17 version 0.3.16

* Disable logger when the key for the ennvironment is missing. issue #6

== 2012-11-14 version 0.3.15

* Removing InstanceMethods as it is deprecated in Rails 3.2 and
  yields warning. issue #3
* Add ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#to_msgpack. issue #4

== 2012-07-26 version 0.3.14

* Rails agent assumes TREASURE_DATA_YML environment variable is an
  absolute path if it starts with '/'

== 2012-07-26 version 0.3.13

* Rails agent supports TREASURE_DATA_YML environment variable to change
  configuration file path from 'config/treasure_data.yml'

== 2012-05-31 version 0.3.12

* TreasureDataLogger#close shows a error message if upload failed
  instead of raising errors
* TreasureDataLogger#close deletes uploaded queue entry
* Changed increment storategy of flush_interval from += 10 to ** 2

== 2012-03-12 version 0.3.11

* Added TD.event.post_with_time(action, record, time) method

== 2012-03-05 version 0.3.10

* Fixed 'ConditionVariable' is not defined problem
* Compress buffer chunk in memory

== 2012-03-05 version 0.3.9

* Fixed Event.use feature

== 2012-02-24 version 0.3.8

* Supports for EngineYard Add-on users
* Limit length of upload queue upto 50

== 2011-11-11 version 0.3.7

* Use bundler for packaging
* Fixed Config.load_file
* Fixed compatibility with ruby 1.8

== 2011-11-11 version 0.3.6

* Show big warning message when disabling logger
* Increased upload retry limit to 12

== 2011-11-10 version 0.3.5

* Write logs to STDERR instead of Rails.logger

== 2011-11-10 version 0.3.4

* Raise error database name or table name is invalid

== 2011-11-10 version 0.3.3

* Validate database name and table name before queuing events

== 2011-11-10 version 0.3.2

* Include 'action' column for all preset events

== 2011-11-07 version 0.3.1

* Added "debug_mode: true" option in config/treasure_data.yml
* Updated fluent-logger to v0.4.1

== 2011-11-05 version 0.3.0

* Added new API: TD.event
* Added event presets: TD.event.register, login, pay
* Added feature to add set attributes to all events: TD.event.attribute
* Stop to log access logs
* Use NullLogger when logger is disabled

== 2011-10-17 version 0.2.8

* Access logger checks to_msgpack for each values and nested values

== 2011-10-09 version 0.2.7

* Access logger checks respond_to?(:to_msgpack) for each values of params

== 2011-10-06 version 0.2.6

* Divided 'uri' column into 'path' and 'host' columns in access logs
* Access log merges params which are not filtered by config.filter_parameters
* Access logger doesn't overwrite exist keys even if its value is null
* Access log uses 'agent' column instead of 'ua' which is same as
  '$ td import --format=apache'
* Run IO threads lazily for Unicorn and Passenger

== 2011-09-30 version 0.2.5

* Use HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR instead of REMOTE_ADDR if it's available
* Don't enable ActiveRecord extension unless defined?(ActiveRecord)
* Ignore OPTIONS method
* Use Symbol for keys of access log
* Removed defined?(RAILS_ENV) and defined?(RAILS_ROOT) to suppress wornings

== 2011-09-13 version 0.2.4

* Increase flush_interval from 10 sec to 5 mins gradually
* Flush buffered logs when Rails stops
* Adds 'elapsed' column to access logs
* Use TREASURE_DATA_API_KEY environment variable by default
* Enable event logger if apikey is available with default database name
  and access log table name

== 2011-09-08 version 0.2.3

* Loggers use STDERR instead of STDOUT
* Use flush_interval 5 min.

== 2011-09-08 version 0.2.2

* Use ERB before loading conf/treasure_data.yml

== 2011-09-03 version 0.2.1

* Logs HTTP method, URI and UA by default in access log.
* Fixes Rails 3.1 compatibility

== 2011-08-28 version 0.2.0

* Rewritten
* Supported access logging: td_access_log or TreasureData.access_log
* Supported model change logging: td_enable_model_tracer
* Supported other logging: TreasureData.log

== 2011-08-21 version 0.1.1

* Updated library dependencies

== 2011-08-21 version 0.1.1

* Added missing lib/td-logger.rb file
* Fixed description of the gem

== 2011-08-21 version 0.1.0

* First release