require 'shellwords' require 'rbconfig' class PDFKit class NoExecutableError < StandardError def initialize msg = "No wkhtmltopdf executable found at #{PDFKit.configuration.wkhtmltopdf}\n" msg << ">> Please install wkhtmltopdf -" super(msg) end end class ImproperSourceError < StandardError def initialize(msg) super("Improper Source: #{msg}") end end attr_accessor :source, :stylesheets attr_reader :options def initialize(url_file_or_html, options = {}) @source = @stylesheets = [] @options = PDFKit.configuration.default_options.merge(options) @options.delete(:quiet) if PDFKit.configuration.verbose? @options.merge! find_options_in_meta(url_file_or_html) unless source.url? @options = normalize_options(@options) raise unless File.exists?(PDFKit.configuration.wkhtmltopdf) end def command(path = nil) args = @options.to_a.flatten.compact shell_escaped_command = [executable, shell_escape_for_os(args)].join ' ' # In order to allow for URL parameters (e.g. we do # not escape the source. The user is responsible for ensuring that no vulnerabilities exist # in the source. Please see input_for_command = @source.to_input_for_command output_for_command = path ? Shellwords.shellescape(path) : '-' "#{shell_escaped_command} #{input_for_command} #{output_for_command}" end def executable default = PDFKit.configuration.wkhtmltopdf return default if default !~ /^\// # its not a path, so nothing we can do if File.exist?(default) default else default.split('/').last end end def to_pdf(path=nil) append_stylesheets invoke = command(path) result = IO.popen(invoke, "wb+") do |pdf| pdf.puts(@source.to_s) if @source.html? pdf.close_write pdf.gets(nil) if path.nil? end # $? is thread safe per # raise "command failed (exitstatus=#{$?.exitstatus}): #{invoke}" if empty_result?(path, result) or !successful?($?) return result end def to_file(path) self.to_pdf(path) end protected # Pulled from: # REPEATABLE_OPTIONS = %w[--allow --cookie --custom-header --post --post-file --run-script] SPECIAL_OPTIONS = %w[cover toc] def find_options_in_meta(content) # Read file if content is a File content = if content.is_a?(File) found = {} content.scan(/]*>/) do |meta| if meta.match(/name=["']#{PDFKit.configuration.meta_tag_prefix}/) name = meta.scan(/name=["']#{PDFKit.configuration.meta_tag_prefix}([^"']*)/)[0][0].split found[name] = meta.scan(/content=["']([^"'\\]+)["']/)[0][0] end end tuple_keys = { |k| k.is_a? Array } tuple_keys.each do |key| value = found.delete key new_key = key.shift found[new_key] ||= {} found[new_key][key] = value end found end def style_tag_for(stylesheet) "" end def append_stylesheets raise'Stylesheets may only be added to an HTML source') if stylesheets.any? && !@source.html? stylesheets.each do |stylesheet| if @source.to_s.match(/<\/head>/) @source =<\/head>)/) {|s| style_tag_for(stylesheet) + s }) else @source.to_s.insert(0, style_tag_for(stylesheet)) end end end def normalize_options(options) normalized_options = {} options.each do |key, value| next if !value # The actual option for wkhtmltopdf normalized_key = normalize_arg key normalized_key = "--#{normalized_key}" unless SPECIAL_OPTIONS.include?(normalized_key) # If the option is repeatable, attempt to normalize all values if REPEATABLE_OPTIONS.include? normalized_key normalize_repeatable_value(normalized_key, value) do |normalized_unique_key, normalized_value| normalized_options[normalized_unique_key] = normalized_value end else # Otherwise, just normalize it like usual normalized_options[normalized_key] = normalize_value(value) end end normalized_options end def normalize_arg(arg) arg.to_s.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/,'-') end def normalize_value(value) case value when nil nil when TrueClass, 'true' #ie, ==true, see nil when Hash value.to_a.flatten.collect{|x| normalize_value(x)}.compact when Array value.flatten.collect{|x| x.to_s} else (host_is_windows? && value.to_s.index(' ')) ? "'#{ value.to_s }'" : value.to_s end end def normalize_repeatable_value(option_name, value) case value when Hash, Array value.each do |(key, val)| yield [[option_name, normalize_value(key)], normalize_value(val)] end else yield [[option_name, normalize_value(value)], nil] end end def successful?(status) return true if status.success? # Some of the codes: # returned when assets are missing (404): return true if status.exitstatus == 2 && error_handling? false end def empty_result?(path, result) (path && File.size(path) == 0) || (path.nil? && result.to_s.strip.empty?) end def error_handling? @options.key?('--ignore-load-errors') || # wkhtmltopdf v0.10.0 beta4 replaces ignore-load-errors with load-error-handling # %w(skip ignore).include?(@options['--load-error-handling']) end def host_is_windows? @host_is_windows ||= !(RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|msys|mingw|cygwin|bccwin|wince/).nil? end def shell_escape_for_os(args) if (host_is_windows?) # Windows reserved shell characters are: & | ( ) < > ^ # See { |arg| arg.gsub(/([&|()<>^])/,'^\1') }.join(" ") else args.shelljoin end end end