= Papermill * Asset management made easy, 10 minutes integration. * All-you-can-eat glue around Polymorphic Paperclip table, SWFUpload & JQuery. * Associate any image or list of images with any model and any key. == Install the gem sudo gem install papermill == Try the demo rails -m http://github.com/bbenezech/papermill/raw/master/demo.txt papermill-example === Out-of-the-box compatibility with : * Formtastic # use :as => :[image|asset](s)_upload * JGrowl # for notifications (included) * FaceBox # for popups (included) * Stringex # (or any String#to_url) for asset filename/url generation === Navigator minimal requirements: * IE6+ * Flash 9+ * Javascript ON Check your audience. === Server requirements: * Rails 2.3.4 * Paperclip 2.3 * Front web server serving static assets if present, and forwarding demand to rails if not. Any classic installation will do that by default. * NOT compatible with Heroku/S3 == Installation === Once gem is installed Generate the migration ./script/generate papermill_table PapermillMigration Edit it and migrate rake db:migrate Copy static assets to your public directory ./script/generate papermill_assets Create the option file config/initializers/papermill.rb ./script/generate papermill_initializer Go have a look at config/initializers/papermill.rb === In environment.rb ... Rails::Initializer.run do |config| ... config.gem papermill end === In your layout ==== Quick version Inside
<%= papermill_stylesheet_tag %> Before(best practice for javascript loading) <%= papermill_javascript_tag :with_jquery => "no_conflict" %> You don't need :with_jquery if load it by yourself. Pass "no_conflict" if you use the default Prototype library, or some other '$' library (mootools..) ==== In a real-world production application, you could use something like this, and adapt it to your own needs Inside
<% unless @content_for_papermill_inline_js.blank? %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "/facebox/facebox.js", "/jgrowl/jquery.jgrowl_minimized.js", "/papermill/jquery.Jcrop.min.js", "/swfupload/swfupload.js", "/papermill/papermill.js", :cache => "papermill" %>
<% end %>
<% unless @content_for_papermill_inline_js.blank? %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag("/facebox/facebox.css", "/jgrowl/jquery.jgrowl.css", "/Jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.css", "/papermill/papermill.css", :cache => "papermill") %>
<% end %>
== Security
=== URL-hacking
Maybe you don't want users to use your application as a thumbnailing farm for their own uploaded images, or you have protected members areas and you don't want users to 'browse' others members file.
* Brute solution: pass :use_url_key to true in the options (config/initializers/papermill.rb). A crypted hash unique to your application and to each asset and to the requested style will be added to the URL. No more happy-guessing of anything. Do that first before going live, or you'll have to migrate all assets...
* pass :alias_only to true. This will disable the possibility to generate thumbnails with a papermill string in the url, but won't do anything for the member area thing. Plus you will have to use aliases only, form helpers included (pass :thumbnail => { :style => :some_alias })
== Usage
Assetable is the class that has_many papermill_assets (i.e. the class with the papermill declaration)
=== Assetable declaration
You can have a generic association and as many declarative associations as you want in your model. Papermill will always use specific if found.
class Article
papermill :images
papermill :pdf_version
papermill :cover_image
papermill :illustrations
=== Form helpers
Example form:
form_for @assetable do
# I need a simple asset upload field :
f.asset_upload :pdf_version
# Now I need to be able to upload as many documents as I need, and sort them at will
# no document should be bigger than 1MB (respect the quoting!)
# and I don't want the mass_edit feature
f.assets_upload :documentation, :swfupload => { :file_size_limit => "'1 MB'" }, :mass_edit => false
# I need to display *one* cover *image*, format will be 200x200
# targetted_size will give the uploader hints when cropping the image after upload : desired display size and wanted aspect-ratio.
