# encoding: utf-8 require "amq/client/async/entity" require "amq/client/queue" require "amq/client/exchange" module AMQ module Client module Async class Channel # # Behaviours # extend RegisterEntityMixin include Entity extend ProtocolMethodHandlers register_entity :queue, AMQ::Client::Queue register_entity :exchange, AMQ::Client::Exchange # # API # DEFAULT_REPLY_TEXT = "Goodbye".freeze attr_reader :id attr_reader :exchanges_awaiting_declare_ok, :exchanges_awaiting_delete_ok attr_reader :queues_awaiting_declare_ok, :queues_awaiting_delete_ok, :queues_awaiting_bind_ok, :queues_awaiting_unbind_ok, :queues_awaiting_purge_ok, :queues_awaiting_get_response attr_reader :consumers_awaiting_consume_ok, :consumers_awaiting_cancel_ok attr_accessor :flow_is_active def initialize(connection, id, options = {}) super(connection) @id = id @exchanges = Hash.new @queues = Hash.new @consumers = Hash.new @options = { :auto_recovery => connection.auto_recovering? }.merge(options) @auto_recovery = (!!@options[:auto_recovery]) # we must synchronize frameset delivery. MK. @mutex = Mutex.new reset_state! # 65536 is here for cases when channel is opened without passing a callback in, # otherwise channel_mix would be nil and it causes a lot of needless headaches. # lets just have this default. MK. channel_max = if @connection.open? @connection.channel_max || 65536 else 65536 end if channel_max != 0 && !(0..channel_max).include?(id) raise ArgumentError.new("Max channel for the connection is #{channel_max}, given: #{id}") end end # @return [Boolean] true if this channel uses automatic recovery mode def auto_recovering? @auto_recovery end # auto_recovering? # @return [Hash<String, Consumer>] def consumers @consumers end # consumers # @return [Array<Queue>] Collection of queues that were declared on this channel. def queues @queues.values end # @return [Array<Exchange>] Collection of exchanges that were declared on this channel. def exchanges @exchanges.values end # AMQP connection this channel belongs to. # # @return [AMQ::Client::Connection] Connection this channel belongs to. def connection @connection end # connection # Synchronizes given block using this channel's mutex. # @api public def synchronize(&block) @mutex.synchronize(&block) end # @group Channel lifecycle # Opens AMQP channel. # # @api public def open(&block) @connection.send_frame(Protocol::Channel::Open.encode(@id, AMQ::Protocol::EMPTY_STRING)) @connection.channels[@id] = self self.status = :opening self.redefine_callback :open, &block end alias reopen open # Closes AMQP channel. # # @api public def close(reply_code = 200, reply_text = DEFAULT_REPLY_TEXT, class_id = 0, method_id = 0, &block) @connection.send_frame(Protocol::Channel::Close.encode(@id, reply_code, reply_text, class_id, method_id)) self.redefine_callback :close, &block end # @endgroup # @group Message acknowledgements # Acknowledge one or all messages on the channel. # # @api public # @see files.travis-ci.org/docs/amqp/0.9.1/AMQP091Reference.pdf AMQP 0.9.1 protocol reference (Section def acknowledge(delivery_tag, multiple = false) @connection.send_frame(Protocol::Basic::Ack.encode(self.id, delivery_tag, multiple)) self end # acknowledge(delivery_tag, multiple = false) # Reject a message with given delivery tag. # # @api public # @see files.travis-ci.org/docs/amqp/0.9.1/AMQP091Reference.pdf AMQP 0.9.1 protocol reference (Section def reject(delivery_tag, requeue = true) @connection.send_frame(Protocol::Basic::Reject.encode(self.id, delivery_tag, requeue)) self end # reject(delivery_tag, requeue = true) # Notifies AMQ broker that consumer has recovered and unacknowledged messages need # to be redelivered. # # @return [Channel] self # # @note RabbitMQ as of 2.3.1 does not support basic.recover with requeue = false. # @see files.travis-ci.org/docs/amqp/0.9.1/AMQP091Reference.pdf AMQP 0.9.1 protocol reference (Section # @api public def recover(requeue = true, &block) @connection.send_frame(Protocol::Basic::Recover.encode(@id, requeue)) self.redefine_callback :recover, &block self end # recover(requeue = false, &block) # @endgroup # @group