#coding: utf-8 module Reckon class CSVParser attr_accessor :options, :csv_data, :money_column_indices, :date_column_index, :description_column_indices, :money_column, :date_column def initialize(options = {}) self.options = options self.options[:currency] ||= '$' @csv_data = parse(options[:string] || File.read(options[:file]), options[:file]) filter_csv detect_columns end def columns @columns ||= begin last_row_length = nil csv_data.inject([]) do |memo, row| unless row.all? { |i| i.nil? || i.length == 0 } row.each_with_index do |entry, index| memo[index] ||= [] memo[index] << (entry || '').strip end last_row_length = row.length end memo end end end def date_for(index) @date_column.for(index) end def pretty_date_for(index) @date_column.pretty_for( index ) end def money_for(index) @money_column[index] end def pretty_money(amount, negate = false) Money.new( amount, @options ).pretty( negate ) end def pretty_money_for(index, negate = false) money = money_for(index) return 0 if money.nil? money.pretty(negate) end def description_for(index) description_column_indices.map { |i| columns[i][index].to_s.strip } .reject(&:empty?) .join("; ") .squeeze(" ") .gsub(/(;\s+){2,}/, '') .strip end def row(index) csv_data[index].join(", ") end private def filter_csv if options[:ignore_columns] new_columns = [] columns.each_with_index do |column, index| new_columns << column unless options[:ignore_columns].include?(index + 1) end @columns = new_columns end end def evaluate_columns(cols) results = [] found_likely_money_column = false cols.each_with_index do |column, index| money_score = date_score = possible_neg_money_count = possible_pos_money_count = 0 last = nil column.reverse.each_with_index do |entry, row_from_bottom| row = csv_data[csv_data.length - 1 - row_from_bottom] entry = entry.strip money_score += Money::likelihood( entry ) possible_neg_money_count += 1 if entry =~ /^\$?[\-\(]\$?\d+/ possible_pos_money_count += 1 if entry =~ /^\+?\$?\+?\d+/ date_score += 10 if entry =~ /\b(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)/i date_score += 5 if entry =~ /^[\-\/\.\d:\[\]]+$/ date_score += entry.gsub(/[^\-\/\.\d:\[\]]/, '').length if entry.gsub(/[^\-\/\.\d:\[\]]/, '').length > 3 date_score -= entry.gsub(/[\-\/\.\d:\[\]]/, '').length date_score += 30 if entry =~ /^\d+[:\/\.-]\d+[:\/\.-]\d+([ :]\d+[:\/\.]\d+)?$/ date_score += 10 if entry =~ /^\d+\[\d+:GMT\]$/i # Try to determine if this is a balance column entry_as_num = entry.gsub(/[^\-\d\.]/, '').to_f if last && entry_as_num != 0 && last != 0 row.each do |row_entry| row_entry = row_entry.to_s.gsub(/[^\-\d\.]/, '').to_f if row_entry != 0 && last + row_entry == entry_as_num money_score -= 10 break end end end last = entry_as_num end if possible_neg_money_count > (column.length / 5.0) && possible_pos_money_count > (column.length / 5.0) money_score += 10 * column.length found_likely_money_column = true end results << { :index => index, :money_score => money_score, :date_score => date_score } end results.sort_by! { |n| -n[:money_score] } # check if it looks like a 2-column file with a balance field if results.length >= 3 && results[1][:money_score] + results[2][:money_score] >= results[0][:money_score] results[1][:is_money_column] = true results[2][:is_money_column] = true else results[0][:is_money_column] = true end return results.sort_by { |n| n[:index] } end def found_double_money_column(id1, id2) self.money_column_indices = [id1, id2] puts "It looks like this CSV has two seperate columns for money, one of which shows positive" puts "changes and one of which shows negative changes. If this is true, great. Otherwise," puts "please report this issue to us so we can take a look!\n" end # Some csv files negative/positive amounts are indicated in separate account def detect_sign_column return if columns[0].length <= 2 # This test needs requires more than two rows otherwise will lead to false positives signs = [] if @money_column_indices[0] > 0 column = columns[ @money_column_indices[0] - 1 ] signs = column.uniq end if (signs.length != 2 && (@money_column_indices[0] + 1 < columns.length)) column = columns[ @money_column_indices[0] + 1 ] signs = column.uniq end if signs.length == 2 negative_first = true negative_first = false if signs[0] == "Bij" || signs[0].downcase =~ /^cr/ # look for known debit indicators @money_column.each_with_index do |money, i| if negative_first && column[i] == signs[0] @money_column[i] = -money elsif !negative_first && column[i] == signs[1] @money_column[i] = -money end end end end def detect_columns results = evaluate_columns(columns) if options[:money_column] self.money_column_indices = [ options[:money_column] - 1 ] else self.money_column_indices = results.select { |n| n[:is_money_column] }.map { |n| n[:index] } if self.money_column_indices.length == 1 puts "Using column #{money_column_indices.first + 1} as the money column. Use --money-colum to specify a different one." elsif self.money_column_indices.length == 2 found_double_money_column(*self.money_column_indices) else puts "Unable to determine a money column, use --money-column to specify the column reckon should use." end end results.reject! { |i| money_column_indices.include?(i[:index]) } if options[:date_column] @date_column_index = options[:date_column] - 1 else # sort by highest score followed by lowest index @date_column_index = results.max_by { |n| [n[:date_score], -n[:index]] }[:index] end results.reject! { |i| i[:index] == date_column_index } @date_column = DateColumn.new(columns[date_column_index], @options) @money_column = MoneyColumn.new(columns[money_column_indices[0]], @options) if money_column_indices.length == 1 detect_sign_column if @money_column.positive? else @money_column.merge! MoneyColumn.new(columns[money_column_indices[1]], @options) end self.description_column_indices = results.map { |i| i[:index] } end def parse(data, filename=nil) # Use force_encoding to convert the string to utf-8 with as few invalid characters # as possible. data.force_encoding(try_encoding(data, filename)) data = data.encode('UTF-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '?') data.sub!("\xEF\xBB\xBF", '') # strip byte order marker, if it exists rows = [] data.each_line.with_index do |line, i| next if i < (options[:contains_header] || 0) rows << CSV.parse_line(line, col_sep: options[:csv_separator] || ',') end rows end def try_encoding(data, filename = nil) encoding = try_encoding_from_file(filename) cd = CharDet.detect(data) encoding ||= cd['encoding'] encoding ||= 'BINARY' LOGGER.info("suggested file encoding: #{encoding}") options[:encoding] || encoding end def try_encoding_from_file(filename = nil) return unless filename m = nil os = Gem::Platform.local.os if os == 'linux' m = `file -i #{filename}`.match(/charset=(\S+)/) elsif os == 'darwin' m = `file -I #{filename}`.match(/charset=(\S+)/) end m && m[1] end end end