# Better than cropping automatically in the center if the character's head is in the upper-left corner..
# :thumbnail => { :width & :height } set the dimensions of the preview thumbnail
# And finally, I need a 200x200# crop for preview, not the default 200x200> that would be generated by default ("#{:width}x#{:heigth}>")
f.image_upload :cover_image, :targetted_size => "200x200", :thumbnail => { :width => 200, :height => 200, :style => "200x200#" }
# Now the image gallery, sortable.
# I use :gallery => { :lines & :columns } to give the number of lines/columns,
# and some CSS will be generated to size the gallery perfectly,
# according to the thumb size inside the gallery and their padding/margin/border sizes.
# the number of lines will increase if needed when uploading
f.images_upload :illustrations, {
:thumbnail => {
:width => 100,
:height => 70
:gallery => {
:columns => 8, # number of columns
:lines => 2, # number of lines
:vpadding => 2, # vertical padding around each thumb
:hpadding => 2, # horizontal one
:vmargin => 3, # vertical margin
:hmargin => 1, # horizontal one
:border_thickness => 2 # border size around each thumb
With Formtastic, pass
:as => (:image_upload | :images_upload | :asset_upload | :assets_upload)
And add your options as you would with the normal helpers.
With FormTagHelpers, use (image_upload_tag | images_upload_tag | asset_upload_tag | assets_upload_tag) @assetable, :key, options
image_upload_tag @article, :cover_image, :targetted_size => "200x200"
=== Asset editing
* double-click on any uploaded asset in any form-helper to access & edit his properties
* then double-click image to crop it if it's an image. You'll then access a Jcrop window. Pass :targetted_size => "widthxheigth" to lock aspect-ratio and default the selection size to widthxheigth.
=== Thumbnails
==== On-the-fly request time processing:
PapermillAsset#url(papermill string (see 1.)) # path and url behave the same way
PapermillAsset#url(papermill alias (see 2.))
Pros: fast. Nothing done upon page rendering. If asset isn't found by Apache/NGinx, then request is passed to rails, which will create it, once.
Cons: need to setup an alias in the options if you want to define use a hash instead of a papermill string (for custom watermark)
==== Render time processing:
PapermillAsset#url!(papermill string (see 1.)) # path! and url! behave the same way
PapermillAsset#url!(papermill alias (see 2.))
PapermillAsset#url!(papermill hash (see 3.))
Pros: can use a hash directly in the url call.
Cons: needs a thumbnail presence check at each render.
==== 1. Papermill String
Consist of:
* an ImageMagick geometry string (ex: "100x100>", "original", "100x#", etc.)
* an optional watermark (-wm) flag # will use option[:watemark] for URI
* an optional copyright (©) flag # will use copyright text after the "©" or options[:copyright]
image_tag @article.covers.first.url("100x100")
image_tag @article.covers.first.url("original©")
image_tag @article.covers.first.url("100x100#-wm©")
image_tag @article.covers.first.url("100x200#©papermill")
==== 2. Papermill Alias
Those are application-wide, set them in the options
Consist of:
:geometry => "ImageMagick-geometry-string"
:copyright => true | "copyright" # If true, the asset copyright field will be used. Edit the asset.
:watermark => URI | true # If true, will use options[:watemark]
# snip
:aliases => {
:thumb_copyrighted => {
:geometry => "100x100",
:copyright => "papermill",
:thumb_copyrighted_dynamically => {
:geometry => "100x100",
:copyright => true
:thumb_watermarked_with_rails => {
:width => "100",
:height => "100",
:watermark => "/images/rails.png"
Then in your views, simply do
image_tag @article.covers.first.url(:thumb_copyrighted)
==== 3. Papermill Hash
Same as aliases, but defined directly in #url!()
Plus you can add a :name that will be used for style-name (defaults to a md5 of the hash)
image_tag @article.covers.first.url(
:geometry => "100x100",
:watermark => "/images/rails.png",
:copyright => "papermill",
:name => "thumbnail_watermarked_and_copyrighted"
=== Resource access
Papermill generates an #