require 'oscar' require 'vagrant' require 'vagrant-hosts' class Oscar::Node class << self def addrole(name, &block) @roles ||= {} @roles[name] = block end def getrole(name) @roles[name] if @roles end end addrole(:base) do |node| = @boxname if @forwards @forwards.each { |h| node.vm.forward_port h["source"], h["dest"] } end :hostonly, @address # Add in optional per-node configuration node.vm.box_url = @boxurl if @boxurl node.vm.boot_mode = @gui if @gui host_entries = @networking.hosts_for(self) #node.vm.provision :shell do |shell| # shell.inline = %{grep "#{entry}" /etc/hosts || echo "#{entry}" >> /etc/hosts} #end node.vm.provision :hosts do |h| host_entries.each { |(address, aliases)| h.add_host address, aliases } end node.vm.provision :puppet_enterprise_bootstrap do |pe| pe.role = @role if @role end end addrole(:master) do |node| # Manifests and modules need to be mounted on the master via shared folders, # but the default /vagrant mount has permissions and ownership that conflicts # with the master and pe-puppet. We mount these folders separately with # loosened permissions. node.vm.share_folder 'manifests', '/manifests', './manifests', :extra => 'fmode=644,dmode=755,fmask=022,dmask=022' node.vm.share_folder 'modules', '/modules', './modules', :extra => 'fmode=644,dmode=755,fmask=022,dmask=022' # Boost RAM for the master so that activemq doesn't asplode node.vm.customize([ "modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "1024" ]) end attr_accessor :address attr_writer :networking # Callback attribute for retrieving hosts attr_reader :name, :boxname, :boxurl, :role attr_reader :forwards # really? def initialize(yaml_attrs) @attrs = yaml_attrs @name = @attrs["name"] @address = @attrs["address"] @role = @attrs["role"].intern if @attrs["role"] @boxurl = @attrs["boxurl"] @boxname = @attrs["boxname"] @forwards = @attrs["forwards"] @gui = @attrs["gui"] end def define(config) blk = lambda do |config| config.vm.define @name do |node| instance_exec(node, &(self.class.getrole(:base))) if (blk = self.class.getrole(@role)) instance_exec(node, &blk) end end end end end