batch_multiple_indices: android: | ```java List array = new ArrayList<>(); array.add(new JSONObject() .put("action", "addObject") .put("indexName", "index1") .put("body", new JSONObject() .put("firstname", "Jimmie") .put("lastname", "Barninger") ) ); array.add(new JSONObject() .put("action", "updateObject") .put("indexName", "index1") .put("body", new JSONObject() .put("objectID", "myID2") .put("firstname", "Max") .put("lastname", "Barninger") ) ); array.add(new JSONObject() .put("action", "partialUpdateObject") .put("indexName", "index1") .put("body", new JSONObject() .put("objectID", "myID3") .put("lastname", "McFarway") ) ); array.add(new JSONObject() .put("action", "partialUpdateObjectNoCreate") .put("indexName", "index1") .put("body", new JSONObject() .put("objectID", "myID4") .put("firstname", "Warren") ) ); array.add(new JSONObject() .put("action", "deleteObject") .put("indexName", "index2") .put("body", new JSONObject() .put("objectID", "myID5") ) ); client.batchAsync(new JSONArray(array), null); ``` csharp: | ```csharp List> operations = new List> { new BatchOperation { Action = BatchActionType.AddObject, IndexName = "index1", Body = new Contact { FirstName = "Jimmie", LastName = "Barninger" } }, new BatchOperation { Action = BatchActionType.UpdateObject, IndexName = "index1", Body = new Contact { ObjectID = "myID2", FirstName = "Max", LastName = "Barninger" } }, new BatchOperation { Action = BatchActionType.PartialUpdateObject, IndexName = "index1", Body = new Contact { ObjectID = "myID3", LastName = "McFarway" } }, new BatchOperation { Action = BatchActionType.PartialUpdateObjectNoCreate, IndexName = "index1", Body = new Contact { ObjectID = "myID4", LastName = "Warren" } }, new BatchOperation { Action = BatchActionType.DeleteObject, IndexName = "index2", Body = new Contact { ObjectID = "myID5" } } }; client.MultipleBatch(operations); // Asynchronous client.MultipleBatchAsync(operations); ``` go: | ```go operations := []algoliasearch.BatchOperationIndexed{ { IndexName: "index1", BatchOperation: algoliasearch.BatchOperation{ Action: "addObject", Body: algoliasearch.Map{ "firstname": "Jimmie", "lastname": "Barninger", }, }, }, { IndexName: "index1", BatchOperation: algoliasearch.BatchOperation{ Action: "updateObject", Body: algoliasearch.Map{ "objectID": "myID2", "firstname": "Max", "lastname": "Barninger", }, }, }, { IndexName: "index1", BatchOperation: algoliasearch.BatchOperation{ Action: "partialUpdateObject", Body: algoliasearch.Map{ "objectID": "myID3", "lastname": "McFarway", }, }, }, { IndexName: "index1", BatchOperation: algoliasearch.BatchOperation{ Action: "partialUpdateObjectNoCreate", Body: algoliasearch.Map{ "objectID": "myID4", "firstname": "Warren", }, }, }, { IndexName: "index2", BatchOperation: algoliasearch.BatchOperation{ Action: "deleteObject", Body: algoliasearch.Map{ "objectID": "myID5", }, }, }, } res, err := client.Batch(operations) ``` java: | ```java // Sync and Async version client.batch(Arrays.asList( new BatchAddObjectOperation<>( "index1", new Contact().setFirstName("Jimmie").setLastName("Barninger") ), new BatchUpdateObjectOperation<>( "index1", new Contact().setObjectID("myID2").setFirstName("Max").setLastName("Barninger") ), new BatchPartialUpdateObjectOperation<>( "index1", new Contact().setObjectID("myID3").setLastName("McFarway") ), new BatchPartialUpdateObjectNoCreateOperation<>( "index1", new Contact().setObjectID("myID4").setFirstName("Warren") ), new BatchDeleteObjectOperation( "index2", "myID5" ) )); ``` javascript: | ```js client.batch([ { action: 'addObject', indexName: 'index1', body: { firstname: 'Jimmie', lastname: 'Barninger' } }, { action: 'updateObject', indexName: 'index1', body: { objectID: 'myID2', firstname: 'Max', lastname: 