QoS and flow handling # Requests a specific quality of service. The QoS can be specified for the current channel # or for all channels on the connection. # # @note RabbitMQ as of 2.3.1 does not support prefetch_size. # @api public def qos(prefetch_size = 0, prefetch_count = 32, global = false, &block) @connection.send_frame(Protocol::Basic::Qos.encode(@id, prefetch_size, prefetch_count, global)) self.redefine_callback :qos, &block self end # qos # Asks the peer to pause or restart the flow of content data sent to a consumer. # This is a simple flowcontrol mechanism that a peer can use to avoid overflowing its # queues or otherwise finding itself receiving more messages than it can process. Note that # this method is not intended for window control. It does not affect contents returned to # Queue#get callers. # # @param [Boolean] active Desired flow state. # # @see files.travis-ci.org/docs/amqp/0.9.1/AMQP091Reference.pdf AMQP 0.9.1 protocol reference (Section # @api public def flow(active = false, &block) @connection.send_frame(Protocol::Channel::Flow.encode(@id, active)) self.redefine_callback :flow, &block self end # flow(active = false, &block) # @return [Boolean] True if flow in this channel is active (messages will be delivered to consumers that use this channel). # # @api public def flow_is_active? @flow_is_active end # flow_is_active? # @endgroup # @group Transactions # Sets the channel to use standard transactions. One must use this method at least # once on a channel before using #tx_tommit or tx_rollback methods. # # @api public def tx_select(&block) @connection.send_frame(Protocol::Tx::Select.encode(@id)) self.redefine_callback :tx_select, &block self end # tx_select(&block) # Commits AMQP transaction. # # @api public def tx_commit(&block) @connection.send_frame(Protocol::Tx::Commit.encode(@id)) self.redefine_callback :tx_commit, &block self end # tx_commit(&block) # Rolls AMQP transaction back. # # @api public def tx_rollback(&block) @connection.send_frame(Protocol::Tx::Rollback.encode(@id)) self.redefine_callback :tx_rollback, &block self end # tx_rollback(&block) # @endgroup # @group Error handling # Defines a callback that will be executed when channel is closed after # channel-level exception. # # @api public def on_error(&block) self.define_callback(:error, &block) end # Defines a callback that will be executed after TCP connection is interrupted (typically because of a network failure). # Only one callback can be defined (the one defined last replaces previously added ones). # # @api public def on_connection_interruption(&block) self.redefine_callback(:after_connection_interruption, &block) end # on_connection_interruption(&block) alias after_connection_interruption on_connection_interruption # @private def handle_connection_interruption(method = nil) @queues.each { |name, q| q.handle_connection_interruption(method) } @exchanges.each { |name, e| e.handle_connection_interruption(method) } self.exec_callback_yielding_self(:after_connection_interruption) self.reset_state! end # handle_connection_interruption # Defines a callback that will be executed after TCP connection has recovered after a network failure # but before AMQP connection is re-opened. # Only one callback can be defined (the one defined last replaces previously added ones). # # @api public def before_recovery(&block) self.redefine_callback(:before_recovery, &block) end # before_recovery(&block) # @private def run_before_recovery_callbacks self.exec_callback_yielding_self(:before_recovery) @queues.each { |name, q| q.run_before_recovery_callbacks } @exchanges.each { |name, e| e.run_before_recovery_callbacks } end # Defines a callback that will be executed after AMQP connection has recovered after a network failure. # Only one callback can be defined (the one defined last replaces previously added ones). # # @api public def on_recovery(&block) self.redefine_callback(:after_recovery, &block) end # on_recovery(&block) alias after_recovery on_recovery # @private def run_after_recovery_callbacks self.exec_callback_yielding_self(:after_recovery) @queues.each { |name, q| q.run_after_recovery_callbacks } @exchanges.each { |name, e| e.run_after_recovery_callbacks } end # Called by associated connection object when AMQP connection has been re-established # (for example, after a network failure). # # @api plugin def auto_recover return unless auto_recovering? self.open do # exchanges must be recovered first because queue recovery includes recovery of bindings. MK. @exchanges.each { |name, e| e.auto_recover } @queues.each { |name, q| q.auto_recover } end end # auto_recover # @endgroup # # Implementation # def register_exchange(exchange) raise ArgumentError, "argument is nil!" if exchange.nil? @exchanges[exchange.name] = exchange end # register_exchange(exchange) # Finds exchange in the exchanges cache on this channel by name. Exchange only exists in the cache if # it was previously instantiated on this channel. # # @param [String] name Exchange name # @return [AMQ::Client::Exchange] Exchange (if found) # @api plugin def find_exchange(name) @exchanges[name] end # @api plugin # @private def register_queue(queue) raise ArgumentError, "argument is nil!" if queue.nil? @queues[queue.name] = queue end # register_queue(queue) # @api plugin # @private def find_queue(name) @queues[name] end RECOVERY_EVENTS = [:after_connection_interruption, :before_recovery, :after_recovery].freeze # @api plugin # @private def reset_state! @flow_is_active = true @queues_awaiting_declare_ok = Array.new @exchanges_awaiting_declare_ok = Array.new @queues_awaiting_delete_ok = Array.new @exchanges_awaiting_delete_ok = Array.new @queues_awaiting_purge_ok = Array.new @queues_awaiting_bind_ok = Array.new @queues_awaiting_unbind_ok = Array.new @consumers_awaiting_consume_ok = Array.new @consumers_awaiting_cancel_ok = Array.new @queues_awaiting_get_response = Array.new @callbacks = @callbacks.delete_if { |k, v| !RECOVERY_EVENTS.include?(k) } end # reset_state! # @api plugin # @private def handle_open_ok(open_ok) self.status = :opened self.exec_callback_once_yielding_self(:open, open_ok) end # @api plugin # @private def handle_close_ok(close_ok) self.status = :closed self.connection.clear_frames_on(self.id) self.exec_callback_once_yielding_self(:close, close_ok) end # @api plugin # @private def handle_close(channel_close) self.status = :closed self.connection.clear_frames_on(self.id) self.exec_callback_yielding_self(:error, channel_close) end self.handle(Protocol::Channel::OpenOk) do |connection, frame| channel = connection.channels[frame.channel] channel.handle_open_ok(frame.decode_payload) end self.handle(Protocol::Channel::CloseOk) do |connection, frame| method = frame.decode_payload channels = connection.channels channel = channels[frame.channel] channels.delete(channel) channel.handle_close_ok(method) end self.handle(Protocol::Channel::Close) do |connection, frame| method = frame.decode_payload channels = connection.channels channel = channels[frame.channel] connection.send_frame(Protocol::Channel::CloseOk.encode(frame.channel)) channel.handle_close(method) end self.handle(Protocol::Basic::QosOk) do |connection, frame| channel = connection.channels[frame.channel] channel.exec_callback(:qos, frame.decode_payload) end self.handle(Protocol::Basic::RecoverOk) do |connection, frame| channel = connection.channels[frame.channel] channel.exec_callback(:recover, frame.decode_payload) end self.handle(Protocol::Channel::FlowOk) do |connection, frame| channel = connection.channels[frame.channel] method = frame.decode_payload channel.flow_is_active = method.active channel.exec_callback(:flow, method) end self.handle(Protocol::Tx::SelectOk) do |connection, frame| channel = connection.channels[frame.channel] channel.exec_callback(:tx_select, frame.decode_payload) end self.handle(Protocol::Tx::CommitOk) do |connection, frame| channel = connection.channels[frame.channel] channel.exec_callback(:tx_commit, frame.decode_payload) end self.handle(Protocol::Tx::RollbackOk) do |connection, frame| channel = connection.channels[frame.channel] channel.exec_callback(:tx_rollback, frame.decode_payload) end end # Channel end # Async end # Client end # AMQ