/** * Switch between different views using tabs. * * @param {string} [options.defaultTab] * Name of the tab to enable by default. * * @param {string[]} [options.translationKeyPrefixes] * List of prefixes to append tab name to. First exisiting translation is used as label. * * @param {string} [options.fallbackTranslationKeyPrefix] * Translation key prefix to use if non of the `translationKeyPrefixes` result in an * existing translation for a tab name. * * @param {string} [options.i18n] * Legacy alias for `fallbackTranslationKeyPrefix`. * * @class * @memberof module:pageflow/ui */ pageflow.TabsView = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({ template: 'pageflow/ui/templates/tabs_view', className: 'tabs_view', ui: { headers: '.tabs_view-headers', scroller: '.tabs_view-scroller' }, regions: { container: '.tabs_view-container' }, events: { 'click .tabs_view-headers > li': function(event) { this.changeTab($(event.target).data('tab-name')); } }, initialize: function() { this.tabFactoryFns = {}; this.tabNames = []; this.currentTabName = null; this._refreshScrollerOnSideBarResize(); }, tab: function(name, factoryFn) { this.tabFactoryFns[name] = factoryFn; this.tabNames.push(name); }, onRender: function() { _.each(this.tabNames, function(name) { var label = pageflow.i18nUtils.findTranslation(this._labelTranslationKeys(name)); this.ui.headers.append( $('
  • ') .attr('data-tab-name', name) .text(label) ); }, this); this.scroller = new IScroll(this.ui.scroller[0], { scrollX: true, scrollY: false, bounce: false, mouseWheel: true, preventDefault: false, }); this.changeTab(this.defaultTab()); }, changeTab: function(name) { this.container.show(this.tabFactoryFns[name]()); this._updateActiveHeader(name); this.currentTabName = name; }, defaultTab: function() { if (_.include(this.tabNames, this.options.defaultTab)) { return this.options.defaultTab; } else { return _.first(this.tabNames); } }, /** * Rerender current tab. */ refresh: function() { this.changeTab(this.currentTabName); }, /** * Adjust tabs scroller to changed width of view. */ refreshScroller: function() { this.scroller.refresh(); }, toggleSpinnerOnTab: function(name, visible) { this.$('[data-tab-name=' + name + ']').toggleClass('spinner', visible); }, _labelTranslationKeys: function(name) { var result =_.map(this.options.translationKeyPrefixes, function(prefix) { return prefix + '.' + name; }); if (this.options.i18n) { result.push(this.options.i18n + '.' + name); } if (this.options.fallbackTranslationKeyPrefix) { result.push(this.options.fallbackTranslationKeyPrefix + '.' + name); } return result; }, _updateActiveHeader: function(activeTabName) { var scroller = this.scroller; this.ui.headers.children().each(function() { if ($(this).data('tab-name') === activeTabName) { scroller.scrollToElement(this, 200, true); $(this).addClass('active'); } else { $(this).removeClass('active'); } }); }, _refreshScrollerOnSideBarResize: function() { if (pageflow.app) { this.listenTo(pageflow.app, 'resize', function() { this.scroller.refresh(); }); } } });