'Barninger' } }, { action: 'partialUpdateObject', indexName: 'index1', body: { objectID: 'myID3', lastname: 'McFarway' } }, { action: 'partialUpdateObjectNoCreate', indexName: 'index1', body: { objectID: 'myID4', firstname: 'Warren' } }, { action: 'deleteObject', indexName: 'index2', body: { objectID: 'myID5' } } ], function(err, content) { if (err) throw err; console.log(content); }) ``` php: | ```php $res = $client->multipleBatch( [ [ 'action' => 'addObject', 'indexName' => 'index1', 'body' => [ 'firstname' => 'Jimmie', 'lastname' => 'Barninger' ] ], [ 'action' => 'updateObject', 'indexName' => 'index1', 'body' => [ 'objectID' => 'myID2', 'firstname' => 'Max', 'lastname' => 'Barninger' ] ], [ 'action' => 'partialUpdateObject', 'indexName' => 'index1', 'body' => [ 'objectID' => 'myID3', 'lastname' => 'McFarway' ] ], [ 'action' => 'partialUpdateObjectNoCreate', 'indexName' => 'index1', 'body' => [ 'objectID' => 'myID4', 'firstname' => 'Warren' ] ], [ 'action' => 'deleteObject', 'indexName' => 'index2', 'body' => [ 'objectID' => 'myID5' ] ] ] ); ``` python: | ```python res = client.multiple_batch([ { 'action': 'addObject', 'indexName': 'index1', 'body': { 'firstname': 'Jimmie', 'lastname': 'Barninger' } }, { 'action': 'updateObject', 'indexName': 'index1', 'body': { 'objectID': 'myID2', 'firstname': 'Max', 'lastname': 'Barninger' } }, { 'action': 'partialUpdateObject', 'indexName': 'index1', 'body': { 'objectID': 'myID3', 'lastname': 'McFarway' } }, { 'action': 'partialUpdateObjectNoCreate', 'indexName': 'index1', 'body': { 'objectID': 'myID4', 'firstname': 'Warren' } }, { 'action': 'deleteObject', 'indexName': 'index2', 'body': { 'objectID': 'myID5' } } ]) ``` ruby: | ```ruby res = client.batch([ { 'action': 'addObject', 'indexName': 'index1', 'body': { 'firstname': 'Jimmie', 'lastname': 'Barninger' } }, { 'action': 'updateObject', 'indexName': 'index1', 'body': { 'objectID': 'myID2', 'firstname': 'Max', 'lastname': 'Barninger' } } { 'action': 'partialUpdateObject', 'indexName': 'index1', 'body': { 'objectID': 'myID3', 'lastname': 'McFarway' } } { 'action': 'partialUpdateObjectNoCreate', 'indexName': 'index1', 'body': { 'objectID': 'myID4', 'firstname': 'Warren' } } { 'action': 'deleteObject', 'indexName': 'index2', 'body': { 'objectID': 'myID5' } } ]) ``` scala: | ```scala client.execute { batch( index into "index1" `object` Contact("", "Jimmie", "Barninger"), index into "index1" `object` ContactWithObjectID("myID2", "Max", "Barninger"), partialUpdate from "index1" `object` ContactWithObjectID("myID3", "", "McFarway"), partialUpdate from "index1" `object` ContactWithObjectID("myID4", "Warren", "") createIfNotExists false, delete from "index2" objectId "myID5" ) } ``` swift: | ```swift let operations: [JSONObject] = [ [ "action": "addObject", "indexName": "index1", "body": [ "firstname": "Jimmie", "lastname": "Barninger" ] ], [ "action": "updateObject", "indexName": "index1", "body": [ "objectID": "myID2", "firstname": "Max", "lastname": "Barninger" ] ], [ "action": "partialUpdateObject", "indexName": "index1", "body": [ "objectID": "myID3", "lastname": "McFarway" ] ], [ "action": "partialUpdateObjectNoCreate", "indexName": "index1", "body": [ "objectID": "myID4", "firstname": "Warren" ] ], [ "action": "deleteObject", "indexName": "index2", "body": [ "objectID": "myID5" ] ] ] client.batch(operations: operations) { (content, error) in // Handle response } ``` batch_multiple_indices_with_extra_headers: android: | ```java List array = new ArrayList<>(); array.add(new JSONObject() .put("action", "addObject") .put("indexName", "index1") .put("body", new JSONObject() .put("firstname", "Jimmie") .put("lastname", "Barninger") ) ); array.add(new JSONObject() .put("action", "addObject") .put("indexName", "index2") .put("body", new JSONObject() .put("firstname", "Warren") .put("lastname", "Speach") ) ); client.batchAsync( new JSONArray(array), new RequestOptions().setHeader("X-Algolia-User-ID", ""), null ); ``` csharp: | ```csharp RequestOptions requestOptions = new RequestOptions { Headers = new Dictionary{ { "X-Algolia-User-ID", "user123" } } }; List> operations = new List> { new BatchOperation { Action = BatchActionType.AddObject, IndexName = "index1", Body = new Contact { FirstName = "Jimmie", LastName = "Barninger" } }, new BatchOperation { Action = BatchActionType.AddObject, IndexName = "index1", Body = new Contact { FirstName = "Warren", LastName = "Speach" } } }; client.MultipleBatch(operations, requestOptions); // Asynchronous client.MultipleBatchAsync(operations, requestOptions); ``` go: | ```go person := algoliasearch.Map{ "firstname": "Jimmie", "lastname": "Barninger", } operation := algoliasearch.BatchOperation{ Action: "addObject", Body: person, } operations := []algoliasearch.BatchOperationIndexed{ {IndexName: "prodIndex", BatchOperation: operation}, {IndexName: "devIndex", BatchOperation: operation}, } opts := &algoliasearch.RequestOptions{ ExtraHeaders: map[string]string{ "X-Algolia-User-ID": "userID2", }, } res, err := client.BatchWithRequestOptions(operations, opts) ``` java: | ```java // Sync and Async version client.batch( Arrays.asList( new BatchAddObjectOperation<>( "index1", new Contact().setFirstName("Jimmie").setLastName("Barninger") ), new BatchAddObjectOperation<>( "index2", new Contact().setFirstName("Warren").setLastName("Speach") ) ), new RequestOptions().addExtraHeader("X-Algolia-User-ID", "user123") ); ``` javascript: | ```js client.setExtraHeader('X-FORWARDED-FOR', ''); client.batch([ { action: 'addObject', indexName: 'index1', body: { firstname: 'Jimmie', lastname: 'Barninger' } }, { action: 'addObject', indexName: 'index2', body: { firstname: 'Warren', lastname: 'Speach' } } ], function(err, content) { if (err) throw err; console.log(content); }) ``` php: | ```php $operations = [ [ 'action' => 'addObject', 'indexName' => 'index1', 'body' => [ 'firstname' => 'Jimmie', 'lastname' => 'Barninger' ] ], [ 'action' => 'addObject', 'indexName' => 'index2', 'body' => [ 'firstname' => 'Warren', 'lastname' => 'Speach' ] ] ]; $res = $client->multipleBatch($operations, [ 'X-FORWARDED-FOR' => '' ]); ``` python: | ```python res = client.multiple_batch( [ { 'action': 'addObject', 'indexName': 'index1', 'body': {'firstname': 'Jimmie', 'lastname': 'Barninger'} }, { 'action': 'addObject', 'indexName': 'index2', 'body': {'firstname': 'Warren', 'lastname': 'Speach'} } ], { 'X-FORWARDED-FOR': '' } ) ``` ruby: | ```ruby operations = [ { 'action': 'addObject', 'indexName': 'index1', 'body': {'firstname': 'Jimmie', 'lastname': 'Barninger'} }, { 'action': 'addObject', 'indexName': 'index2', 'body': {'firstname': 'Warren', 'lastname': 'Speach'} } ] extra_headers = { 'X-FORWARDED-FOR': '' } res = client.batch(operations, extra_headers) ``` scala: | ```scala client.execute { batch( index into "index1" `object` Contact("Jimmie", "Barninger"), index into "index2" `object` Contact("Warren", "Speach") ) options RequestOptions(extraHeaders = Some( Map("X-Algolia-User-ID" => "user123")) ) } ``` swift: | ```swift let operations: [JSONObject] = [ [ "action": "addObject", "indexName": "index1", "body": [ "firstname": "Jimmie", "lastname": "Barninger" ] ], [ "action": "addObject", "indexName": "index2", "body": [ "firstname": "Warren", "lastname": "Speach" ] ] ] let requestOptions = RequestOptions() requestOptions.headers["X-Algolia-User-ID"] = "user123" client.batch(operations: operations, requestOptions: requestOptions) { (content, error) in // Handle response } ```